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Int. J. Engng Sci. Vol. 29, No. 1, pp. 37-46, 1991 0020-7225/91 $3.00+ 0.

Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved Copyright 0 1991Pergamon Press plc


Institute of Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics, Academy of Sciences, 290053, Lvov,
Naukova 3-6. U.S.S.R.

Abstract-Time-dependent geometric objects of three-dimensional space of non-metric connection

and two-dimensional surface embedded in such space are interpreted in terms of the continuum
theory of moving imperfections (dislocations, disclinations and extra-matter).


Creation and development of continuum theory of dislocations and disclinations is closely

associated with ideas and methods of non-Euclidean and non-Riemannian geometry. In the
geometrical interpretation of the continuum theory of lattice defects Kondo [l] and
independently Bilby et al. [2] identified the Cartan torsion tensor with the disclocation density,
Kondo [3] and Kriiner [4] established the correspondence between the extra-matter and the
Riemann-Christoffel curvature tensor, Anthony [5] used the latter to describe disclinations.
The subject has been extensively developed by Kriiner [6], Bilby [7], Pobedrya [8], Kondo [9],
Zorawski [lo], De Wit [ll], among others. Bilby et al. [12] and Anthony [13-151 used
non-metric geometry to describe extra-matter. Non-metric theory was used by Minagawa
[16,17] to study defects in Cosserat continuum, Falk [18] invoked it to describe the influence of
inclusions on elastic behavior of material. Minagawa [19] also considered dual stress-function
space with non-metric connection.
The above-mentioned authors considered static imperfections. The first four-dimensional
geometrical studies of moving dislocations were carried out by Amari [20] and Gunther [21]
(see also [22,23]). Minagawa [24] included the theory of stress-function space in four-
dimensional space-time geometry.
At the same time, we are of the opinion that four-dimensional approach to the theory of
imperfections is a matter of some difficulty connected with physical interpretation of
mathematically obtained formal results. For instance, we fail to supplement in invariant
manner components of physical three-dimensional tensors to components of formal four-
dimensional ones; three-dimensional interpretation of non-linear four-dimensional equations
leads to problems of invariance character too. The existence of several sound velocities and the
possibility of supersonic dislocation motion don’t testify on behalf of four-dimensional
approach. The additional considerations can be found also in [25]. It seems to us that
three-dimensional approach (with time as a parameter) developed in [26,27] gives the
possibility to obviate these difficulties. In the present paper the results of [26,27] are
generalized to include non-metric connection.
It is known that the surface layers of material have their own defect structure which differs
from that in a bulk [28-311. Discontinuities of dislocations and surface dislocations were used
by Bullough and Bilby [32] in a treatment of the theory of the crystallography of martensitic
transformations. Utilizing dislocation notions Marcinkowski [33] discussed grain boundaries,
Volkov et al. [34] developed the theory of internal surfaces as autonomous elements of defect
structure in crystals, Braynin et al. [35] studied difference dislocations in interfaces. Harris [36]
considered discrete surface dislocations and disclinations of the Weingarten-Volterra type and
referred to liquid crystals and biological objects as possible fields of application of these ideas.
Using such geometrical characteristics of three-dimensional space as the torsion and curvature
tensors, the anholonomic object, Marcinkowski [37,38] described the dislocation structure of
internal surfaces. Investigation of dislocations, disclinations and extra-matter in shells is also

one of the applications of the continuum theory of surface defects. In the present paper the
basic equations of the mathematical theory of defects in two-dimensional continuum are
obtained using differential geometry of a surface embedded in three-dimensional space of
non-metric time-dependent connection.


In Euclidean space an arbitrary tensor T with typical arrangement of indices can be

represented as T = T!,,,ak @ am, where ak and a”’ are vectors of basis and dual basis. Partial
derivative of tensor T with respect to the coordinate 5’ is expressed in terms of covariant
- = ViTk,a, @ am (2.1)

I .m =d.Tk
V.Tk I.rn -I-Tp (2.2)

are the Christoffel

After the transition from Euclidean

symbols of the second

space to non-Euclidean
kind for the metric tensor

one the covariant derivative


defined by the following formula

ViTag = a; Tk, + T~mri:, - Tiptop (2.3)

The coefficients of connection I$ are expressed in terms of the Christoffel symbols

, the Cartan torsion tensor
s:*k = Fk. (2.4)

and the covariant derivative of the metric tensor

Qiik = - vigjk (2.5)

by the relation [39]

I-; = +s;&+ 5’;‘:; - Sy up + ~(Q~~k + Qp~ ; - Qf’;p). (2.6)
I iP 1

Covariant differentiation is not commutative

ViViTk, - ViViTk, = T~,R,,’ k - T~pR,,P - 2S;,.PVpT~, (2.7)

with the Riemann-Christoffel curvature tensor given by

R;jp’k = 2(+Fip + FE ,,,F;,) (2.8)
We utilize the usual notations: ( ) and [ ] means to calculate the symmetric and antisymmetric
parts with respect to the indices enclosed; if indices have to singled out, the sign 1 ) is used.
Tensors S, R, Q satisfy the Bianchi-Padova relations [39]

V,Jjilm = i Riijkin+ 2Si;jpSkjpm (2.9)

V~;R$,,’ = 2Si;jPRijb,’ (2.10)

V,iQjlkm = R,(kmj - S;,‘PQpkm (2.11)

Theory of imperfections 39


In the geometrical interpretation of the continuum theory of defects the Cartan torsion
tensor corresponds to the dislocation density [l, 21
(yij = eimns- * j
mn (3.1)
S mn avpi
2 Pmn (3.2)

and the Riemann-Christoffel curvature tensor to the disclination density [5]

@j = _1 pnEjkrR
mnkr (3.3)

Here cimn is the Levi-Civita tensor.

It follows from equation (2.11) that in the case of non-metric connection the counterpart
&km) does not vanish. Hence, we can introduce (parallel with tensor 8) tensor < = ; cijkRik(mnj (3.4)

which describes the extra-matter and is symmetric with respect to the indices m and n. Thus,
the curvature tensor is given by
Rijk, = ErijEskmers + ErijS;lkm
The Bianchi-Padova relations (2.9)-(2.11) result in the compatibility conditions for the
defect density tensors

V&k = #-enrn + ciimWiiLymk

+ I;krn,“k
+; a”kQ,,”

Vieik = Eijmaiiemk + ; emkQ;," + ; em"Q,," - ; Ek-5;4miQ!b;li (3.7)

vi<! kr = Eijmdjc$r + i (?k-Qil •i- emnQ;(kPE,),p - Q,ckp~l”,~, (3.8)

EiikViQjmn= 25k,, - akPQpmn (3.9)

In the case of semi-metric connection which is characterized by
Qijk = Qigjk j cf jk = cigjk (3.10)
equations (3.6)-(3.9) are simplified

Viaik = skmn(jm + s..Ym(yijaymk+ 5” + z Q&m, (3.11)

Vieik = cijm#emk + 2Q2,e”k (3.12)

Vim = Eii,cY”t” + 5 Q,5” (3.13)

sijkViQj = 2ck - &Qp (3.14)

For metric connection
Qm=O, cm=0 (3.15)
and the following equations [5]
Viaik = skmnenrn+ s..‘lm$iLymk (3.16)
V,eik = cijm$jemk (3.17)
are fulfilled instead of equations (3.11)-(3.14). Finally, linearization of equations (3.16) and
(3.17) leads to well known results (see, for example, [40] and the references cited therein).


The material time derivative of tensor T with respect to the material (Lagrangean) basis of
three-dimensional Euclidean continuum may be written in the form [41]

= tTk,ak 63 am (4.1)
+ T!,V,vk - T$V,vp (4.2)
and vk is the velocity vector.
In three-dimensional non-Euclidean space we define the material time derivative of tensor T
by the following relation [26,27]

tTk-m =

where y;” are the components of the “time-connection” tensor.

The material derivative of the metric tensor defines tensor q with components

qjk = -&k (4.4)

Material and covariant derivatives don’t commutate

VViT.k, - V, $Tk,,, = T!,,,rij k - Ttpr;hp - y; “V, Tk, (45)

The tensor
- Viyj k (4.6)

parallel with tensors y and q, is the new characteristics of a space of non-metric connection
with time-dependent properties.
The compatibility conditions for introduced quantities (the analogue of Bianchi-Padova
relations) read





In the theory developed here the difference between the velocity gradient Vv and the tensor
y is related with the dislocation current tensor
J; = V,v” - y;n” (5.1)
the tensor r describes the disclination current tensor I and the extra-matter current tensor N

rmn= -; Enpkr,,,pk, Nrnpk= -rmcpkj (5.2)

rmpk = - %pk 1’mn - Nmpk (5.3)

Taking into account the physical interpretation (3.1), (3.3), (3.4), (5.1) and (5.2) of
geometrical quantities, we get from equations (4.7)-(4.9) the following non-linear kinematic
Theory of imperfections 41

equations of the continuum theory of moving defects

taij = _EikmvkJA _ rmmgii+ pi _ pmw;i _ aimJz _ v,y _ Jkm _ i q;m


+ (V,u’ - J;)cu”’ + @,&‘k”t&, + Sijkuk (5.4)

f@i = _Eikmvkl- _ &mlA + (v,+ _ J;)emj _ Vmvm _ Jkm _ i 4Lrn)


+ t ((psi _ Eikmff knq;nn + Eikml;Q;- _ EikmEjPrQ;;nNmp,) (5.5)

+,p = -&ik”vkN,,,, - CY~"'N,,,,,~

- v,vm -rmm-; q;m)t:,,p
+(v,v’ - J;)5;r",

+ @“&,,,jCnq;{- <fjCnq;i)- E’~“~;E,,,,Q;;, p)i - &‘jkNk,,+,Q;i;Pjm (5.6)

irQijk = viqjk - 2Nijk - (V~V” - JI “)Qmjk (5.7)

For semi-metric connection parallel with the equalities (3.10) we may write the relations

4ij = 4&j, Nmij = Nmgij (5-g)

and from equations (5.4)-(5.7) it follows that

tcuii = _ cikmVkJ2 _ rmmgii+ Iii + @Nk _ ,imJz _ VmVm _ JL~ _ i q $i

( >
+ (&Vi - J;)a”’ + &&jkmv, + giVj (5.9)

Veil = _ cikmVkl;n_ $mlA _ (VmVm_ bum _ 2q) 0” + (V,+ _ J;) 6)“’ + i cikmQklA

v,vm -J--m -; q I;i + (v,+ - J;)c” (5.11)


~Qi = Viq - 2Ni - (V,V” - J;m)Q, (5.12)

In the case of metric connection (5 = 0, Q = 0, q = 0, N = 0) equations (5.9) and (5.10) have
been obtained in [26]. For the dislocations only, equation (5.9) may be written in the form
(neglecting the products of cr and J)

$& = _pvkJ;A + (v,+)sj _ (vmvm)aij (5.13)

obtained in [42] by means of non-linear elasticity. It should be remarked that the dislocation
density tensor used in [42] is transpose with respect to the tensor a of the present paper.
Equations (5.9)-(5.12) after linearization reduce to
&I”= _ sikmVkJi _ r,mgij + zji + s+Nk (5.14)
gv = _ pmv rj (5.15)
fi = _ cikmVk\l (5.16)
Qi = Viq - 2Ni (5.17)
where superposed dot denotes time differentiation.
Vectors 5, N and Q are the characteristics of extra-matter (point defect) distribution. In the
absence of extra-matter equations (5.14) and (5.15) reduce to well known equations (see, for
example, Ref. [40]).
HYPOTHESIS.As the complete analogue of the result obtained in [13,14] for the case of thermal
stresses (Q,,, - V,t) we can assume Qm to be proportional to the gradient of point defect
concentration (Q,,, - V,c). Next, if we admit that physical (thermodynamical) consideration

would lead to the relation q - V,Q”, then vector Q, would satisfy the diffusion equation
&,=aAQ,-2N,,, (5.18)
with vector N,,, as a source of point defects.
REMARK.For the conservative motion of dislocations when the dislocation line slips parallel to
the Burgers vector the existence of point defect source is not necessary, but for the
non-conservative motion when the direction of dislocation climb is perpendicular to the
Burgers vector such source is obligatory. This physical statement is reflected by the term siikNk
in equation (5.14).



A surface moving in Euclidean space is defined by the equation

5i = $+?r, r12, r) (6.1)

where e are three-dimensional material coordinates, rl oIare material coordinates on a surface.
Roman indices are running from 1, 2, 3, Greek indices from 1, 2.
The partial derivative of tensor T = T.?&, @ is with respect to the coordinate T,J~will be


with & and is vectors of local basis and dual basis, n the unit normal, b, components of the
second fundamental tensor. The covariant derivative is calculated using the Christoffel symbols
Y *
for the first fundamental form of a surface.
I cup1
The material time derivative of tensor T (with the material coordinates rl” held constant) is
given by [43]



Tensor 9 is the surface gradient of the velocity vector Vrvx and has the following component

We write indice n in the brackets in order to emphasize that it is not the summation indice.
The next step consists in consideration of two-dimensional surface embedded in three-
dimensional space of affine connection. In the following statement we shall lean on Refs
[44,45] and confine ourselves to the case of semi-metric connection.
The surface defined by equation (6.1) possesses the tangential vectors

and is equipped with the normal vector n’ satisfied the orthogonal requirement
g,5’$ =Q (6.7)
Dual basis is defined by vectors # and ni such that
nilzi = 1, E,Ef = gpn, (6.8)
Theory of imperfections 43

Raising and lowering of Roman indices is carried out by the metric tensor gij and of Greek
indices by the induced metric tensor

and by the inverse of these tensors.

The connection I$ in three-dimensional space induces the connection ?& on a surface

F&g= (&&)~J + ~:Z$#r; (6.10)

The induced torsion tensor !$ and the induced d-vector describing the covariant derivative of
the metric tensor (VniBv = -&&,) satisfy the following relations
$&,y = 5’&&ss;; k (6.11)

dn = CxQi (6.12)

The covariant derivative of “double tensor” (e, is the typical representative of such objects)
is defined by [44]
V, TP.$,, = a, T.g”s, + T!‘$,,, f& - TP$,,, f;,g + F;( T.?‘&$ - TP!&I’fm) (6.13)
and the following relation
V,Vh TKk,g,,,- VJ, Tp,“s,
= T$&,&a - T:kp,,&&f’ + ij;r,( T?&R;ip’ k - TP!opR,,P) - 2 $37, TPkp, (6.14)

is fulfilled. The induced curvature tensor l?.’os,,’ 1s

* expressed in terms of the induced connection
I$ by equation (2.9).
In the case of two dimensions the alternation with respect to three indices is equal to zero
identically, hence the two-dimensional analogue of equations (2.9)-(2.11) reduces to one
(Vrc&)Hvs = ~PsW~ - 5zX&Hus (6.15)
The second fundmental form b,, appears in derivatives of tangential and normal vectors
V& = b,,+‘, V,n’ = - b$$
V,Ef = b$ni, Vmni = -b&f
Substituting the “double tensor” e, into equation (6.14) and taking into account equation
(6.16), we arrive at the equations of Gauss and Mainardi-Codazzi
EZ$Ek,EYRijk, -~~~~s = b,,b,, - bpybas
~~&~$mRijk,- 2gb;BPbpy= V,b,,- V,b,,
Now we have to generalize the above results to include two-dimensional surface moving in
three-dimensional space of time-dependent affine connection. For this purpose we define the
material time derivative of “double tensor” TPkp,,, in the form

- T..ak p,,,+’ + TKpo,,,y;” - T.. Bpy’,” + gi< T.?'g&- TPkpprym)

The surface material derivative with respect to the time t and the covariant derivative with
respect to the coordinate rly don’t commutate


The material time derivatives of vectors r, anf ni introduce the “normal” components pWcn,
of the tensor 9

V5h = Ya(n)ni, Vni = _y”‘“‘5’, (6.21)

Replacing T?p,,, in (6.19) by & and taking into account equation (6.21), we get

CF&riik - ‘*+v + PS<S~~~R+m = b,,Poc,, - bnpFv(n) (6.22)


In geometrical interpretation of continuum theory of surface defects the surface dislocation

density tensor is defined by [46]
&@)Y= ,aI+ &-‘“““’= &, (7.1)
aP ’ 4

Equation (6.17) written in the coordinate system in which na = 5” ((u = 1, 2) gives the
possibility to define surface disclination density tensor
I%‘)” = E‘%“~(VJ~~~ + &$‘b,,)

and the surface extra-matter vector


Equation (6.15) leads to

The surface dislocation current is defined as deviation of the q-tensor from the surface
gradient of the velocity vector VrvX (cf. (5.1) and (6.5))
.?,B = V,vs - b$+, - pap
J,,,, = Vnv,,, + bapvB - h+4
Letting q”= 5” ((u= 1, 2), Ea=O, we can interpret equation (6.22) in terms of the surface
disclination current

n u(n) - +b,,, - vn”bp,,)

and the surface extra-matter current

Theory of imperfections 45

We omit the compatibility conditions for tensors 6, &, 6, 9, f, (i and present only the
non-linear kinematic equations for the surface defect densities resulting from these conditions

ir &(“)”= - @(V,>;a, - bb;Yj,,,) + iy(“) - #‘ll;a - ?i(n)pj;pY+ ~~~(i)~~,~,,v,- ~~n~Bv~nJ

+ @v Y- &(“)Y(V,v 0 _ b;mv,,, _ j,a _ $)

+ b!‘#
- ~~~bJ’&v~n~+ &(“)(“)(~@yVB~+,~ - jyc”))

: &(“)(‘+= - @(V,ja(,) + bdJ) - Faa- &(+)(V,v ‘X_ b;=v,,, _ j’,” _ (T)

+ E~~~(‘%~ - &(n)@(Vg~Cnj
+ bSyvY) (7.8)

V&“)Y = -@(V,ibY _ b.,YjS(,,) _ &b’b$Y _ &)Y(V,ua _ &&,, _ sbp’_ 25)

+ (i)(n)(n)~By + ~‘“‘E~~)(V~V~~) + b,,v” - &,) + @%ybb,& + @&&’

$j@)@) = -@(VOjSCnJ + boy&q - &(“)fi&Cnj- &)(“)@~,a _ b;=u(,, _ j,~ _ (i)

t& =V,;i - & - (V,va - by!%+,, - ?/)d, (7.11)

In the absence of the extra-matter equations (7.8)-(7.11) reduce to the equations obtained in
[46] by more intuitive method.


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(Received 16 October 1989; accepted 3 July 1990)

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