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Joel Dibrell (Order #39637355)


The Arcanist projects energy bolts
directed at an enemy unit within range
and in LOS.

Effect: The unit suffers an automa�c hit

per each success rolled in the Arcana
test. Hits are resolved with 0 saving
throw modifier or -1 if two or more
successes were rolled in the Arcana

Battle Magic
Joel Dibrell (Order #39637355)
The Arcanist hurls a ball of exploding fire at
an enemy unit within range and in LOS.

Effect: If at least two successes are rolled in

the Arcana test the player rolls 1D6 per
model in the target unit up to a maximum
of 6D6 and any rolls of 4+ become hits.
Apply a +1 to the dice if the target is in close
order and a -1 if the target is in cover, no
other modifiers apply. All hits have a -2 save
modifier. The target unit may a�empt to
DODGE. The a�ack causes PANIC.

If 3 successes were rolled in the Arcana

test then the maximum number of D6 rolled
is increased from 6 to 12 and any DODGE
a�empts suffer a +1 dice modifier (harder
to dodge). If 4+ successes were rolled the
maximum number of D6 is 18 and the
DODGE dice modifier is -2.

Battle Magic
Joel Dibrell (Order #39637355)
The player indicates a straight line staring
from the Arcanist, all units in range in that
line are targeted. Terrain that blocks line of
sight also blocks the a�ack. A character is
only a�acked if it is the first model in the
path and the closest enemy target. The
range of the a�ack is 4" per success in
Arcana test.
Effect: If at least two successes are rolled, all
units targeted are affected. For each unit
roll one D6 per every four models or
frac�on thereof, e.g. 1 for a unit of 1 to 4
models, 2 for a unit of 5 to 8 models and so
on. Each result of 4+ becomes a hit. Apply
+1 to the dice if the target unit is in close
order and a -1 if the target unit is in cover,
no other modifiers apply.
Hits are resolved with a -X save modifier,
where X is the number of successes in the
Arcana test. This a�ack causes PANIC.
Battle Magic
Joel Dibrell (Order #39637355)
The player targets a friendly unit within 8".
The number of successes required for the
spell to take effect depends on the number
of models in the target unit. One success if
target unit has 5 or fewer models, two
successes for a unit of 6 to 10 models and
three successes for a unit of 11 to 15
Effect: The targeted unit can now execute 4
ac�ons. The fourth ac�on costs 1 fa�gue
plus any modifiers from the ac�on. Haste
does not modify the recovery phase, so no
addi�onal fa�gue is recovered if the unit
does not use that fourth ac�on.
The spell remains in effect un�l the end of
the target's next ac�va�on. If three
successes are rolled in the arcana test the
spell remains in effect for the rest of the
Battle Magic
Joel Dibrell (Order #39637355)
The player targets a friendly unit within 8"
to protect it with a magical force-field. The
number of successes required for the spell
to take effect depends on the number of
models in the target unit. One success if
target unit has 5 or fewer models, two
successes for a unit of 6 to 10 models and
three successes for a unit of 11 to 15

Effect: Target unit may re-roll any saving

throws of 1. The re-roll target is 4+ and is
not affected by any modifiers.
The spell remains in effect un�l the end of
the target's next ac�va�on. If three
successes are rolled in the Arcana test the
spell remains in effect for the rest of the

Battle Magic
Joel Dibrell (Order #39637355)
The player selects a target unit that is
currently affected by one or more
spells. The target difficulty for the
Arcana test is equal to the highest
difficulty out of all the spells affec�ng
the unit. If a spell that affects a unit has
different difficul�es use the highest
possible. The number of successes
required depends on the range to the
unit, one success is required for every
4" or frac�on thereof to the target unit,
e.g. one if the range is 0-4", two if up to
8", three up to 12" and so on.

Effect: If the required number of

success are rolled, cancel all spells
currently affec�ng the unit.

Battle Magic
Joel Dibrell (Order #39637355)
Select a friendly target unit in range.
The number of success required for the
spell to take effect depends on the
number of models in the target unit.
One success if target unit has 5 or fewer
models, two successes for a unit of 6 to
10 models and three successes for a
unit of 11 to 15 models.

Effect: Player can remove up two fa�gue

points from the target unit.

Battle Magic
Joel Dibrell (Order #39637355)
The Arcanist selects an undead unit within
range and summons the dead to replenish
their number. The target difficulty of the
spell is determined by the Will stat of the
unit, 6 for a Will(5) unit, 7 for a Will(4) unit
and 8 for a Will(3) unit.
One success results on returning one
casualty suffered back to the unit, two
success result on three casual�es brought
back to the unit and three or more success
result in six casual�es being brought back to
the unit.
Only casual�es are returned so the total
number of models may never exceeds the
original strength of the unit. This will affect
the break points from casual�es as those
models are now back in the ba�lefield.

Necromantic Magic
Joel Dibrell (Order #39637355)
The arcanist infuses the undead with an
unnatural burst of energy and ini�a�ve.
Target one friendly undead unit within
range. The target difficulty is
determined by the Will stat of the unit,
6 for a Will(5)unit, 7 for a Will(4) unit
and 8 for a Will(3).

Effect: Remove one bind token per

success if unit is 8 models or less. If the
unit is 9 or more models remove one
bind token per success beyond one, e.g.
remove one token is two successes, two
tokens if three success, and so on.

Necromantic Magic
Joel Dibrell (Order #39637355)

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