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When I was 15 years Message was clear that I Slow response to
old, there was a big forgot to set my ringtone in emergencies
meeting in the church, default so I didn’t hear any
because I was one of ring from my mom’s call. I
those serving in our failed to communicate to
church I had to leave my mom to say sorry for
home and go to that forgetting to default my
meeting. I forgot to set phone and answering her
my cell phone’s calls and go to home to
ringtone to default, at accompany my little
that time my sister brother so she can go and
had an accident and take care of my sister,
my mom was calling
me to go home and
accompany my little
brother. In the end,
my mom got angry
with me because she
didn't go to my sister
right away because
there was no one to
watch over my

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