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Three Cosmic Messages

Quarter 2, Lesson 5
“The Good News of the Judgment”

MEMORY VERSE: “Saying with a loud voice, ‘Fear God and give glory to Him,
for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven
and earth, the sea and springs of water.’” Revelation 14:7, NKJV
This week’s lesson explores the judgment in connection with the
gospel and the Great Controversy.
1. The judgment is an integral part of the gospel (Sun)
• The first angel begins his gospel proclamation with the words
“Fear God and give glory to Him for the hour of His judgment
has come” (Rev. 14:7).
o The gospel has been called God’s “divine remedy” for sin.
God’s judgment is against sin (and not sinners – see Rom.
1:18). Jesus received God’s full judgment against sin on the
cross (cf. Zech. 13:7 w/Mt. 26:31) so we don’t have to (Ps.
69:9; 2 Cor. 5:21).
• If it were not for judgment, we wouldn’t need the gospel; and if
not for the gospel, we would have no hope in the judgment (see
Qtly, Sun, par 3).
The atonement of Christ is not a mere skillful way to have our sins pardoned;
it is a divine remedy for the cure of transgression and the restoration of
spiritual health. It is the Heaven-ordained means by which the righteousness
of Christ may be not only upon us but in our hearts and characters. 6BC 1074.2
2. The judgment is not for God (Mon)
• The judgment will be based on the “works… written in the
books” (Rev. 20:12).
o It is created beings, and not God Himself, who benefit from the
judgment (cf. Ps. 51:4 w/Rom. 3:4; Rev. 15:3, 4).
• Sin is manifested in wicked works (Col. 1:21), while salvation is
manifested in good works (Eph. 2:8-10).
o Works “empowered by the Holy Spirit” (see Qtly, Mon, par 3) do
not merit anything with God, because they originate with Him.
Christ is the source of every right impulse. He is the only one that can implant
in the heart enmity against sin…. [W]henever [people] make an effort to
reform, from a sincere desire to do right, it is the power of Christ that is
drawing them. SC 26-7
3. Jesus is the good news of the judgment (Tue-Fri)
• The judgment is not universally “good news”; it is a solemn day
of reckoning (Rev. 20:11; Lev. 23:32)
o •
Judgment is about accountability, and when sinners are called to
accountability, they have nothing to say in their defense (Rom. 3:19).
On the morning of October 23, 1879, about two o'clock, the Spirit of the Lord
rested upon me, and I beheld scenes in the coming judgment. Language fails
me in which to give an adequate description of the things which passed
before me and of the effect they had upon my mind. 4T 384, 7

• The judgment is only “good news” to those who have received

Christ as Savior and committed their lives to Him. He is the good
news of the judgment!
o Rev. 5 presents Christ at the beginning of the judgment as the
only One worthy to open the book.
• Christ is here represented in His humanity, as the only One of the
human race “worthy” of eternal life.
o Dan. 7 pictures Christ at the end of the judgment, by virtue of His
divinity and humanity, as the rightful ruler of all the kingdoms of
this fallen world.
• He receives His kingdom on behalf of the race He represents,
and they will reign with Him for eternity! (Dan. 7:22, 26-7; Rom.
The divine Intercessor presents the plea that all who have overcome through
faith in His blood be forgiven their transgressions, that they be restored to
their Eden home, and crowned as joint heirs with Himself to “the first
dominion.” Micah 4:8. Satan in his efforts to deceive and tempt our race had
thought to frustrate the divine plan in man's creation; but Christ now asks
that this plan be carried into effect as if man had never fallen. He asks for His
people not only pardon and justification, full and complete, but a share in His
glory and a seat upon His throne. GC 483.3
The question was then asked: “Why have you not washed your robes of
character and made them white in the blood of the Lamb? God sent His Son
into the world, not to condemn the world, but that through Him it might be
saved. My love for you has been more self-denying than a mother's love. You
would not be partaker of [My] sufferings, and you cannot now be partaker with
[Me] of [My] glory.”…. The book then closed, and the mantle fell from the
Person on the throne, revealing the terrible glory of the Son of God. The scene
then passed away, and I found myself still upon the earth, inexpressibly
grateful that the day of God had not yet come, and that precious
probationary time is still granted us in which to prepare for eternity. 4T 387.1

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