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End Term Examination, Even Semester 2023-24

PhD( All Branches), Year I, Semester I
PREC-0010 : Research and Publication Ethics

Time: 03 Hours. Max. Marks: 80

Section – A
Note: Attempt All Questions. 2 x 10 = 20 marks

Word Limit for Each answer: 50 words

(I) An author has H index 5 and I index 3: What does it denote in citation score?
(II) What is Hybrid publication system?
(III) What do you mean by SJR and Scopus?
(IV) Plagiarism is a serious misconduct :What are the software you can use to
avoid this concern?
(V) What is Image fabrication? Is it a form of publication misconduct?
(VI) What is self plagiarism?
(VII) What is the function of COPE?
(VIII) A researcher is working on a scientific problem so which research
philosophy you will recommend him/her and why?
(IX) What is Intellectual honesty?
(X) What do you mean by the research problem?

Section – B
Note: Attempt All Questions. 20 x 3 = 60
World Limit: 300 Words for each answer

Q1. Attempt any two parts. 10x2=20 marks

a) In what sense we say philosophy is mother of all sciences? Explain the role of
metaphysics and logic in research writing. Give some examples.
b) “A researcher is testing a drug on a patient without informing him/her about
the side effects of it or taking a sample without informing about the objectives of
the data collection.” How do you understand the cases as research misconduct?
Explain with examples and write proper ways to solve these ethical issues.
c) What is the importance of UGC care list system? Discuss about the research
databases which are included in the system.

Q2. Attempt any two parts. 10x2=20 marks

a) What is scientific conduct in research? Explain the selective reporting and

misrepresentation of data.
b) “Publication ethics play a pivotal role in shaping research developments.”
Analyse the statement in the light of the some unethical practices in
publication and research development.
c) “The research study material should be freely available to researchers and
money should not be a barrier in research development.” Critically analyse the
paid publication system in the light of open access research developments
from a researcher’s point of view.

Q3. Attempt any two parts. 10x2=20 marks

a) How do you find the importance of the reference management and similarity
check software in research writing? Discuss the usage of one such software for
reference management and another for the similarity check.

b) What do you mean by the journal impact factor. Discuss the importance of the
research metrics such as SNIP, SJR, Cite Score and Altmetrics.
c) What is the role of research philosophy in research writing? Critically analyse
the research philosophies: Positivism, postmodernism and pragmatism.

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