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Job Title : Security Guard

Departemen : A&G Security
Responsible to : Chief Security /Asst Chief Security
Reported to : Senior Security Supervisor
Scope & General purpose of job : Responsible to Chief Security /Asst Chief Security to make continuous
patrol and guarding the hotel property as to ensure the security and safety of the guest employess and
Cakupan areal tugas : Bertanggung jawab kepada Chief Security /Asst Chief Security dalam hal keamanan
dalam melakukan pengaturan, penjagaan, pengawasan, dan patroli di wilayah hotel untuk memastikan
area hotel, tamu, management, karyawan dalam keadaan aman.
Duties and responsibilities :
1. To maintain a good healt condition to ensure fitness for conducting duties.
Menjaga kondisi tubuh agar tetap dalam keadaan prima untuk pelaksanaan tugas.
2. Guarding and controling the hotel property and present a deterrent to crime and in house rule
Melakukan pengaturan, penjagaan, pengawasan dan patroli dalam wilayah hotel untuk mencegah
terjadinya tindak kejahatan yang melanggar aturan yang berlaku.
3. Ensure no undesirable person entering the hotel.
Memastikan tidak ada orang yang tidak berkepentingan memasuki hotel.
4. Keeps the hotel driveway clear at all time.
Pastikan semua jalur di dalam hotel tetap bersih dan aman.
5. Ensure no unauthorized parking of vehicle hotel parking area.
Memastikan tidak ada orang yang tidak berkepentingan parkir di areal hotel.
6. To conduct parcel and physical checked to the hotel’s employess or someone when they are leaving
the hotel.
Melakukan pengecekan badan dan barang bawaan dari karyawan hotel ketika mereka
meninggalkan hotel.
7. Performs preliminary investigation of incident as assigned Security Supervisor.
Melakukan pemeriksaan awal terhadap suatu kejadian atas perintah dari Supervisor.
8. Regulate the flow of traffic in and out of the basement, for parking or deliver goods to the
Mengatur arus lalulintas masuk dan keluar basement, untuk parkir atau mengantar barang ke
9. Accompanying the front office Manager / Duty Manager as a witness when in need in terms of
safety box open or finding other valuables of the guests left unattended by their owners
Menemani front office Manager/Duty Manager sebagai saksi ketika di perlukan dalam hal safety
box terbuka atau di temukannya barang berharga lainnya dari tamu yang tidak di tunggui oleh
10. Ensure that undesirable person is effectively handles without interrupting the underlay flow of the
hotel operation.( project etc. )
Memastikan bahwa orang-orang yang tidak berkepentingan dapat di atasi dengan baik tanpa
mengganggu jalannya operasional hotel. ( project dsb )
11. Ready to assist guests, visitors, and provide a clear indication
Siap membantu tamu, pengunjung dan memberikan petunjuk yang jelas.
12. Monitor all security System devices “ CCTV, emergency alarm etc.
Memonitor semua sistem keamanan yang ada seperti CCTV, alarm emergency dll.
13. Active to participate in the fire safety and emergency program.
Berpartisipasi aktif dalam program kedaruratan.
14. Ensure security of guest when to cross the road to or from beach.
Menjamin keamanan tamu, ketika hendak menyeberang dari atau ke pantai
15. Contact to Supervisor immediately if encountering any difficulties in handling security matter.
Melapor kepada Supervisor dengan segera apabila ada masalah yang tidak dapat ditangani sendiri.
16. To record in writing all security and safety matters occured during shift hour in security Log Book.
Melakukan pencatatan di dalam buku mutasi tentang semua kejadian yang terjadi selama dalam
17. Always response and report any emergency situasion occurred in the hotel immediately.
Merespon dengan cepat dan melaporkan keadaan darurat yang di temukan di areal hotel.
18. Participate on the training program to be held by training Department.
Berpartisipasi dalam program pelatihan / training yang di adakan oleh training department.
19. Participate on the departmental training program.
Berpartisipasi dalam training Departement Security.
20. Understand with telephone or handy talky manner
Mengerti tata cara penggunaan telephon, atau HT
21. Obey with police and procedures rules and regulation, disciplines, courtesy,effective,
communications, relations and listen actively.
Tunduk terhadap segala peraturan dan tata tertib yang berlaku, disiplin, sopan, berkomunikasi
yang baik, serta menjaga kerjasama antar sejawat.
22. Respecting sense of belonging, duties and responsibilities.
Menghormati tugas sebagai tanggung jawab.
23. Perfomes the duties as assigned by security, Security Supervisor, Asst. Security Manager or Security
Melaksanakan segala tugas yang di berikan oleh Supervisor, Asst. chief Security, Chief Security.
24. Guarding and arrange the parkir of employee.
Menjaga dan mengatur parkir karyawan.
25. Consistent implementing vehicle check procedures
Melakukan procedure pengecekan kendaraan dengan konsisten.
Police & procedure as follows : aturan dan kebijakan sebagai berikut :
1. Every car entering the hotel’s property must be searched.
Setiap kendaraan yang masuk ke hotel / basement harus di periksa.
2. The following procedure must be respected : aturan yang harus di ikuti
a. The security officer greets the guest/driver and gives them a good reason that we
will do security check,
Petugas security memberikan penghormatan dan salam kepada sopir ataupun
tamu, dan memberikan alasan yang baik tujuan pemeriksaan yang di lakukan.
b. The security officer asks the driver to open the boot of the vehicle. He then
content of the boot and can ask some question to the driver about the content of
potential bags, boxes...inside the car.
Record the car number manually
Petugas security meminta pengemudi untuk membuka bagasi, selanjutnya
lakukan pemeriksaan sesuai standard, dan tanyakan apabila di temukan sesuatu
yang di anggap mencurigakan.
Catat plat nomer kendaraan dalam buku catatan
c. During that time a second officer check inside the vechicle and under the vehicle
with the mirror.
Sementara petugas lainnya melakukan pengecekan di bawah kendaraan
menggunakan mirror.
d. Camera cctv will be recorded the car number of the vehicle.
Camera cctv akan melakukan pencatatan (recorded) terhadap plat kendaraan.
e. The security officer thanks the driver and the people inside the car for their kind
assitance, and wish them a good day, night...
Setelah semua proses pemeriksaan selesai, ijinkan masuk dan ucapkan
terimakasih atas pengertiannya.
3. Any guest comment or complain about such procedure must be immediately reporte it
to Duty Manager who will handle.
Apabila ada comment atau complain tentang pelaksanaan pengecekan yang di lakukan,
agar segera di laporkan kepada Duty Manager untuk menjelaskan kepada tamu.
4. That procedure includes the hotel’s staff & management cars. No exception will be
done. Any staff refusing to comply that procedure will be immediately reported to HR.
Bahwa prosedur tersebut juga berlaku terhadap karyawan, management tanpa kecuali.
5. That procedure is also valid goverment car.
Aturan tersebut juga berlaku bagi kendaraan pemerintah.

Date : 01 Mei 2014

Prepared/Revised by : Chief Security
Approved by : HR Manager
Cc : General Manager

I undesrtand and agree to the Description

Employee Signature Date


Job Title : Security Shift Leader

Departemen : A&G Security
Place of Work : All areas and around the Hotel
Responsible to : Chief Security/Asst Chief Security
Reported for : Security and safety all Hotel’s Guest Employee
Hotel’s property.
Scope & General purpose of jobe : As a front-line security department helps asst Chief Security / Chief
Security to detect and deal with security problems that occur in the hotel quickly.
Ruang lingkup dan tujuan umum pekerjaan : Sebagai lini depan departement security membantu asst
security manager/security manager untuk menditeksi dan menangani masalah keamanan yang terjadi di
hotel dengan cepat.
Duties and Responsibilities / Tugas dan tanggung jawab
1. Duties a safe and secure environment of the Hotel’s Lobby surrounding, room block and all hotel public area, to
detect suspicious person courteously.
Memastikan kemanan areal hotel, lobby, koridor kamar tamu, block-block, public area, melakukan deteksi dini
terhadap kemungkinan orang yang ingin berbuat jahat.

2. To forbid unlicensed guides, Taxi driver and undesirable person lingering in the Hotel’s Lobby.
Melarang guide liar, sopir taxi atau orang yang tidak berkepentingan berada di areal Lobby.

3. To observe and prevent anything suspicious includes prostitutes entering the hotel.
Melakukan pengawasan dan mencegah segala sesuatu yang mencurigakan termasuk prostitusi yang masuk ke

4. Detect and observe all private business within hotel promises are conducted by employees both while on duty
and out of duty.
Menditeksi dan mengawasi kegiatan-kegiatan yang bersifat pribadi di lakukan oleh karyawan yang merugikan
5. To investigate and report to Chief Security / Asst. Chief Security all incidents ( Lost, theft, Damaged, etc.) and
accident occured in the hotel and report should be made and dispatch to Management /relevan Departement
before shift end.
Melakukan investigasi terhadap semua kejadian yang terjadi di hotel (kehilangan,kerusakan,dll) dan membuat
laporan tertulis kepada Asst. Chief Securit, Chief Security dan Management.

6. To accompany assistent manager/duty manager for conducting investigation anything irregularities in guest
room and public area or handling guest complaint as per procedure.
Membantu duty manager dalam melakukan suatu investigasi terhadap suatu kejadian atau complain di kamar
tamu maupun di public area.

7. To monitor all hotel activies and report should be made if necessary.

Memonitor segala aktifitas hotel dan melaporkannya bila di pandang perlu.

8. Participate in training program to be held by security departement as well as training departement.

Berpartisipasi dalam program pelatihan dari department security atau training department.

9. Participate in departemental meeting program to be held by security manager

Mengikuti pertemuan internal security yang di adakan oleh security manager.

10. To make daily activities report before shift end.

Membuat laporan giat harian sebelum tugas selesai.

11. Organize and direct responsible to all of security guard performance on their shift.
Mengatur dan bertanggung jawab langsung terhadap pelaksanaan tugas anggotanya dalam shift tersebut.

12. Conducted a breafing to security team prior the shift perfoming.

Memberikan arahan dan breafing kepada anggotanya sebelum mengawali pelaksanaan tugas shift.

13. Implement and understand all the power or system emergency.

Melaksanakan dan mengerti tentang daya atau system emergency.

14. Maintain good appearance, neat, frindly and attitud firm.

Menjaga kesopanan tanpa mengurangi ketegasan dan wibawa.

Date : 01 Mei 2014

Prepared/Revised by : Chief Security
Approved by : HR Manager
Cc : General Manager

I undesrtand and agree to the Description

Employee Signature Date

Job Title : Sr. Security Supervisor
Departemen : A&G Security
Place of Work : Office and all area Hotel
Responsible to : Chief Security
Responsible for : All Security Matter

Scope & General purpose of job : To establish the efficiency of the security daily activities to ensure that
policies and instruction of security are carried out properly.
Ruang lingkup dan tujuan umum tugas : Menentukan efisiency kegiatan sehari-hari petugas security dan
memastikan bahwa semua kebijakan dan intruksi telah di laksanakan dengan baik.
Duties and Responsibilities / Tugas dan tanggung jawab :
1. To advice and collect any information on all matters relating hotel security.
Memberikan saran atau pemasukan serta mengumpulkan informasi tentang masalah keamanan

2. To plan security acivities and supervision to achieve maximum productifity.

Merencanakan giat harian security dan melakukan control untuk mencapai produktifitas maksimal.

3. To find all information need for investigation of any incident and accident.
Mengorek segala informasi yang di perlukan untuk tujuan investigasi ketika ada kejadian /

4. To assist Asst. Chief Security / Chief Security in conducting interrogation to staff that are suspected
to be involved in a criminal act within the hotel area or violate collective labor agreement and other
hotel house room.
Membantu Asst. Chief Security/ Chief Security dalam pelaksanaan suatu interogasi kepada staff
yang di curigai dan tersangkut dalam suatu kasus yang melanggar aturan (KKB)

5. To conduct daily control within the hotel area to ensure that everything is controlled.
Make not and report to Chief Security.
Melakukan control di area hotel, untuk memastikan bahwa semua area, tamu hotel property
terkontrol dan melaporkannya ke Chief Security.

6. To surpervise the implementation of security procedures within the hotel and supervised that all
steps necessary to safe guard the hotel againts incident, accident and disasters are taken.
Mengawasi pelaksanaan procedure keamanan dalam hotel dan di pastikan bahwa langkah yang di
perlukan dalam rangka pencegahan terjadinya suatu kejadian atau incident /emergency.

7. To launch quick response and actions to handle incident and accident occured.
Segera merespon dan memberikan tindakan dalam hal penanganan suatu incident yang terjadi.

8. To report and advice Chief Security in any case and accident accurred.
Melapor dan membantu chief security dalam penanganan suatu kejadian.

9. To prepare the equipment as needed, departement duty roster or Monthly scedule to ensure of
staffs on duty to cover operational.
Menyiapkan daftar tugas (scedule), sarana dan prasarana yang di perlukan untuk memastikan
operasional berjalan dengan baik.

10. To prepared Monthly Statistik on incident, loss incident and accident and make sure all incidents
are recorded properly.
Membuat grafik bulanan suatu kejadian dan pastikan semua kejadian tercatat dengan baik.

11. To plant Security Training session and ensure that all security staff assigned to for are attending the
scedule of training program.
Merencanakan suatu pelatihan atau training dan pastikan semua anggota mengikuti training
sesuai jadwal.

12. To participate in training program to be held by Training Departement.

Berpartisipasi dalam hal training program yang di adakan oleh training departement.

13. To observe and appraise the good conduct of Security Supervisor, Security Guard.
Melakukan evaluasi dan appraisal terhadap perfomance dari Shift Leader & Security guard.
14. To ensure a consistently high standard of personal hygiene and grooming of security Detection,
Supervisor, Shift Leader and Security Guard.
Memastikan penampilan, kebersihan, kerapian masing-masing anggota security tetap baik dan

15. Representative of Security manager in his absence.

Menggantikan tugas Chief Security apabila tidak hadir/absent.

16. Implement and understand all the power or system emergency.

Mengerti dan melaksanakan semua daya atau system emergency.

17. Maintain good relationship with neighbor hotel’s security.

Menjaga hubungan baik dengan petugas kemanan di sekitar hotel.

Employee Handling / Penanganan terhadap karyawan

1. To ensure that all employess report for duty punctually wearing the corect attire.
Memastikan bahwa semua karyawan datang bekerja tepat waktu dan memakai uniform yang
baik dan benar

2. To ensure that all employess have a complete understanding of and to hotel’s rule and
Memastikan bahwa semua karyawan mempunyai pemahaman yang cukup dan mematuhi
peraturan yang berlaku .

3. To ensure that all employess have a complete understanding of and adhere to hotel’s policies
relating to security and safety hygiene and cleanliness.
Memastikan bahwa semua karyawan mempunyai pemahaman yang cukup untuk kebijakan
hotel khususnya di bidang keamanan dan keselamatan, kebersihan.

Date : 01 Mei 2014

Prepared/Revised : Chief Security

Approved by : HR Manager

Cc : General Manager

I understand and agree to the Job Description

Employee Signature Date

Job Title : Chief Security
Departemen : A&G Security
Place of Work : Security Office and all area Hotel

Scope & General purpose of job : To direct and co-ordinate the overall activies of the Security
Departement. To guarantee the safety of all the guests, employess and hotel property.
Mengarahkan dan mengkordinasikan kegiatan keseluruhan Security Departement untuk menjamin
keselamatan dan keamanan tamu, karyawan dan Asset Hotel.

Responsible to : General Manager

Responsible for : All Security Matters

Duties and responsibilities /tugas dan tanggung jawab :

1. Responsible for the entire operation, staff and equipment of the Security Departement.
Bertanggung jawab terhadap seluruh operasional staff dan peralatan Departement Security.

2. To interpret any activities incide and outside of the hotel analyzing all possible contingencies which
could affect the security of the hotel and for action in necessary.
Memperkirakan segala kegiatan di dalam dan di luar hotel sehingga dapat di analisa kemungkinan-
kemungkinan berdampak terhadap keamanan hotel untuk dapat di tindak lanjuti.

3. To-co-ordinate on going “not patterned” patrols of guest floors, public areas, office and all other
areas within and around the hotel. To ensure the reporting and recording of all observation during
these patrols on the appropriate “Amone Route Patrol Report”.
Mengintruksikan kepada petugas keamanan untuk melakukan patroli secara acak terhadap lantai
corridor kamar tamu, tempa-tempat umum, office-office, outlet dan semua area hotel dan
sekelilingnya, pastikan telah tercontrol dengan baik dan tercatat (sesuai route patroli amano)

4. To ensure that security procedures are implemented properly even though out the hotel.
Memastikan bahwa procedure keamanan dapat di laksanakan dengan baik walaupun di luar hotel.

5. To investigate and report all claims regarding theft, accident, injury, propety damage, vandalism
and trespassing either guest, visitor, or hotel employess.
Melakukan investigasi terhadap semua laporan kejadian, kehilangan, kecelakaan, kerusakan
barang ,milik hotel, ataupun pelanggaran-pelanggaran yang di lakukan oleh tamu, pengunjung,
atau karyawan.

6. To monitor and control the movement of all employess leaving or enteringthe hotel throngh the
staff entrance.
Melakukan control dan memonitor terhadap semua tingkah laku karyawan yang masuk maupun
keluar dari staff entrance, basement

7. To liaise with HR Departement in conducting spot checks on periodical locker searches.

Berkoordinasi dengan bagian kepegawaian untuk melakukan pengecekan berkala atau sifatnya
mendadak ke locker karyawan.

8. To conduct physical bag check of employess in a random way.

Melakukan pengecekan terhadap barang bawaan karyawan secara acak.

9. To coordinate chief engineering and training manager a helpful and effective in house training on
fire prevention an occupational healt and safety, to ensure its implementation and periodical
Melakukan koordinasi dengan Chief Engineering dan Training Manager dalam hal program
pelatihan internal tentang penanggulangan bahaya kebakaran dan kesalamatan untuk memastikan
bahwa program tersebut berjalan secara berkala.

10. To back up that all new employess all briefed and/or trained in fire presentation/fire fighting
procedures relevant to their position.
Membantu bahwa semua karyawan telah di berikan pengarahan dan training tentang procedure
kedaruratan dan bahaya kebakaran sesuai posisi mereka masing-masing.

11. To record and strictly control the issuing of all master keys within the hotel and to report any
discrepancy immediately to room division director.
Melakukan pencatatan dan melakukan kontrol dengan ketat, penggunaan kunci master hotel,
segera melaporkan apabila ada kejanggalan kepada director of room.

12. To establish and maintain a close rapport with duty manager, local authorities and fire brigade as
Membangun hubungan yang baik dengan duty manager, tokoh masyarakat sekitar, termasuk dinas
PMK kabupaten Badung

13. To maintain a discipline, alertness, corteous and professionalism team of Security officers, capable
to deal with any emergency.
Mempertahankan disiplin, kewaspadaan, sikap ramah dan propesional petugas security sehingga
mampu melaksanakan tugas dengan baik.

Employess Handling/Penanganan karyawan

1. To ensure that all employess report for duty punctually wearing the correct attire.
Memastikan bahwa semua karyawan bekerja tepat waktu dan menggunakan uniform dengan
baik dan benar.

2. To assist in the building of an efficient team of employess by taking an active in theirs welfare,
safety and development.
Membantu dalam pembentukan karyawan yang efesien dengan aktif memberikan masukan
demi keselamatan dan keamanan.

3. To ensure that all employess have a complete understanding of and adhere to the hotel’s police
relating to security and safety, hygiene and cleanlines.
Memastikan bahwa semua karyawan mempunyai pemahaman yang sama serta melaksanakan
aturan dan kebijakan yang berhubungan dengan keamanan, keselamatan, kesehatan dan

4. To ensure that all employess have a complete understanding of and adhere to the Hotel’s
employess rule and regulation.
Memastikan bahwa semau karyawan mempunyai pamahaman dan melaksanakan semua
aturan dan kebijakan yang berlaku di hotel.

Date : 01 Mei 2014

Prepared/Revised : General Manager

Approved by : General Manager

Cc : HR

I understand and agree to the Job Description

Employee Signature Date


Job Title : Security Officer / Admin

Departemen : A&G Security
Place of Work : Security Office

Scope & General purpose of job : Perform all matters relating to the administration and inventory or
equipment for Security operations
Melaksanakan segala urusan Department Security yang berhubungan dengan adiministrasi dan inventaris
ataupun perlengkapan operational lapangan

Responsible to : Senior Supervisor

Responsible for : All Security administration matter

Duties and responsibilities /tugas dan tanggung jawab :

1. Together with Shift Leader, making the assignment schedule Security officers in the proposed shift
and examined by the Senior Supervisors
Bersama dengan Shift Leader, membuat jadwal penugasan petugas Security dalam shift tersebut
diajukan dan diperiksa oleh Senior Supervisor

2. Recording the presence of all members of the Security and make attendance recap.
Mencatat kehadiran seluruh anggota Security dan membuat rekap absensi.

3. Take note of any requirements and inventory the equipments and operational security.
Mencatat setiap kebutuhan dan menginventarisir peralatan posko dan operasional security

4. Documenting all files and documents pertaining to activities such as Security training etc.
Mendokumentasikan semua arsip / dokumen yang berkaitan dengan aktifitas Security seperti
training dan lain-lain .

5. Provide guidance to all shifts Leader and members of the security administration.
Menberikan pengarahan kepada semua shift Leaderdan anggota security tentang administrasi.

6. Record all results of the evaluation of the Chief Security and make the minutes of every meeting of
the coordination
Mencatat semua hasil evaluasidari Chief Security dan membuat notulen setiap ada rapat koordinasi

7. Documenting all files and documents pertaining to activities such as Security training etc.
Mendokumentasikan semua arsip / dokumen yang berkaitan dengan aktifitas Security seperti
training dan lain-lain .

8. Take note of any information coming from both of internal or external of Security
Mencatat setiap informasi yang masuk baik dari internal security Maupun dari external Security

9. Arrange all administrative activities and perform bookkeeping, typing task.

Menyusun semua kegiatan administrasi dan melakukan pembukuan, tugas pengetikan.

10. Storing all files which related to all security activities.

Menyimpan semua arship / file yang berhubungan dengan semua aktifitas Security.

11. In performing its function, operationally responsible to the Chief Security.

Dalam pelaksanaan tugasnya, secara operasional bertanggung jawab kepada Chief Security.

Date : 01 Mei 2014

Prepared/Revised by : Chief Security
Approved by : HR Manager
Cc : General Manager

I undesrtand and agree to the Description

Employee Signature Date

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