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Field Chorus

Amidst the vast and rolling plains,

Where sunlight dances and gently wanes,
Stands a testament to nature's grace,
A golden sea, the wheat fields embrace.

Fields of gold, their beauty untold,

Whispering secrets to the wind's gentle fold.
Tall and proud, their stalks sway and sway,
As if in a rhythmic dance, day after day.

Under the azure sky's expansive dome,

The wheat flourishes, finding its home.
From tiny seeds, its journey takes flight,
Growing with strength, bathed in warm sunlight.

When harvest time comes, the fields alive,

With the golden treasure, they doth thrive.
Scythes and sickles, cutting with care,
Gathering the wheat, a bounty to share.

From grain to flour, a transformation unfolds,

Crafting bread, a story to be told.
Nourishing our bodies, fulfilling our needs,
The wheat's legacy, in every loaf it seeds.

Oh, fields of gold, a majestic sight,

Your radiance fills both day and night.
In your presence, we find solace and peace,
A reminder of nature's bountiful release.

Fields of gold, forever enchanting,

Your beauty, everlasting and evergreen.
As seasons pass and years unfold,
We celebrate your essence, fields of gold.

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