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The Lost Carton

In a bustling world, I stumbled upon,

A carton left behind, forgotten and gone.
Lonely and abandoned, it lay on the ground,
A story untold, waiting to be found.

Within its cardboard walls, secrets concealed,

A mystery of contents, yet to be revealed.
Was it filled with treasures or cherished mementos?
Or carried the weight of forgotten sorrows?

I lifted the lid, curiosity awakened,

An invitation to a world unshaken.
But alas, the carton held only empty space,
Its purpose elusive, vanished without a trace.

Once a vessel of purpose, now forsaken,

The lost carton stood as a symbol unspoken.
A reminder that journeys can take unforeseen paths,
Leading us astray, in the shadowed aftermath.

Yet, in its emptiness, a lesson emerged,

That value lies not solely in what's preserved.
For even in loss, there's room to begin,
To fill the void with new tales to spin.

So, I left the lost carton behind,

Knowing its emptiness was not unkind.
For within its absence, I found my own way,
To create stories anew, every single day.

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