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1. The figure given below is of Tobacco Mosaic Virus. Identify the

label (a)

a. RNA
b. dsDNA
c. ssDNA
d. Capsid

Ans- a

2. What is the function of the cell marked as (a)

a. Fix atmospheric oxygen

b. Fix atmospheric nitrogen
c. Fix atmospheric carbon dioxide
d. Utilise sunlight

Ans- b
3. Mark the correct answer with relation to aestivation in the
a. Valvate- Calotropis
b. Twisted- China rose
c. Valvate- China rose
d. Twisted- Calotropis

Ans- a
4. What is the common location of the type of epithelium that
has been shown in the figure
a. Blood vessel
b. Alveoli
c. PCT
d. Intestinal lining

Ans- c

5. The experiment demonstrated in the figure was carried
out by
a. Engelmann
b. Priestley
c. Ingenhousz
d. Von Sachs

Ans- b
6. What is the function of structure labelled as (a)
a. Absorption of glucose
b. Absorption of amino acids
c. Absorption of fats
d. Supply blood to villi

Ans- c
7. Which is the hormone synthesized by (a) part of pituitary
a. FSH
b. TSH
c. ADH
d. None of these

Ans- d
8. The given diagram represents an experiment used to
demonstrate which of the following plant hormones
a. Gibberellins
b. Cytokinins
c. Ethylene
d. Auxin

Ans- d
9. What is the correct labelling for the diagram given
a. (i)- notochord
b. (iii)- anal part
c. (iv)- notochord
d. (ii)- gill slits

Ans- c

10. What is the biomolecule demonstrated in the diagram
a. Nitrogen base
b. Nucleoside
c. Nucleotide
d. None of these

Ans- a
11. What does (i) denotes
a. Denitrification
b. Nitrogen fixation
c. Ammonification
d. Nitrogen uptake

Ans- c

12. Which of the following is an example of hormone that has
given mechanism of action
a. FSH
b. Estrogen
c. Insulin
d. LH

Ans- b
13. Organism given in the figure is an example of
a. Protozoan
b. Euglenoids
c. Chrysophytes
d. Sporozoan

Ans- a
14. Mark the correct option
a. Hypogynous- Rose
b. Perigynous- plum
c. Hypogynous- mustard
d. Perigynous- china rose

Ans- c
15. Which one of the following is correct option
a. Acrocentric
b. Metacentric
c. Sub Metacentric
d. Telocentric

Ans- d
16. What does the T wave signifies
a. Depolarisation of atria
b. Depolarisation of ventricle
c. Repolarisation of ventricle
d. Repolarisation of atria

Ans- c
17. What is the special property of the organism given in the
a. Bioluminescence
b. Bioadherance
c. Presence of spongocoel
d. Presence of nematocytes

Ans- a
18. The organism in the diagram belongs to which class of
a. Cyclostomata
b. Chondrichthyes
c. Osteichthyes
d. Agnatha

Ans- a
19. Which of the following is correct labelling regarding
different regions of root tip
a. Region of elongation
b. Root cap
c. Region of meristematic activity
d. Root hair

Ans- b
20. What is the most common location of the type of
epithelium in the figure
a. Lining of intestine
b. Lining blood vessels
c. Lining PCT
d. Lining ducts of glands

Ans- a
21. Diagram is showing a neuromuscular junction at motor
end plate. Which is the neurotransmitter that transfer
stimulus from neuron to muscle
a. Adrenaline
b. Serotonin
c. Acetyl choline
d. Dopamine
Ans- c
22. Mark the correct option
a. (ii) – Malic acid – 5C
b. (iii) – Ketoglutaric acid – 4C
c. (ii) – Malic acid – 4C
d. (i) – Acetyl Co A – 3C

Ans- c
23. Which of the following statements id correct
a. (i) represents simple diffusion
b. (ii) represent symport
c. (iii) represents active transport
d. (ii) represents facilitated diffusion

Ans- d
24. During which phase does duplication of centriole occurs
a. G1
b. G2
c. S
d. M

Ans- c

25. What is the organism depicted in the diagram
a. Laminaria
b. Fucus
c. Porphyra
d. Dictyota

Ans- a
26. Correct example of type of placentation show in the
a. Lemon
b. Argemone
c. Dianthus
d. China rose

Ans- c
27. Mark the correct option
a. (ii) – aqueous chamber
b. (iv) – iris
c. (iii) – Blind spot
d. (iv) – vitreous humor

Ans- c
28. What does the diagram represent
a. Hydroponic plant production
b. Hybridisation plant production
c. Nutrient solution culture
d. Hydrolytic plant production

Ans- a
29. In case of competitive inhibition, how does the value of
Km change in order to attain the initial Vmax/2
a. Increases
b. Becomes half
c. Becomes 1/4th
d. Remains same

Ans- a
30. Mark the correct labelling
a. Axillary bud
b. Meristematic zone
c. Future Vascular tissue
d. Leaf primordia

Ans- b
31. Mark the incorrect statement regarding the muscles
tissue shown in the diagram
a. Most common location is heart
b. They are involuntary in action
c. They are nonstraited muscles
d. Branching connects adjacent cells

Ans- c
32. Mark the correct option
a. (C)- occurs in hypotonic solution
b. (A)- occurs in hypertonic solution
c. (B)- occurs in isotonic solution
d. All of these
Ans- d
33. Mark the correct label
a. (ii)- guard cell
b. (iii)- chloroplast
c. (i)- subsidiary cell
d. (iv)- epidermal cell

Ans- b
34. Which is the correct option

Ans- c
35. What is the type of epithelium shown in the diagram
a. Cuboidal
b. Squamous
c. Columnar
d. Ciliated

Ans- b
36. Which organelle is unique to this cell
a. Centriole
b. Peroxisome
c. Cell wall
d. Vacuole

Ans- a
37. The diagram represents a Myosin Monomer. Mark the
correct statement
a. (iv)- Actin binding site
b. (ii)- ATP binding site
c. (i)- Actin binding site
d. (iv) ATP binding site

Ans- d
38. Which of the following correctly labels the cell
responsible for release of histamine
a. (iv)
b. (ii)
c. (i)
d. (iii)

Ans- b
39. Scutellum is represented by
a. (i)
b. (iii)
c. (v)
d. (iv)

Ans- c
40. The given diagram represents the Absorbance of light by
different pigment. Mark the correct statement
a. (i)- Chlorophyll b
b. (ii)- Carotenoids
c. (iii)- chlorophyll a
d. None of these
Ans- a
41. What is happening to diaphragm in the given figure
a. Relaxation
b. Contraction
c. Neither contraction nor relaxation
d. First contraction then relaxation

Ans- b
42. What is the scientific name of the member of plantae
kingdom represented in the figure
a. Selaginella
b. Salvinia
c. Sphagnum
d. Equisetum

Ans- d
43. Which of the following is the correct label
a. (v)- metatarsals
b. (iii)- tarsals
c. (ii)- ulna
d. (iv)- carpals

Ans- c
44. Which stage of M phase is represented in the figure
a. Metaphase
b. Anaphase
c. Telophase
d. Prophase

Ans- b
45. Which of the four types of teeth shown in the diagram is
a. 6
b. 1
c. 4
d. 3

Ans- c
46. What is the site of action of ADH
a. PCT
b. Descending limb of Loop of Henle
c. Ascending limb of Loop of Henle
d. DCT

Ans- d
47. Which of the following bones doesn’t exist in pair
a. Parietal bone
b. Temporal bone
c. Occipital bone
d. Zygomatic bone

Ans- c


48. Which is incorrect with respect to the organelle shown in
the figure
a. Forms part of endomembrane system
b. Is of two types
c. Synthesise steroidal hormone
d. Synthesise ATP

Ans- d
49. The diagram represents a sarcomere. Which of the
following is the correct option
a. (iv)- A line
b. (iii)- Z band
c. (i)- H zone
d. (ii)- I line

Ans- c
50. The given diagram represents
a. Dicot leaf
b. Monocot leaf
c. Dicot stem
d. Monocot stem

Ans- a
1. Mark the option with correct label
a. Secondary follicle
b. Tertiary follicle
c. Corpus luteum
d. Graafian follicle

Ans- b
2.What does the marked structure represent
a. Budding
b. Conidia
c. Spores
d. Gemmules

Ans- b
3.The diagram shows the fruit flies used by Morgan for his
experiment. Mark the correct statement.
a. They complete their life cycle in 2 months, thus many life cycles
could be studies.
b. Scientific name is Dorsophil belamogaster.
c. Male and female are easily distinguishable.
d. Single mating produces single offspring.

Ans- c
4.The diagram is of a fertilized embryo sac. Mark the correct
1. (a) represents the antipodal cells
2. (c) represents Primary Endosperm Nucleus
3. (b) represents egg cell
4. (e) represents degenerating antipodal cells

Ans- 4
5.Mark the incorrect statement
a. Diagram represents simple stirred tank reactor.
b. Oxygen is available throughout the reactor.
c. Bubble increases the surface area for oxygen
d. Sterile air is used in this reactor.

Ans- a
6. If population density at time t is n, the its density at time t+1
(represented by N) is
a. N= n+[(B+I)+(D+E)]
b. N= n+[(B+E)-(D+I)]
c. N= n+[(D+I)-(B+E)]
d. N= n+[(B+I)-(D+E)]

Ans- d
7. Mark the incorrect marking
a. Clean air
b. Dirty air
c. Particulate matter
d. Charged plate

Ans- d
8. Which of the following structure guides the pollen tube into the
mature embryo sac
1. (a)
2. (b)
3. (c)
4. (d)

Ans- 3
9. Mark the incorrect statement about the
a. It represents normal HbA peptide
b. Sickle cell anemia occurs if Glu at 6 is
replaced by Valine
c. The codon coding for glutamic acid is GAG
d. In sickle cell anemia GAG of mRNA gets
converted to GTG

Ans- d
10. What does the Blue line represent
a. Dissolved oxygen
b. BOD
c. Biomagnification
d. Pollution level

Ans- b
11. The diagram represents a population
growth curve. Mark the correct option.
1. (a) represents the curve when responses
are limiting
2. (b) represents the curve when the
responses are not limiting
3. “r” is the intrinsic rate of natural decrease
4. “k” is the carrying capacity

Ans- 4
12. The diagram the relative contribution of various gases to the
global warming. Mark the correct composition of gases
a. Methane – 14%
b. CFCs – 20%
c. CO- 60%
d. N2O- 6%

Ans- d
13. What is the incorrect about (b).
a. When mature contains 2 cells.
b. Develops from microspore.
c. While developing, it derives nutrition from tapetum layer.
d. None of these

Ans- d
14. An exception to the above dogma is
a. Retrovirus
b. Rhinovirus
c. Arbovirus
d. Rabdovirus

Ans- a
15. The diagram represents
a. Homologous evolution
b. Analogous evolution
c. Both a and b
d. None of these

Ans- a
16. The pedigree chart represents-
a. Autosomal dominant
b. Autosomal recessive
c. Y linked trait
d. X linked dominant

Ans- b
17. Which layer serves the function of providing nutrition to the
developing pollen
1. (c)
2. (b)
3. (e)
4. (d)

Ans- 3
18.Mark the incorrect statement
1. pBR322 is a cloning vector of E.coli
2. (a) represents the tetracycline resistance gene
3. (c) represents rop
4. (b) represents the ampicillin resistance gene.

Ans- 3
19.Which the muscle marked by (c)
a. Latismus
b. Pectoralis minor
c. Pectoralis major
d. Trapezius

Ans- c
20.The diagram represents a nucleosome. Mark the correct labelling
a. H1 Histone
b. Core of histone
c. Positively charged DNA
d. Histone octamer

Ans- a
21.Mark the correct answer
a. Competition
b. Mutualism
c. Predation
d. Commensalism

Ans- c
22. What is the location of Morula in the diagram
a. C
b. E
c. G
d. D
Ans- b
23. Diagram represents
a. Zoospores
b. Gemmules
c. Buds
d. Spores

Ans- b
24.Mark the correct statement
a. Males are homogametic in Drosophila
b. Females are homogametic in birds
c. Male are homogametic in birds
d. None of these.

Ans- c
25.Mark the correct label
1. (a)- Spermatid
2. (d)- secondary spermatocytes
3. (f)- spermatogonium
4. (e) primary spermatocyte

Ans- 3
26. What is the vector for the disease shown in the figure
a. Culex
b. Anopheles
c. Aedes
d. Sandfly

Ans- a
27. The diagram represents biome distribution according to
temperature and precipitation. Mark the correct option
1. (a) Coniferous forest
2. (b) Temperate forest
3. (f) Alpine tundra
4. (d) Desert

Ans- 2
28. Which of the following were the gases involved in this
a. CH4
b. NH3
c. H2O
d. All the above

Ans- d
29. Mark the correct option
a. Decomposition
b. Litter fall
c. Run off
d. Weathering

Ans- d


30. Which hormone is represented by (a)
1. LH
2. FSH
3. Estrogen
4. Progesterone

Ans- 3

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