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Report on Tutorias

From March 31st until November 17th

The tutoria practice is the opportunity that 4th year students have to help and guide 1st
year students. Basically, we are here to clarify their doubts, give them a hand in the
subjects that are difficult for them and explain how the English Teaching Training
Course system works such as what are the correlative subjects, what does it mean for a
subject to be promotional or how to prepare a final exam.
My group is made up of six students, and we meet every Thursday at 6:00 pm at Sedes,
the topic of the class always depends on what the students want to practice and
reinforce. In most of the classes we deal with phonetic transcriptions, reading of
dialogues and sentence analysis. We also do oral activities to improve speaking and talk
about how to write a report. The students have been respectful and shown interest in
each meeting and do not hesitate to ask whenever doubts arise, which is very good.
I consider that this practice was very significant for both years. Being in 4th year I feel
that I can guide, help and advise them so that they can overcome every obstacle that
comes their way and not make the mistakes that one could have made before. On the
other hand, the 1st year students feel more accompanied and know that they can trust us.

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