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Khôlle Anglais

1) "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is among the earliest examples of American fiction with
enduring popularity. Washington Irving depicts a gothic fiction that evokes horror,
2) This extract is from “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” published in eighteen twenty as part
of his short story collection: The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.
3) I will now examine in what way the portrait of Ichabod Crane is comical.

4) I shall first try to show how this story is a parody of classic tales, then I will focus on the
contrast between where the main character lives and himself.

In the first sentence, there are many expressions very often used in classic tales which are
mocked. For exemple “a remote period of American history” but only of “thirty years”, it
creates a sens of history when little do exists, so it’s quite ironic.

Also Irving’s protagonist is quite opposite to the classic chivalric heroes that are stong and
humble. However, when the character is introduced, I expected a classic tale, even if the first
sentence puts me on the road to parody. Ichabod Crane is referred to as a “worthy wight” in
the line two, and more his presupposed dignity is amplified with the expression “of the name
of”. But his physical description, from line 5 to line 12, is a complete disillusionment. Which
could have been anticipated by the very name of Ichabod which means “no glory”. But back
to the description: the use of long sentences here but also more or less throughout the whole
text allows the caricature of the character. In particular with the serie of adjectives that depict
a disproportionate body, with extreme ambivalence: “exceedingly” “narrow” “longs” line 6,
“most loosely” line 7, “huge” “large” “long” line 8.
Also the episode of his schoolhouse continues to participate in the construction of this
ridiculous figure: from the line 13 to the line 17. He uses “a withe twisted in the handle of
door” and “stakes” line 15, to secured the house.

As I said Ichabod Crane is compared to “a genius of famine descending upon the earth”, this
comparison also participates in a parody of the supernatural theme often present in classic
gothics stories.

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Transition: The landscape described is also an element of parody, usually tales take place in
remote places, close to forests, exactly what is happening in this story, but the contrast with
the personality of Ichabod Crane makes that, these elements cannot be taken seriously, and
this is what’s my second part’s about.


Ttranquility is notably evoked by verbs that represent low intensity actions: “a brook
running” and “growing” line 19, “drowsy” line 21, “the appalling sound” line 22. It is also
represented by a low sound intensity : “brook running” line 19, “the hum of a beehive” line
20, “sound of the birch” line 22. And the residents, here only represented by the children who
attend Ichabon’s classes, blend perfectly in the calm atmosphere: “low murmur of his pupil’s
voices” line 19, “the flowery path of knowledge” 22
But this quiet landscape inhabited by people who seem to be innocent and honest is in
contrast with Ichabod Crane. In fact, the appearance of Ichabod Crane defines also his
personality. For example, he has a lean height and bulging eyes. His eyes represent greed and
gluttony. He is even compared to “an anaconda” line 38
Similarly, his long limbs and weak body represent his hunger to get wealth in abundance.
And this is why Ichabod is characterized by “conscientious”, because he aims to develop
connections that could potentially benefit him: “companion” “playmate” line 1 but only for
those who have “pretty sisters” “good housewives for mothers” line 34-35.

His hypocritical personality is also represented by the difference in lexical fields between the
third and fourth paragraphs. In the last paragraphs there is a more positive lexical fiel:
“companion” “playmate” line 33 - “pretty” line 34 - “good” line 35 and 36 - “succesively”
line 38

But on the other hand, the third paragraph is filled with violent words of expression: TEXTE

In fact Ichabod is an unjust teacher who punishes his students with prejudice.

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