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Karen Martinez

May 16, 2023

Writing Task 1

The flowchart shows how a company has structured its order process. The process

consists of four main stages that are to verify if the order is from a new client, to verify if the

client was referred by another client, and to confirm if the client applies a discount. A question

must be answered at each stage before the product can progress through the process.

When the company receives an order, the first test is whether the order was placed by a

current customer. If this is not the case, a discount order will be issued for the next purchase of

the customer who referred you. After this, the new client will be registered in the database. If this

were the case, it will be confirmed, at which time the company will verify if the customer applies

for a discount. Here, one of two scenarios can occur: if the customer applies for a discount, it

will be applied. Otherwise, the order will be entered into the system and sent for dispatch.

Writing Task 2

In most countries that have a government with a stable economy, citizens must declare

taxes and pay them on time as this fulfills a fundamental civic obligation. It leads to benefits of

public services such as free education and health, road maintenance, etc. On the other hand, it

discourages the labor effort of the citizen by reducing the disposable income since it acquires the

tax obligation to pay taxes. Although it is true that taxes are a fundamental source of financing

for the government of a country, the fact that the citizen must pay them in a mandatory manner

does generate discrepancy between people.

Firstly, the money from the taxes is destined to be invested in benefits for the citizens like

health care and free education. It is a very smart investment because it focuses on improving the

physical and mental health of the human being and giving access to all citizens. On the contrary,

citizens who do not have the ability to pay for medical care or education would not have access

to this, generating more poverty in the country. For these reasons, people are responsible for

paying their taxes.

Secondly, people who have access to an education can help reduce crime and crime rates

in their countries. This leads to how to get a job that generates a satisfactory remuneration.

Considering that, most people who commit criminal acts, drug abuse or who do not have a place

to live are citizens who have not had access to a quality education. Reason why it is a profitable

investment for the government to provide free education.

To summarize, it is an advantage rather than a disadvantage if people must pay high taxes

to cover the costs of education and health care, and the government must manage these costs for

the benefit of the citizens.

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