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Dental Clinic

Faculty Of Economic and Business

Department Of Management Information System

Sara Abbas 72840

Fatima Damen 71889

To our loving family,

We dedicate our senior project to you with heartfelt gratitude and boundless appreciation. Your
unwavering support, encouragement, and belief in our abilities have been the driving force
behind our journey.

With every late night spent researching, designing, and refining, you were there, offering your
love and understanding. Your patience during moments of stress and your comforting words
when doubt crept in made all the difference. Your unwavering faith in our potential propelled us

Through this project, we aimed to showcase not only our academic achievements but also the
values you instilled in us—perseverance, determination, and the pursuit of excellence. It is
your unwavering commitment to education and personal growth that has shaped us.

As we stand on the brink of completing this milestone, we reminded of the countless sacrifices
you have made to ensure our success. From the early morning drives to school to the endless
sacrifices made to fund our education, your love and dedication have been our guiding light.

We dedicate this project to you, our beloved family, as a token of our deepest gratitude. Your
unwavering support and belief in us have fueled our aspirations and inspired us to reach for
the stars. Thank you for always being our rock, our guiding light, and our source of strength.

With all our love.


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