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Malek Kabbara, Yasmina Khreich, Chadi Noureddine, Christa Wakim

English BFI

1-How does this document promote the image of “strong and powerful” women?

2-How does this document illustrate the word “inspirational”?

3-What vision of “the women” is presented in this document?

1-This document does indeed promote this strong and powerful image of women because we see in this
document, the female superhero Wonder Woman running for president and the thousands of women
and even some men supporting her, waving flags and wrote on some banners “Wonder Woman for
president”. This comic book insinuates that there was never a female president of the U.S, and women
should get more recognition politically, such as men already do. We notice as well that the world should
fight for equity much more than just equality so that men and women have the same chances in the
world, specifically political in this document. Likewise, this action needs help not only from women
supporting each other but also and most importantly from men who are willing to help women fight for
this inequality.

2-This document illustrates the word “inspirational” for the reason that the title of the document is
“Wonder Woman for president”, which can inspire other young or even old women to get into politics
or just inspire them to pursue the career path that they want, without feeling less qualified than men, at
the end both of them are just as equally good. Being a woman does not justify the fact to have a less
meaningful job than men, in the contrary, the fight for equal and full rights won’t end without women
taking risky steps and speak out, or advocate for this combat. We can say that this document is
inspirational because it inspires women, especially young women to follow their dreams.

3-The vision of “the women” presented in this document is the strong, powerful and inspirational
women, that is raising awareness about women’s fight to full rights and that is inspiring women to take
action and pursue whatever career they want to do. In addition, the strong vision is about telling women
that they can do everything they want and shouldn’t step down just because of their gender, running for
president (like in this document) should be a first priority for women because the U.S never had a
female governor and it can be a good change with new and different visions. Finally, this vision is also
powerful because it speaks volume, firstly about the fight that women are leading all over the world, to
never give up until equality between the genders is set, secondly that nothing is impossible regardless of
your gender and thirdly, the oppression that women are receiving shouldn’t be an upside but motivation
because it insinuates that they’re doing a good job and society just can’t accept this fact.

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