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Vibry Andina Nurhidayah, S.pd., M.hum

Dinda Puji Lestari (12017033)
CHAPTER I...................................................................................................................................4
A. Background...........................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER II..................................................................................................................................6
A. Definition..............................................................................................................................6
B. Characteristics.......................................................................................................................7
C. Strategy.................................................................................................................................8
E. Principles..............................................................................................................................9
CHAPTER III................................................................................................................................9

And Praise God we pray to Allah SWT, because thanks to His grace and guidance we can
finish this paper on time. The paper is titled "Translation". The paper is structured to meet one
task subjects Translation.
Translation is the process of transferring information from a source language into the
target language. Activity involves translating complex systems to produce results that
grammatical translation, natural and in accordance with the original information. Therefore,
some difficulties may be encountered a translator in the translation process. However, every
difficulty there must be a solution. To that end, this paper presents a translation and explanation
of some of the issues related to translation as a knowledge base for understanding the translation.
Therefore, we welcome any suggestions and constructive criticism for the perfection of
this paper. Any shortcomings and errors are coming from the author himself personally, and all
the absolute truth comes from God Almighty. Finally, I hope this paper can provide benefits to
authors and readers.


A. Background

Translation is a meaning in the text of the source language to produce an

equivalent text in the target language that communicates a similar message. Then the
meaning of translate according to Oxford is, a translation is the communication of a
message from the source language to the target language using an equivalent text. Where
interpretation undoubtedly preceded writing, translation only came after writing
(literature) appeared. In the world of translation or translation, people who translate a
language are called translators or language translators. Translators when translating must
consider several limitations, including context, grammatical rules, writing conventions,
and idioms, as well as other things between the two languages.
This is related from the point of view where the individual defines it and of course
accompanied by his knowledge and experience. People might give a definition by
emphasizing translation as transferring meaning and messages from a source language
(SL) to the target language (TL) or based on the view that translation is a process of
cultural transfer. The following are excerpts from several opinions of linguists regarding
the definition of translation, which is often referred to by translation actors and observers.
Catford (1965; 20), in his book A linguistic Theory of Translation, defines
translation as the transfer of discourse in the source language (SL) to its equivalent
discourse in the target language (TL). Here, Catford emphasizes that the diversion
discourse must be commensurate with the original discourse. Because equivalent is a key
word in the translation process, automatically the message in the redirected discourse will
be comparable to the message in the original discourse. Conversely, if the diverted
discourse and the original discourse are not equivalent, the transferred discourse is not
considered as a translation.
According to Levy, translation is a skill in which the identity of the translator can
be reflected in the form of his opinion. Levy in his book Translation as Decision Process
(cited in Holidaja, 1993; 49) suggests that translation is a creative process that always
gives freedom or choice to translators tied to the closest possible equivalences in
producing situational meaning. Levy further said that as a creative process, translation
gives the translator an opportunity in the form of freedom or autonomy to find an exact
match according to the context of the situation. With this autonomy, a translator has a
large and significant opportunity to develop his skills and habits. He is free to be creative
in interpreting what the original author has written as long as it is not out of context.
In Nida's view, translation consists of trying to produce in BPA the closest natural
equivalent of the SL message, first in terms of meaning, and secondly in terms of style
(Nida and Taber, 1969; 12). related to reproducing messages from SL into TL, the
translator should translate the text by making grammatical and lexical adaptations
whenever possible, and not create difficulties in the translation results to be understood
by TL users. But what is more important is to find an equivalent that has a clear meaning
rather than retaining the form of the expression which might be ambiguous in TL.
Meaning is at the top, because this is the essence of the message that must be conveyed,
while style is second.


A. Definition

One form of translation that is often used today is subtitling, especially in film
and the film industry. Process subtitling is often used to translate films and translating the
dialogues or utterances contained in the films. Film considered one type of entertainment
that many people like. Movies can watched on television, the internet, and others. Film is
one of the best ways to get to know different cultures and can be used also to get a lot of
historical information, medical or otherwise. If the viewer has mastered the language of
the film, especially if the film is in a foreign language that is not the native language of
the audience, so viewers can catch the contents of the film's subtitles which are translated
into other languages native viewers. However, if the viewer can not understand or master
foreign language of the film, many difficulties faced by the viewers. It means something
that the message contained in the film will not be conveyed accurately to viewers.
Therefore, the process of translation and the role of a translator is very important
important in conveying the intended message.
Translation process refers to the transfer of messages from the source language to
the target language in written form or in oral form. With regard to translation in the field
of film, there are terms subtitling and dubbing. Both are methods used for translating
mass audio visuals such as movies and television shows. The subtitling process is not an
easy process because there are many things to consider and the many obstacles one faces
translator during the process of translating subtitling text such as soundtrack that
accompanies the speech of the characters in the film translated, the body gestures of the
characters in the film and their intonation.
According to Shuttleworth and Cowie's Dictionary of Translation Studies (1997:
161), subtitling can be interpreted as "the process of providing synchronized captions for
film and television dialogue". Very important mention "captions" as the term used to
refer to "subtitles" (Spanakaki, 2007: 8). In today's era, film is considered one of the most
important sources of information important because the film is a source to get a lot of
information and get to know different cultures. Movies help the audience get a lot of
information about events, events, and phenomena that's happening all over the world. In
the past, the only source of knowledge and information was books, but now there are
many other sources of information available and accessible in a very easy way. We can
open and access google anytime and anywhere to access information and search for the
latest movies, watch movies online, buy books online, we can even search for the recipes
of our favorite food.
Process getting information and knowledge is now very easy to do. One source of
information is considered as a source of entertainment as well is a movie. Film has
greatly influenced society and nations around the world. Friends when joking together
with each other often use some lines taken from one of the most popular movie scenes.
Words that we often use and borrow from those films usually deliver a message that can
be understood by everyone who has watch a scene from that movie. That means the film
and its contents play an important role in understanding cultural aspects in a society or
another society. Films that contain a very good message can influence youth by bringing
a positive influence and good grades, but films can also influence youth in a significant
way negative if the contents and values are contrary to good morals.

B. Characteristics

There are two types of film translation, namely dubbing and subtitling (Boordwell
& Thompson in Hastuti, 2011: 58). These two types of translation have significant
differences. Boordwell & Thompson in Hastuti (2011: 58) say that dubbing or dubbing is
a process of replacing the sound in a 'soundtract' to correct existing errors and re-record
the dialogue. Meanwhile, Gambier in Hastuti (2011: 58) states that subtitling is a
translation of the film's dialogue which is written at the bottom of the film. Like dubbing,
the purpose of 'subtitling' is to help viewers enjoy a film, whether it's a documentary or a
story, drama, action, and so on.
C. Strategy

In translating a text, Newmark (1988: 45-48) propose several types of strategies

translation, namely:
(1) transference
(2) naturalization
(3) cultural equivalents;
(4) functional equivalents
(5) descriptive equivalent
(6) synonymy
(7) shift or transposition
(8) modulation
(9) compensation
(10) componential analysis
(11) paraphrases.
In addition to this type of strategy translation, there is also a strategy as stated by
(1) literal translation
(2) substitution
(3) free translation.
(4) Replacement
includes: word class replacement; replacement of parts of sentences; lexical
replacement; translation antonym; addition; disappearance; compression; syntax
derivation; amplification descriptive translation; explication/implication.
D. Principles

Every translator has their own style in translating a work. Same on basically, but
the details are different. Duff in Choliludin lays out the principles translation as follows:
a) the translator must accurately reflect the meaning of the original text accurate
b) the arrangement of words and thoughts must be corresponds to the original text as
closely as possible
c) the translator must distinguish between expressions formal, standard and personal used
by the author or language speakers
d) idiomatic expressions, metaphors, proverbs often cannot translated.
To solve this problem, leave the original word, but in quotation marks. For
example: “yuppie”, “um”. In addition to the factors above, knowing the rhythm and
tempo for translators is a must. Often found on a television show, among others lip
movement with the spoken word or out of sync text. There's such a delay second. That's
why understanding tempo and rhythm very important.
Tempo in musical terms is: provisions speed level, or how fast something is songs
must be performed. While rhythm is short length setting, pressurized or whether the notes
are in a repeating pattern. On subtitles or dubbing of course the tempo must be adjusted
to the movement of the lips and pronunciation, to make it look synchronized. A film
when translated properly and can be understood easily, then the audience will
increasingly enjoy the film with more comfortable and without having weird feeling
about the movies they saw.


Translation is not only limited to diversion messages from one language to another or
transfer of meaning. The process of translating films requires precision and insight wide. Among
them are mastering the language, both foreign and local languages. Know the culture other areas,
understand the elements of music, especially tempo and rhythm will have more value for

Synchronize lip movements with the word yang speech must also be considered. For
example Indonesian pronunciation must be kept the same the movement of his lips, must be
precise and accurate (the text). By minimizing errors, then can make the audience more
comfortable in watch translated films.

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Newmark, Peter. About Translation (UK: Multilingusl Matters, 1991).

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Edited by Pilar Orero, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain. (Amsterdam/Philadelphia:
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