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BUS Program – EVOLVE 4 Lesson Plan 10

Class 19
Communicative Learning Objective Materials and Resources
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to present Smartphone or tablet.
their speculative ideas about pictures by using specific Handouts 1, 2 and 3.
vocabulary and grammar in order to discuss what
people in the pictures could have done differently.

Evidence of Learning Checklist

A presentation of speculative ideas about situations in Students include at least two reasons for each
pictures. speculation they present.

Didactic Sequence

5 min

• Greet the class.

• Introduce CLO.
• Provide class overview (list of activities in the class) and date.


20-25 min

• Brainstorm with ss what they learned from Cambridge One.

• Prepare: Provide Handout 1.
• Introduce: Explain to Ss that they are going to do an activity where they match verbs to nouns to
make phrases.
• Model the activity by doing the first one with the Ss. Ask them which verb from the box goes with
the three nouns a breakthrough, a connection, and a discovery. Elicit the correct answer of make.
Indicate that Ss should write make at the top of the first column.
• Ask ss to do task A: Put Ss in pairs to complete the chart.
• Check answers as a class. Ask volunteers to make a sentence with each phrase.
Make: a breakthrough, a connection, a discovery
Gain: insight, knowledge
Carry out: research
Face: a challenge
Notice: a phenomenon
Provide: a solution
• Task B: Ss work individually to complete the conversation.
• Put Ss into pairs to check answers and practice the conversation.
1. research
2. carry out
3. solution
4. gain
5. connection
6. make
7. phenomenon
8. gain
9. make
10. face
• Task C: Ss do the task individually to change the words in italics in exercise B with their own ideas.
• Review: Ask a confident pair of Ss to role play their conversation for the class.

20-25 min

• Prepare: Provide Handout 2.

• Introduce: Explain to Ss that they are going to do an activity where they fill in the blanks using
vocabulary words.
• Model the activity by doing the first one with the Ss. Ask Ss to notice that the first letter of the
word is provided and that the lines correspond to the number of letters needed to fill the gap.
Elicit the correct answer of mix-up for question one.
• Ask ss to do task A: Ask volunteers to read the words in the box aloud. Correct for pronunciation.
• Ss complete the task in pairs. Monitor and prompt by reminding them that the blanks contain hints
(the first letter and the number of letters for each word).
• Check answers with the class.
1. mix-up
2. confusion
3. blame, mistake
4. get, make
5. fix, problem
6. misunderstanding, fault
7. correct, error
8. blunder, epic fail

• Task B: work in pairs to complete the questions.

• Check answers as a class.
• Ss take turns asking and answering the questions.
1. fault
2. mistake/error
3. confusion, mistake/error
4. fix/correct
5. epic fail
Review: Ss share their answers from exercise B with the class.

20-25 min
• Prepare: Provide Handout 3.
• Introduce: Explain to Ss that they will take turns describing what they think happened in a photo,
and their partner will try to guess which photo they are talking about. Remind Ss that they can use
past modals of possibility to speculate about events in the past.
• Ask students to do the task: Go through the instructions and answer any questions.
• Give Ss time to describe the photos to each other and guess which photo their partner is describing.
• Circulate and help with any language questions.
• Ask groups to describe what the person in each photo could have done differently. Which group
has the best ideas?

10 min
• Check if the lesson’s main objective was reached. This can be done by asking students to share with their
classmates what project plan, from the ones presented, they liked the most and why.

• Assign the HOMEWORK for next class. See below:

HOMEWORK: Online content - Unit 10 (

Unit 10: What if...?
Lesson 3: You'll never guess!
• Functional language presentation
• Real-world strategy presentation
• Functional language and Real-world strategy practice
• Pronunciation: Saying long and short vowel sounds
• Lesson review: Prepare for the role-play
• Role-play

Lesson 4: I can't live without it!

• Listening skills
• Pronunciation: Listening for weak words
• Writing skill: Showing similarity and contrast
• Writing skill practice
• Lesson review: Prepare to write
• Final writing task: Good and bad inventions

Unit 10 Review
• Vocabulary review
• Grammar review
• Functional language review
• Listening and writing skills review
• Prepare to speak
• Final speaking task: A big decision

Time to watch: Drama – Episode 5

• Before you watch
• While you watch
• Language focus
• After you watch
• Final writing task: The importance of an invention or discovery

• Vocabulary game
• Grammar game

BUS Program – EVOLVE 4 Lesson Plan 10

Class 20
Communicative Learning Objective Materials and Resources
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to discuss Smartphone or tablet.
and analyze the most influential inventions by using the Handout 4.
vocabulary and structures they learned in unit ten in
order to, as a class, agree on the most influential
invention in human history.

Evidence of Learning Checklist

Presentation of the most influential invention in human Ss should include at least 3 reasons for their
history. choice of invention.
Didactic Sequence

5 min

• Greet the class.

• Introduce CLO.
• Provide class overview (list of activities in the class) and date.

5-10 min

• Brainstorm with ss what they learned from Cambridge One.

• Introduce the task Aim: Introduce the topic of important events in human history.
• On the board, write the most important events in human history.
• Elicit responses from Ss. If necessary, model an example to help clarify the question. As a
class, vote on which are the five most important.
• Present the following Useful phrases included at the bottom of Handout 4. Remind Ss that
they can use them at the relevant stages of the lesson.

5-10 min

• Prepare: Provide Handout 4.

Task A: Discuss
• Aim: Ss think about the idea of a turning point in history.
• Read the instructions aloud. Give Ss time to look at the pictures (fire, writing, agriculture).
• Ss discuss what inventions or discoveries happened first.
• Ask Ss to discuss how life would be different without them.
10-15 min

Task B: Discuss
• Aim: Ss discuss how four discoveries and inventions changed human history.
• Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures and ask volunteers to guess what they are (a vaccine, the
laptop, the atom). Check Ss’ understanding of each.
• Ss discuss each invention and how it changed human history.
• Give Ss time to think of two more influential discoveries or inventions.

10-15 min

TASK C: Decide
• Aim: Ss choose the invention they think has been most important for human history.
• Ss do the task in their group.
• Encourage Ss to make a T-chart to list the positives and negatives of what life would be like
without each invention.
• Preparation for speaking* Give groups time to practice what they are going to say to the class.

10-15 min

TASK D: Present
• Aim: Ss present their most important invention to the class.
• Tell Ss to take notes during each presentation to help them decide which invention to vote for.
• Groups take turns presenting their inventions and discoveries.
• Feedback for speaking activities* Monitor and make a note of the strong points of each group,
for example good use of unit vocabulary, interesting questions, natural-sounding interactions, etc.
You can use your notes to give feedback at the end of the lesson.

10-15 min

TASK E: Agree
• Aim: Ss work together to choose the most influential invention.
• Read the instructions aloud.
• Write each group’s discovery or invention on the board.
• Have the class decide which invention was most influential.
• Feedback for speaking activities* Give the class positive feedback based on the notes you made
earlier in the activity.
*These tips can help you create a safe speaking environment. They can also be used with other
speaking activities.
10 min

• Check if the lesson’s main objective was reached. This can be done through a reflection of the activity by
taking turns and saying what is/are the most influential invention(s) for them personally and why.
• Assign the HOMEWORK for next class. See below:

HOMEWORK: Online content - Unit 11 (

Unit 11: Contrasts
Lesson 1: Student stories
• Unit introduction
• Lesson introduction
• Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about college education
• Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about college education
• Vocabulary practice 1: Talking about college education
• Vocabulary practice 2: Talking about college education
• Grammar presentation: Gerund and infinitive after forget, remember, stop
• Grammar practice 1: Gerund and infinitive after forget, remember, stop
• Grammar practice 2: Gerund and infinitive after forget, remember, stop
• Lesson review: Prepare to speak
• Final speaking task: Your school experience

Lesson 2: Folk remedies

• Lesson introduction
• Vocabulary presentation 1: Talking about science
• Vocabulary presentation 2: Talking about science
• Vocabulary practice 1: Talking about science
• Vocabulary practice 2: Talking about science
• Grammar presentation: Causative verbs help, let, make
• Grammar practice 1: Causative verbs help, let, make
• Grammar practice 2: Causative verbs help, let, make
• Lesson review: Prepare to write
• Final writing task: Folk beliefs and remedies

Time to watch: Documentary – "The future of driving"

• Before you watch
• While you watch
• Language focus
• After you watch
• Final speaking task: An invention for everyone

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