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Book 1 Unit 3
The Report


Lee sat among the books at the library and thought about his group project.

They had to turn it in soon, but he hadn’t even started his part! Jack and

Claire were in his group. They had worked hard. They were also very smart,
and Lee didn’t want them to get a bad grade.

Jack did the report. He wrote a lot of very good sentences and described
things clearly and carefully. Claire drew a nice map of the stars. Now, Lee
needed to do his part of the project.





report n. (书⾯面/⼝口头) 报告

among 介词,在…中间,被…围绕

e.g., There is a red apple among the green ones.

library 发⾳音:英 /‘laɪbrərɪ/ 美 /‘laɪbreri/

project n. 课题,项⽬目(需调查、研究、上交供评估)

turn it in 上交作业

grade n. 成绩,分数

- get a bad / good grade

e.g., I managed to get good grades on my report card (成绩单)

describe v. 描写,叙述,侧重描述清晰细节

draw v. 画 —> 过去式 drew /druː/

map of the stars —> star map 天体图


“Well, I suppose I need to start my model,” Lee thought.

Making a model of a planet was really hard. Lee tried to read several books,
but he couldn’t understand any of the charts. “We’re going to fail because

of me!” Lee said. He put his head down on the table and said, “ I wish I
could see a planet and an alien, instead of having to read about it!”



表有关的内容。"我们组会因为我⽽而失败的!" ⼩小李李说。他把头靠在桌⼦子上,
说:" 我真希望我能亲眼看到⾏行行星和外星⼈人,⽽而不不是只在书上读到!"


suppose v. 约等于think

e.g., I suppose I should go home now.

model n. 模型

planet n. ⾏行行星

e.g., Saturn is the planet with the ring around it.

several a. ⼏几个,数个 (more than 2 but not many, 3-6)

understand v. 发⾳音重⾳音注意,/ʌndə’stænd/

chart 图表

(pie chart 饼状图 / bar chart 柱状图 / flow chart 流程图)

be going to do sth 将要…

fail v. 失败,考试不不及格

e.g., If I do not know the answers, I will fail the test.

put one’s head (⾮非正式)睡觉

alien /‘eɪlɪən/ n. 外星⼈人

instead of … ⽽而不不是...

e.g., He ate the carrot instead of the ice cream.


Suddenly, he had a great idea that would help him solve his problem. Why
not go on the web and look for photographs of the earth and other planets

taken from space. They would give him a really good view of the planet they
had to talk about in their report. Instead of a bad grade, his group would
have the best project ever. The photos of Earth showed lots of clouds, but

you could still see the shapes of land and seas on Earth. He also looked at
photos of Mars.




suddenly adv. 突然地; sudden a. 突然的

-all of a sudden = suddenly

solve v. 解决 - solve one’s problem

e.g., All the students could easily solve the math problem.

go on the web 上⽹网

the web = internet

look for sth 寻找某事

photograph /‘fotəɡræf/ n. 照⽚片;photo

e.g., I took this photograph with my cellphone.

the Earth n. 地球;⼟土地;⼟土壤;陆地

view n. 视野;

v. 看, e.g., Michael likes to view himself in the mirror.

the best sth ever - ever adv. 在任何时候

cloud n. 云; cloudy a. 多云的

e.g., Today is a cloudy day.

Mars n. ⽕火星


Lee now had plenty of ideas for making a model of the planet Mars. All he
had to do was to turn his ideas into a model. He used a small ball to help

him make the shape he wanted and then painted it to look like the photos of
Mars that he had seen. Sometimes seeing is much more helpful than just




plenty of 许多 = a lot of

all sb has to do is to … 强调句句, 强调句句⼦子后半部分内容

turn sth into sth 把…转变为

shape n. 形状,外观

e.g., Even with your eyes closed you can feel the shape of it.


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