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A very good morning to sir , Headmaster of SJKT , Madam , Senior

Assistant of Curriculum, Ms , Senior Assistant of Students Affairs, Ms ,

Senior Assistant of Co-curriculum, teachers and my lovely students. We warmly welcome all of
you to the School level Science Week 2023 Opening Ceremony.

For your kind information our event today will be conducted in English. So, stay tuned and enjoy
the event.

First of all, to begin our program, let us start this beautiful day with the singing of National
Anthem and the state song. Let us stand straight and sing the songs.

Our assembly will proceed with the blessings and mercy from the almighty. So that, we would like
to invite from year 5 and from year 3 to lead the recitation of prayers.

Thank you to both of them for their recitation of prayer.

Without any further due, let us continue our event with the opening speech from our beloved
headmaster, Mr ------------------- and also requesting humbly to sir to complete the opening
ceremony of gimmick. With all the honour please welcome sir.

Thank you to our headmaster on his energetic speech.

Next, we would like to call upon Mdm ---------------------- as a secretary of this event to briefly
explain about the event to students and teachers. Please welcome.

Thank you to Mdm ------------------- on her briefing.

Dear students and teachers we have a responsibility to give you all a gentle reminder on this
event once again.

1. The activities for this Science week will be conducted for one week.
2. The activities will be conducted every day in two sessions which are morning, 7.20 – 7.45
and afternoon 1.05 to 1.35.
3. Each activity will be in charged by a teacher.

So, my dear students please listen to the instructions carefully and enjoy your activities. All the
best to all of you.

Dear teachers and students, we are now at the end of the ceremony. Before leave let us take a
group photo. For that, we invite all of you to come to the stage. Thank you and see you again next

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