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Module 9-10-11-12 – Breeze, Monsoon, ITCZ

Activity No.1: Sea and Land Breeze

Direction: A. Write T if the statement is true. If false, change the underlined word or
phrase to make it correct. (10pts)
___________________1. During the day, both land and sea are heated by the sun.
___________________2. The land heats up faster than the sea.
___________________3. The moving air or wind from the sea is called a sea breeze.
___________________4. During nighttime, the land and sea both cool down.
___________________5. The land cools down faster than the sea during nighttime.
___________________6. The moving air or wind from the land is called land breeze.
___________________7. Land breeze and sea breezes take place near large bodies of
___________________8. Water has a higher specific heat capacity than the land.
___________________9. Cold air moves toward the direction where warm air is rising.

___________________10. Different locations warm up or cool down differently.

Wrap Up
To summarize what you have learned, complete the following sentences. Choose
your answers from the word box. (5 pts) +1 bonus
All wind is caused by the 1.______________________ of the earth’s surface. Winds
travel from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. The two main types of local
winds are 2.__________ and 3._____________. A sea breeze occurs during 4.___________
when the land heats quicker than the ocean. This causes the air over the land to heat
up also, causing it to become 5._________________ and rise. At the same time, the air
over the water is cooler and denser. This cooler, denser air rushes in to take place of
the rising warm air over the land. This is why when you are at the beach looking out
towards the ocean, a cool breeze blows toward your face.
Conversely, a land breeze occurs during the 6._____________ when the air over the
ocean is warmer than the air over the land. This warm ocean air is less dense than the
cooler air over the land. Therefore, the warm air rises, and the cooler air from over the
land rushes in to take place. If you were on a boat during the night hours, you would
feel the breeze coming from the shore.

Sea breeze daytime less dense unequal heating

Land breeze night
Post Test A
Direction: Read each question carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. (10pts)
1. Winds blow when air flows from areas of higher to lower
A. altitude
B. elevation
C. pressure
D. temperature

2. _______________ are winds that blow over a limited location. These winds blow
between small low and high pressure systems.
A. Local Winds
B. Monsoon Winds
C. Harsh Wind
D. Soothing Winds
3. What happens to the molecules of the air as the temperature drops?
A. they vibrate
B. they move faster
C. they move slowly
D. both a & b

4. When warm air rises, it creates a _____________.

A. low pressure zone
B. high pressure zone
C. moderate pressure zone
D. no pressure zone
5. What are some ways to reduce air pollution?
A. Turning off lights and appliances when they are not in use.
B. Using energy efficient light bulbs and appliances.
C. Buying fewer things that are manufactured using fossil fuels

D. All of the above

6. What type of breeze forms in Diagram J?

Diagram J Diagram F
A. Land Breeze C. Sea Breeze
B. Mountain Breeze D. Valley Breeze
7. What type of breeze forms in Diagram F? Refer to the picture above.
A. Land Breeze C. Sea Breeze
B. Mountain Breeze D. Valley Breeze

8. Which of the following statements describes a land breeze?

A. The flow of the moving air from land to water.
B. The light and the cold wind.
C. The movement of winds from a larger body of water.
D. The land never warms up faster than the sea.

9. Which of the following statement account for the occurrence of land breeze and
sea breeze?
I. Warm air goes up.
II. Different locations warm-up or cool down differently.
III. Cold air moves toward the direction where warm air is rising.
A. I and III B. II and III C. I and II D. I, II, and III

10. Which warms up faster, land or water? I. Land warms up faster than water
II. The water warm-up faster than land
III. Both land and water warm up at the same time.
IV. The rate of warming depends on the weather conditions.
A. I only B. II only C. III only D. IV only

Activity No.2: Complete Me! (10pts)

Write SWM if the statement is true and write NEM if the statement is false.
_______1. The wind moves from a high-pressure area toward a low-pressure area.

_______2. There are three types of monsoons.

_______3. From October to March, the southwest monsoon or amihan comes from the
northeast and moves toward the south.
_______4. The northeast monsoon or amihan is warm because it comes from warm areas
such as Siberia and Mongolia.
_______5. From July to September, the southwest monsoon or habagat comes from the
southwest and moves toward the north.
_______6. Both amihan and habagat bring rain to the Philippines.
_______7. Farmers welcome monsoons because they supply rain for their crops.
_______8. The location of a high and low-pressure area is greatly affected by the Earth’s
tiltation and revolution around the sun.
_______9. Hanging amihan is also known as the southwest monsoon.
_______10. Fisherfolks and fish pen owners are not affected by monsoons.

Post Test B
Read and answer the following questions. Encircle the letter of the best answer. (5pts)
1. What are the two pronounced monsoons in the Philippines?
A. Luntian and Habagat C. Amihan and Habagat
B. Amihan and Amaya D. Alupihan and Bahaghari

2. We have two wind systems, amihan, and habagat. Which of the following DOES NOT
describe amihan?
A. It brings lots of rain.
B. It brings cold weather
C. It comes around July to September.
D. It comes from the northeast and moves southward.

3. Which of the following statement is TRUE about habagat?

A. Amihan is known as the southwest monsoon.
B. Habagat is known as the northeast monsoon.
C. From July to October, the habagat comes from the southwest and moves
toward the north.
D. From October to March the amihan comes from the northeast and moves
towards the south.

4.Why do amihan and habagat bring a lot of rain to the Philippines?

A. Due to the rotation of the earth.
B. It is due to the prayers made by farmers.
C. This is because of the large piece of land near the Philippines.
D. This is because the wind passes over bodies of water which supply a lot of moisture.

5.Which of the following is the negative effect of monsoons in the Philippines?

A. It supplies rain for the farming industry.
B. The rains brought by monsoons fill up the dams that store water.
C. The rain brought by monsoons is used by the farmers in irrigation.
D. Fish pen owners worry about monsoon rains because when the pens overflow, they
lose all the fish within.
Activity No.3: Write on Me!

Direction: Complete the following sentences by filling up with the appropriate words.
Choose your answer from the word box provided below. (10pts)

1. ___________________________ is a region where the atmospheric pressure is lower

than the surrounding areas.
2. ___________________________ is a region where the atmospheric pressure at the
surface is greater than its surrounding areas.
3. ____________________________is a cool and dry wind from Siberia carrying cold
weather condition and could bring rains over the eastern section of the country.
4. A warm, moist air of the ___________________________bring heavy rains to most of
the western part of the country from June to September.
5. __________________________________________is a migratory wave-like disturbance of
the tropical easterlies. It is a wave along a broad easterly current and moves from
east to west.
6. ___________________________________ is the place where winds in the tropics meet,
rise and form clouds, resulting in thunderstorms during certain times of the year.
7. A _____________________ is the leading edge of a cooler mass of air, replacing at
ground level a warmer mass of air, which lies within a fairly sharp surface trough
of low pressure.
8. ________________________________ is also known as the Northeast monsoon.
9. ________________________________is also known as the Southwest monsoon.
10. The acronym ITCZ stands for __________________________________________.

Low pressure area high pressure area Northeast Monsoon

Southwest Monsoon
Hanging Habagat Hanging Amihan Intertropical Convergence Zone
Easterly Wave Cold Front ITCZ

Activity No.4: Fill Me Up!

Direction: Write the description of the following words on the boxes provided. (2pts each)



Post Test C
Read and answer the following questions. Encircle the letter of the best answer.
1. Which of the following weather systems greatly affects the Philippines?
A. Amihan C. ITCZ
B. Habagat D. All of the above.

2. We have two wind systems, amihan, and habagat. Which of the following DOES NOT
describe amihan?
A. It brings lots of rain.
B. It brings cold weather
C. It comes around July to September.
D. It comes from the northeast and moves southward.

3. Which of the following statement is TRUE about the high-pressure area?

A. The high-pressure area is known as the southwest monsoon.
B. It is a wave along with a broad easterly current and moves from east to west.
C. A high-pressure area is a region where the atmospheric pressure is lower than
the surrounding areas.
D. A high-pressure area is a region where the atmospheric pressure at the surface
is greater than its surrounding areas.

4. How will you describe an easterly wave?

A. It is not a migratory wave-like disturbance of the tropical easterlies.
B. It is a wave along with a broad easterly current and moves from east to west.
C. The convergence of winds from the northeast and southwest becomes a breeding
ground of the low-pressure area.
D. The leading edge of a cooler mass of air, replacing at ground level a warmer mass
of air, which lies within a fairly sharp surface trough of low pressure.

5. What is the importance of weather forecasting?

A. Nothing is important about it.
B. It is just a waste of time listening and watching the weather news.
C. It has nothing to do with the impending severe weather conditions and other
weather hazards.
D. It forewarns the people about the future weather conditions so that people can
plan their activities accordingly.

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