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Republic of the Philippines

Region 02
Schools Division of Cauayan City
Rogus, Cauayan City Isabela
School I.D: 323903
NAME: _______________________________________________________ SCORE: _____________

GENERAL DIRECTION: Read each question carefully and choose the correct answer. Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS
on the line provided before the number. GOD BLESS IN YOUR EXAM 

____1. To locate exact places on the Erath, one must look at

A. the lines of latitude only C. the neighboring area to describe the location
B. the lines of longitude only D. the intersecting lines of latitude and longitude
____2. When measuring the lines of latitude, always begin with the ________, which represents 0 degrees.
A. prime meridian B. equator C. longitude D. north pole
____3. What are the factors which affect soil formation?
A. climate, temperature, amount of rainfall C. amount of soil, amount of rainfall, slope of the land
B. slope of the land, temperature, particle of soil D. reforestation, use of compost as fertilizers, climate
____4. Which of the following is an example of non-renewable resources?
A. geothermal B. coal C. hydropower D. wind
____5. What is the most abundant element in Earth’s atmosphere?
A. Argon B. Carbon Dioxide C. Nitrogen D. Oxygen
____6. What is the correct order of the Earth’s atmospheric layers from least dense to densest?
A. Exosphere, Thermosphere, Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere
B. Exosphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Troposphere
C. Exosphere, Mesosphere, Stratosphere, Thermosphere, Troposphere
D. Exosphere, Stratosphere, Thermosphere, Mesosphere, Troposphere
____7. Which layer of the atmosphere contains the ozone layer?
A. mesosphere B. stratosphere C. thermosphere D. troposphere
____8. In which layers do virtually all weather phenomena take place?
A. Exosphere B. Mesosphere C. Stratosphere D. Thermosphere
____9. In which layer of the atmosphere we can find the aurora borealis?
A. Exosphere B. Mesosphere C. Stratosphere D. Thermosphere
____10. What is the basis for the division of the layers of the atmosphere surrounding the Earth?
A. changing temperature C. changing amount of oxygen
B. changing weather patterns D. changing composition of gases
____11. Which warms up faster, land or water?
A. land C. both warm up at the same rate
B. water D. rate of warming varies; depends on weather
____12. What happens to the surrounding air as warm air rises?
A. moves in all direction C. moves away from the rising air
B. moves to a higher altitude D. moves toward the place where warm air rises
____13. In what direction do winds blow?
A. from northeast to southwest C. from low pressure areas to high pressure areas
B. from southwest to northeast D. from high pressure areas to low pressure areas
____14. Which of the following picture shows the appearance of a moon when a solar eclipse occurs?
A. B. C. D.

____15. How does lunar eclipse occur?

A. when a moon comes directly between the sun and earth
B. the earth has move along its orbit taking the moon with it
C. when the moon moves through Earth’s shadow at full moon
D. when the moon directly on the opposite side of the earth and sun
____16. Is there a relationship between our latitude position and high diversity of life forms in our country?
A. Yes. The Philippines is surrounded with oceans and bodies of water.
B. No. There is no relationship between our latitude position and high diversity of life forms in our country.
C. No. The latitude position has no connection with high diversity of life forms in our country.
D. Yes. The Philippines is near the equator where there is sunshine all year round and rainfall is abundant.
____17. We depend on energy for many of our daily activities. Which of the following statements shows conservation of energy?
I. Switch off light when not in use.
II. Recycle materials like paper and glass container
III. Turn off electrical appliances when they are not in use.
IV. At low tide, water is allowed to run out through the dam to turn electrical generators.
A. I only B. I and II C. I, II, and III D. I, II, III, and IV
____18. Which of the following DOES NOT describe a wise conservation of energy?
A. constructing dams near waterfalls C. making windmills in areas with strong seasonal winds
B. using solar power cells to run electricity D. dumping of bagasse and agricultural wastes into rivers
____19. Which of the following is the best example of Physical Weathering?
A. the rusting of an Iron C. the formation of sandbar along the side of a stream
B. the chemical reaction of limestone with acid rain D. the cracking of rock caused by freezing and thawing of
____20. Is there a relationship between the presences of minerals in the Philippines with any geologic structure?
A. No. There is no relationship between the presences of minerals in the Philippines with any geologic structure.
B. Yes. The presence of minerals in the Philippines indicates that the country is rich in resources.
C. No. The presences of minerals in the Philippines has no connection with any geologic structures.
D. Yes. The presences of minerals in the Philippines indicates the presence of geologic structures like active faults and volcanoes.
____21. Why is the presence of ozone above the troposphere important for the survival of living things on Earth?
A. it warms Earth’s surface C. it makes jet flying more comfortable
B. it helps in cloud formation D. it offers protection from Sun’s harmful UV rays
____22. The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon. Without a natural greenhouse effect, the temperature of the Earth would be
about -18˚C instead of 14˚C at present. Why are scientists concerned about the greenhouse effect?
A. there is no technology that will keep the temperature of Earth constant.
B. Planting trees in wider areas is not possible; Earth has many dessert areas.
C. Human activities like burning of fossil fuels and deforestation enhance the greenhouse effect.
D. The human population is increasing rapidly; more carbon dioxide will be released to the atmosphere.
____23. Why do hikers put on thicker clothes when climbing a high mountain?
A. for protection against insect bites C. so they can easily be located when they get lost
B. the air temperature decreases in altitude D. to add more weight so they will not be pushed by the wind
____24. Which of the following does NOT describe the amihan?
A. brings lots of rain C. comes around July to September
B. brings cold weather D. comes from the northeast and moves soutward
____25. Which is NOT TRUE about Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)?
A. it results in thunderstorms. C. in occurs in the Philippines all year round
B. it occurs in countries near the equator D. it is a place where winds in tropics met, rise and form
____26. A way the factory could help conserve the river water as a natural resource is to —
A. filter the water before dumping into the river C. set up nets down river to remove contaminated fish
B. remove all of the animals from the area for their protection D. post signs of "No swimming in the river"
____27. Which of the following is a good idea for saving electricity through energy conservation?
A. Replace compact fluorescent bulbs with incandescent bulbs.
B. Allow your computer to be on constantly.
C. Plug electronic devices directly into an outlet instead of a power strip.
D. Turn off lights when you leave a room.
____28. Your community is rich in metallic minerals. Which of the following should the community undertake in order to conserve
such precious mineral deposits?
A. use all of them to earn money
B. Put up tunnels to harvest all metallic minerals
C. Formulate laws and ordinances to regulate the mining of minerals
D. Use dynamites to clear out the mountain and reveal the mineral deposits
____29. Which of the following activities contribute to global warming?
I. Planting trees in wider areas III. Deforestation
II. Burning of fossil fuels IV. Overpopulation
A. I only B. II, III, and IV C. I, II, III, and IV D. IV only
____30. Which of the following greatly cause weather changes?
I. Use of motor vehicles III. Use of products with CFC
II. Cutting down of trees IV. Massive clearing and destruction of forests due to logging
A. I only B. III and IV only C. I and II only D. I, II, III, and IV
____31. How does energy from the sun enter the atmosphere?
A. The Sun’s energy enters anywhere in the space including earth
B. It reaches the Earth and enters the atmosphere through radiation
C. It reaches the Earth through vibrating particles of the atmosphere
D. The plants in the Earth attracts the sun’s energy making it enter the Earth’s atmosphere
____32. Which of the following statements account for the occurrence of land breeze and sea breeze?
I. Warm air goes up. III. Cold air moves towards the place where warm air is rising
II. Different locations warm up or cool down differently
A. I and III B. II and III C. I and II D. I, II, and III
____33. How do you explain the occurrence of ITCZ?
I. It is the reason why we have thunderstorms during certain months
II. It occurs during the warm months when these places are much warmer than other places on earth.
III. It happens only in certain countries near the equator because this places receive direct rays from the sun.
A. I and III B. II and III C. I and II D. I, II, and III
____34. Which of the following is most likely to cause a rise in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere in the future?
A. Atomic warfare C. Dust clouds from volcanoes
B. Carbon dioxide from fossil fuels D. Depletion of the Earth’s ozone layer
____35. While on the beach, a group of Grade 7 students are studying local wind. Carlos, the leader of the group, explained that the
wind direction during the day is usually the reverse of the wind direction at night. Which of the following statements supports
Carlos’s claim?
A. There is more water in the sea than on land
B. This is usually an indication that an El Nino event is under way.
C. The water remains at about the same temperature all throughout the day.
D. Land heats up faster than water during the day and also cools faster at night.

____36. Natural resources re material or elements from the environment that people:
A. did not create C. use to meet their needs
B. invented for themselves D. observe using a scientific equipment
____37. What do you call a resource that people can use again and again but its supply can be replaced?
A. renewable B. recyclable C. reliable D. unlimited
____38. What two factors have the greatest influence on soil formation?
A. temperature and rainfall C. kind of soil particles and temperature
B. slope of the land and rainfall D. reforestation and use of compost as fertilizer
____39. Which pair of resources is renewable?
A. cotton and leather B. aluminum and iron C. soil and minerals D. coal and solar energy
____40. Why are coal, petroleum, and natural gas considered non-renewable resources if they were produced from plant and animal
A. It takes a very long time to produce them. C. They are difficult to locate and explore from earth
B. Using them results in environmental problems. D. The Philippines is dependent on supply from other countries
For items number 41-42, refer to the ILLUSTRATION A attached with the examination paper.
____41. Which of the following is the correct location of Province A?
A. 16˚N and 121˚E B. 17˚N and 122˚E C. 16˚S and 121˚W D. 17˚S and 122˚W
____42. Province B would be located at __________.
A. 7˚N and 126˚W B. 7˚S and 126˚E C. 7˚N and 126˚S D. 7˚N and 126˚E
For items number 43-44, refer to the ILLUSTRATION B attached with the examination paper.
____43. Using the map, in which longitude could you find Philippines?
A. 60 ˚E B. 60 ˚W C. 120˚E D. 120˚W
____44. In which latitudes could you find the Philippines?
A. between 0˚ and 30 ˚N B. between 0˚ and 30 ˚S C. between 120˚ and 180 ˚E D. between 120˚ and 180 ˚W
____45. Which of the following list of materials correctly match of which it was produced?
A. cans and knives: farm C. food products and house components: mines
B. leather shoes, spoon, and fork: mines D. paper and bags: trees, and other plant fiber
46- 50. Draw the arrangement of Sun, Earth and Moon during Solar and Lunar Eclipse

Prepared by: Noted:

SCIENCE 7 Teacher School Head

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