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NAME: _________________________________________ Date: _____________ Score: _______

I- Multiple Choices:
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following parts allow different activities of the cell to happen?
a. Cytoplasm c. vacuole
b. Lysosome d. vesicle

2. If the chloroplasts of a plant cell are damaged, which will it be unable to do?
a. Protect the cell c. excrete waste materials
b. Make food for the cell d. Give instruction for the cell to reproduce

3. What part allows or prevents substances to go into and out of the cell?
a. Cell wall b. cell membrane c. vacuole d. nucleus

4. What part of the cell store water and maintain its rigidity?
a. Vacuole b. cell wall c. cell membrane d. ribosome

5. What is the control center of the cell?

a. Lysosome b. ribosome c. mitochondria d. nucleus

6. It is part of the cell which plays a role during cell division.

a. Lysosome b. centrioles c. golgi body d. endoplasmic reticulum

7. It is the basic unit of life.

a. Tissue b. organ c. cell d. organ system

8. How is plant cell similar to an animal cell?

a. Both have nuclei, chloroplast and cytoplasm.
b. Both have cell walls, nuclei and cell membranes.
c. Both have nuclei, cytoplasm and cell membrane.
d. Both have cell walls, chloroplasts and cell membrane.

9. It moves the body tube and objectives up and down.

a. Condenser adjustment knob c. coarse adjustment knob
b. Iris diaphragm d. inclination joint

10. Which part makes possible the changing of the objectives?

a. Dust shield b. fine adjustment knob c. rotating nosepiece d. body tube

11. Which two parts of the light microscope magnify the image of an object?
a. Eyepiece and mirror b. eyepiece and objectives c. objectives and mirror d. objectives and diaphragm

12. Which part supports the entire weight of the microscope?

a. Inclination joint b. arm c. pillar d. base

13. You are to transfer the microscope to the next room. Which parts should you are holding in carrying the
microscope properly?
a. Arm and base b. arm and pillar b. base and stage d. base and draw tube

14. Which of the following are the fundamental parts of the cell?
a. Nucleus, cell membrane, mitochondrion c. nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm
b. Ribosome, lysosome, endoplasmic reticulum d. cytoplasm, nucleus, cell wall
15. An important tool is studying objects that are not seen by the naked eye. _____________________

II- Matching Type:

Direction: Match column A to column B to find the correct answer. Write only the letter before the number.

Column A Column B
1. They play a role in storing water and nutrients in the cell. A. cytoplasm
2. It controls what goes into and out of the cell. B. mitochondrion
3. It allows different activities of the cell to happen. C. microscope
4. Transports protein to the different parts of the cell. D. chloroplast
5. It converts energy in food to form usable to the cell. E. cell membrane
6. Control all the activities occur in the cell. F. ribosome
7. An Organelle that sort, modify, package and distribute cell products. G. cell
8. It is an organelle found only in animal cells that functions during cell division. H. nucleus
9. A green pigment-containing organelle found only in plant cells. I. Endoplasmic reticulum
10. An organelle involved in the manufacturing of protein. J. golgi body
11. The basic unit structure and function of all life forms. K. multicellular
12. An important tool in studying objects that are not seen by the naked eye. L. specimen
13. Organisms that is made up of two or more cells, like human. M. rough ER
14. It is part or sample of any material for study or examination under the microscope. N. vacuole
15. It has attached ribosomes that manufacture protein. O. centriole

III- Identification (5pts.)

A. Direction: Make a comparison of an ANIMAL CELL and PLANT CELL.


B. Label the parts of the microscope


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