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Baliwag, Bulacan
Second Quarter

Name: _________________________ Section: ___________________

Multiple choice: Read each item carefully. Write only the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before
each number.

_____ 1. How is a plant cell similar to an animal cell?

a. Both have nuclei, chloroplast and cytoplasm.
b. Both have cell walls, nuclei and cell membranes.
c. Both have nuclei, cytoplasm and cell membranes.
d. Both have cell walls, chloroplasts and cell membrane.
_____ 2. Why do plant cells have large vacuoles?
a. for cell division b. for storage ,support and rigidity
c. for food making process d. for excretion of waste materials
_____ 3. What are organelles found in a plant cell but are absent in an animal cell?
a. cell wall and cell membrane b. chloroplasts and cell wall
c. centriole and cell membrane d. cytoplasm and chloroplasts

For items 4 to 6, refer to the diagram below:

_____ 4. Which structure is the “powerhouse” of the cell?

a. B b. D c. G d. M
_____ 5. Which organelle controls all the activities of the cell?
a. C b. D c. K d. A
_____ 6. Which structure controls what goes into and out of the cell?
a. I b. J c. G d. A
_____ 7. Which of the following parts is found only in animal cell?
a. cell membrane b. chloroplast c. nucleus d. centrioles
_____8. In which type of cells will a greater number of mitochondria most likely be found?
a. cells requiring much energy b. non living cells
c. decaying cells d. withering plant cells
_____9. If the chloroplasts of a plant cell are damaged, which will it be unable to do?
a. protect the cell b. make food for the cell
c. excrete waste materials d. give instruction for cell to reproduce
_____10. Which cell organelle is responsible for making protein?
a. ribosome b. mitochondria c. nucleus d. Golgi body
_____11. What cell organelle carries proteins to the different parts of the cell?
a. Golgi body b. endoplasmic reticulum c. nucleolus d. plasma membrane

_____12. Which of the following structures can be found in ALL plant cells
I. cell wall II. cell membrane III. cytoplasm IV chloroplast

a. II and III b. I, II and III c. !, II and IV d. I, II, III and IV

_____13. Which of the following statements about cells are not CORRECT?

I. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function of life.

II. Not all living things are made up of cells.

III. Cells highly differ in shape and size.

IV. As an organism grows bigger, the cells in the body increase in size.

a. I and III b. II and IV c. I, II and IV d. I, II, III and IV

_____14. What is the importance of reproduction to living things?
a. change of species b. survival of the species
c. perpetuation of the species d. none of these
_____15.Which of the following structures are NOT involved in asexual reproduction?
a. gametes b. roots c. stem d. leaf
_____16. Which of the following organisms does not reproduce by budding?
a. hydra b. sponges c. starfish d. yeast
_____17.Which of the following is the male organ of a flower?
a. anther b. ovary c. pistil d. stamen
_____18.Which organisms reproduce by forming spores that germinate into new individuals without fertilization?
a. bread molds b. mosses c. ferns d. all of these
_____19. What does the union of sperm and an egg cell produce?
a. gametes b. embryo c. zygote d. genes
_____20. Why do we use vegetative propagation to grow plants?
a. desirable traits will be passed on from generation to generation
b. plants can reach maturity faster than plants grown from seeds
c. population might be wiped out if the environmental conditions become favorable
d. both a and b
_____21. Which species can produce offspring that are genetically different from their parents?
a. A species that has few variations b. A species that reproduce sexually
c. A species that reproduce asexually d. A species that compete with similar specie
_____22. In sexual reproduction, what is the source of the genetic material in a zygote?
a. an egg cell only b. a pollen and a sperm cell
c. a sperm cell only d. an egg cell and a sperm cell
_____23. Which of the following is TRUE about fertilization?
a. No sex cells are needed for fertilization to occur.
b. It is a form of asexual reproduction.
c. Sperm cells and egg cells are needed for fertilization to occur.
d. One type of sex cell is needed for fertilization to occur.
_____24.Which of the following reproduces by regeneration?
a. crab b. starfish c. squid sponge
_____25. Which of the following parts of the flower are involved in sexual reproduction?
a. stamen and pistil b. stamen and sepals c. petals and pistil d. pollen grains and stamen

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