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Name:________________________________ Grade Level:______ Date:__________

Section:_______________________ Score:______

I.Multiple Choice. Direction: Choose and encircle the letter of the best answer.
1. Which is the correct sequence – from smallest to biggest – of the levels of organization in an organism?
a. Cell  organ  organ system  tissue organism
b. Organ  organ system  tissue  cell organism
c. Cell  tissue  organ  organ system  organism
d. Organ system  organ  tissue  cell  organism
2. Which of the following is an organ of the circulatory system?
a. Heart b. Kidney c. Roots d. Stems
3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
a. Groups of organs working together are called cells.
b. Groups of cells working together are called tissues.
c. Groups of organs working together are called organism.
d. Groups of tissues working together are called organ system.
4. Angelo’s father was hospitalized due to chest pain and difficulty in breathing. Laboratory examination revealed
increased cholesterol in blood. Which organ system is mostly affected?
a. Circulatory system c. Excretory system
b. Nervous system d. Digestive system
5. James love to eat junk food and enjoys adding fish sauce (patis) and soy sauce in his meals. One day, he was
complaining of difficulty in urinating accompanied by severe pain in the side and back below the ribs. Which organ
has a problem in this situation?
a. Heart b. Kidney c. Lung d. Stomach
6. Which of the following parts allow different activities of the cell to happen?
a. Cytoplasm b. Nucleus c. Vacuole d. Lysosome
7. If the choloroplasts of a plant cell are damaged, which will it be unable to do?
a. Protect the cell c. Excrete waste materials
b. Make food for the cell d. Give instruction for cell to reproduce

For Questions 8 and 9, refer to the figures.

8. What part of this cell store food and water?

a.1 b.3 c.5 d.7

9. Which is the control center of this cell?

a. 2 b.4 c.6 d.8
10. It is the part of this cell which plays a role during cell division.
a. Nucleus b. centrioles c.mitochondria d.golgi bodies
11. Adding iodine solution to the onion cell preparation makes the cells _________
a. Big b. Small c. Less visible d. More visible
12. Which of the following plant cell parts is not found in onion cells?
a. Centrioles b. Cell wall c. Vacuole d. Mitochondrion
The table below enumerates the parts that are present or absent in two kinds of cells.

Structure Cell A Cell B

Cell wall X /
Plasma membrane / /
Chloroplast X /
Centriole / X
Nucleus / /
13. Which is a plant cell?
a. Cell A b. cell B c. cell C d. cell D
14. Which is an animal cell?
a.Cell A b. cell B c. cell C d. cell D
15. You are asked to identify an unknown slide. Which of the following could help you identify that it is an animal cell?
I. Absence of centrioles
II. Irregular shape
III. Presence of cell wall
IV. Angular and rigid shape
V. Absence of chloroplast
a. I and III b. II and V c. I and IV d. III and IV
16. How is a plant cell similar to an animal cell?
a. Both have nuceus, chloroplast and cytoplasm
b. Both have cell walls, nuclei and cell membranes
c. Both have nuclei, cytoplasm and cell membranes
d. Both have cell walls, choloplasts and cell membranes
17. Which of the following microorganisms is used in making cheese and yogurt?
a. Algae b. bacteria c. molds d. lichens
18. Which of the following is an example of fungi?
a. Bacteria b. algae c. lichen d. mushroom
19. Which microorganism is used in making bread?
a. Bacterium b.mold c.lichen d.yeast
20. The shore of the beach was seen to have a greenish color. What could have been present in the waters to cause
such color?
a. Bacterium b.mold c.lichen d.yeast
21. Which of the following is TRUE about lichens?
a. They are examples of molds. c.The provide home for bacteria.
b. They spoil food. d.They are partly fungi and partly algae.
22. Is mushroom a kind of plant?
a. Yes. Because it has roots, stems and seeds. c.No. Because it cannot make its own food.
b. Yes. Because it produces spores. d.No. because it is poisonous.
23. Why are bacteria and fungi important in the environment?
a. They act as decomposers. c.They are sources of energy.
b. They cause diseases to humans. d.They help beautify the surroundings.
24. A loaf of bread was left on the cabinet and stayed there for days. John got hungry one day and looked for
something to eat in the kitchen. He found the loaf of bread covered with greenish thread and smells foul. What
could have happened to the loaf of bread?
a. It was covered with algae causing it to spoil. C. It was covered with bacteria causing it to spoil.
b. It was covered with molds causing it to spoil. D. It was covered with seaweeds causing it to spoil.
25. Which of the following statement is TRUE about asexual reproduction and sexual reproduction?
I.Asexual reproduction froms new individuals without involving sex cells.
II.Sexual reproduction forms new individuals using body parts.

a. Both I and II b. I only but not II c.neither I nor II d.II only but not I
26. Which of the following differentiates asexual reproduction from sexual reproduction?
a. Asexual reproduction requires gametes while sexual reproduction requires body parts.
b. Asexual reproduction undergoes fertilization while sexual reproduction undergoes binary fission.
c. Asexual reproduction does not require gametes while sexual reproduction requires the union of gametes.
d. Asexual reproduction produces offspring which is different from the parent while sexual reproduction
produces offspring identical to the parent.
For number 27 , refer to the situation below.
A group of students are studying the types of reproduction. They have searched the following examples:
I. Mushroom reproduces by spore formation.
II. Hydra reproduces by budding.
III. Humans reproduce by fertilization.
IV. Flowering plants reproduce when pollen meets egg producing the fruit and seeds.
27. Which of the following in TRUE about the group’s findings?
a. I and IV are examples of sexual reproduction.
b. III and IV are examples of sexual reproduction.
c. I, II and III are examples of asexual reproduction.
d. I, II, III and IV are examples of asexual reproduction.
28. An egg cell unites with a sperm cell to form a zygote. Which process is taking place?
a. Fertilization b.fragmentation c.pollination d.vegetative propagation
29. Which of the following is TRUE about fertilization?
a. It is a form of asexual reproduction. c. Sperm cells and egg cells are needed for fertilization to occur.
b. No sex cells are needed for fertilization to occur. d. One type of sex cell is needed for fertilization to occur.
30. What happens after fertilization?
a. a zygote is formed b. an egg is formed c. a full grown organism is formed
31. In fertilization, what is the source of the genetic material in a zygote?
a. egg cell only b.a pollen and a sperm cell c.sperm cell only eggcell and a sperm cell

32. During harvest time, abundant supply of food is accompanied by the increase in number of field mice that prey on the
rice plant. Snakes that prey on field mice also will increase in number. What could be the possible outcomes if the farmers
get rid of the snakes?
I.The snake population will increase.
II.The food supply will increase.
III.The rice mice population will double.
IV.The rice mice population will control the snake population.
a.I only b. II and III only c. I and III only d. II and IV only
33. Wolves and lions may occupy the same trophic level because:
a.they both eat herbivores b.they live on land c.they are large animals d.they are predators
34. Which of thefollowing is an abiotic factor that may affect the population of organisms?
a.extreme temperatures availability c..parasites d.predators
35. The following are abiotic factors that may affect the population of organisms EXCEPT:
a.drought b.earthquakes c.predators d.typhoons
II.LABELING. Direction. Label the parts of a microscope.
36. A - _________________________
37. H - _________________________
38. D - _________________________
39. K - _________________________
40. L - _________________________

III. IDENTIFICATION. Direction. Determine the ecological relationships that exist in the following.
__________________________41. Narra and fern
__________________________42. Flea and dog
__________________________43. Cat and rat
__________________________44. Weeds and flowers
__________________________45. snake and rat

46-50.MODIFIED TRUE OF FALSE. Direction. Tell whether the statement is TRUE and FALSE if not. If the item is FALSE,
underline the word/s that make it incorrect then write the correct word/s in the space after the statement.
_____46. Temperature is an abiotic component of the ecosystem while plant is a biotic component.______________
_____47. Biotic components interact with one another and also interact with the abiotic factors. _________________
_____48. Grasses in the field are biotic components of an ecosystem. ___________________
_____49. Water is an abiotic component. ________________
_____50. A plant cell is magnified 430 times if it is viewed under a 10x eyepiece and 43x HPO.

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