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Third Quarterly Examination

Science 7
S.Y. 2022-2023

Name: ___________________________________________ Score: ____________

Grade & Section: __________________________________ Date: ____________________

Multiple Choice: Select the best answer from the choices given.Write the letter only.
______ 1. It is a term that is used when describing the length of the entire path of a moving object.
A. Displacement B. Distance C. Speed D. Velocity
______ 2. Which of the following describes the shortest distance of an object traveled?
A. Displacement B. Distance C. Speed D. Velocity
______ 3. What is all about the computation of distance divided by time?
A. Distance B. Speed C.Displacement D. Velocity
______ 4. It is changed in velocity or changed in direction of an object traveled.
A. Acceleration B. Speed C. Distance D. Displacement
______ 5. Which term describes the speed with direction?
A. Acceleration B. Speed C. Distance D. Velocity
______ 6. Which of the following describes acceleration?
A. Ana travels 100 meters in a straight line with a constant speed.
B. Robert travels with a bicycle at 4 meters per hour constantly.
C. Cathy runs about 100 meters at moderate speed but turns left.
D. Danny doesn't change direction and has the same speed.
Item no. 7-8
______ 7. What is the distance traveled from a man standing to a swimming pool?
A. 1800m B. 600m C. 300m D. 100m
______ 8. What is the displacement from a man standing to a swimming pool?
A. 1800m B. 600m C. 300m D. 100m

______ 9. Which of the following terms describes the zero location of an object that tends
to travel far away?
A. Zero Velocity B. Point of Reference C. Origin of Acceleration D. X & Y Axis
______ 10. What is the unit of speed?
A. m/s B. m/s2 C. Meter D. Second
______ 11. The velocity has a magnitude and _______.
A. Intensity B. Mass C. Direction D. Speed
______12. Which of the following describes acceleration?
A. Change in speed and direction C. Change in time
B. Change in distance D. Change in displacement
Item no. 13-15

______ 13. What is the position of a ball with 0 second?

A. 5m B. 0m C. 15m D. 10m
______ 14. What is the final position of a ball?
A. 5m B. 0m C. 15m D. 10m
______ 15. What is FALSE about the happenings when the ball returns to its point of reference?
A. Displacement is zero B. Change in direction C. No acceleration D. Change in velocity
______ 16. It is a cause to produce light, sound or any disturbance of the medium.
A. Waves B. Particle C. Solid D. Gas
______ 17. There are different types of the waves EXCEPT ______.
A. Transverse B. Longitudinal C. Surface D. Spring
______ 18. Energy from the sun reaches the earth through ______.
A. Infrared waves B. Ultraviolet waves C. Mechanical waves D. Electromagnetic waves
______ 19. Waves in a lake are 5.00m in length and pass an anchored boat 1.25s apart. The speed of the wave is ______.
A. 0.25 m/s B. 4.00 m/s C. 6.25 m/s D. 3x 10⁸m/s
______ 20. The example of longitudinal waves is ______.
A. Sound B. Light C. Tsunami D. Radio
______ 21. It describes the waves’ motion perpendicular to the force.
A. Surface waves B. Longitudinal waves C. Transverse waves D. Mechanical waves
______ 22. Which of the following terms means that waves travel parallel to the applied force?
A. Surface waves B. Longitudinal waves C. Transverse waves
______ 23. What kind of waves need mediums to propagate ?
A. Longitudinal waves B. Transverse waves C. Electromagnetic waves D. Mechanical waves
______ 24. What kind of waves don’t need mediums to propagate?
A. Longitudinal waves B. Transverse waves C. Electromagnetic waves D. Mechanical waves
______ 25. Mechanical waves transport energy from one place to another through ______.
A. medium B. particles C. vibration D. none of the above
______ 26. The example of transverse waves is ______.
A. sound B. light C. tsunami D. music
Item no. 27-29
______ 27. The wavelength is represented by which letter?
A. A B. B C. C D. D
______ 28. Which letter represents amplitude?
A. A B. C C. D D. B
______ 29. The wave crest is represented by which letter?
A. A B. B C. C D. D
______ 30. What is it called when a certain number of waves per a
certain number of seconds?
A. Frequency B. Wavelength C. Amplitude D. Origin

______ 31. What is another name for wave height?

A. Frequency B. Wavelength C. Amplitude D. Origin
______ 32. It is all about the distance of successive crests or successive troughs?
A. Frequency B. Wavelength C. Amplitude D. Origin
______ 33. What is the formula of wave speed?
A. frequency x wavelength B. distance divided by time C. v= 1/f D. waves / time
______ 34. What is measured from one wave crest to another wave crest or one wave trough to another wave trough?
A. Frequency B. Amplitude C. Wavelength D. Origin
______ 35. What will happen as the frequency of a wave increases and the speed remains constant?
A. The wavelength increases C. The amplitude increases
B. The wavelength decreases D. The wave period increases
______ 36. Which of the following is not correct about waves?
A. Waves carry energy from place to place but the particles do not move with the waves.
B. Waves can be classified as either electromagnetic or mechanical.
C. Waves have the capacity to transmit messages.
D. Waves transfer particles (matter) and energy.
______ 37. It creates a series of compression and rarefaction which result in longitudinal waves.
A. medium B. solid C. gas D. vibrations
______ 38. Sound can travel in all media but not in ______.
A. Solid B. Liquid C. Gas D. Vacuum
______39. Which of the following arrangements of media is the speed of sound increasing?
A. wood, water, air B. air, oil, ice C. metal, alcohol, air D. air, water, ice
______ 40. What kind of frequency with a vibration of beyond 20 000 Hz?
A. Ultrasonic B. Infrasonic C. Audible D. High Sound
______ 41. It is the unit of intensity level of the sound
A. meter B. Decibel B. Hertz D. second
______42. Drum A and Drum B are of the same size and are made up of the same material. However, Drum A is struck harder
as compared to Drum B. The following assumption (s) is/are true EXCEPT ______.
A. Drum A and Drum B have the same ptich.
B. Drum A and Drum B have the same timbre.
C. The amplitude of the sound waves produced by Drum A and Drum B are the same.
D. The frequency of the sound waves produces by Drum A and Drum B are the same.
______ 43. What is the fundamental unit of luminous intensity?
A. Candela B. Hertz C. m/s D. Decibel
______ 44. Which of the following terms used as power of light?
A. Radiant energy B. Light intensity C. Steradian D. Dispersion
______ 45. It is a phenomenon in which a prism separates white light into its component colors.
A. Radiant energy B. Light Intensity C. Steradian D. Dispersion
______ 46. What is the arrangement of visible light in Abbreviations from lowest to highest frequency?
______ 47. Which of the following is TRUE about the speed in a vacuum of colors of light?
A. All colors of light have equal speeds in vacuum.
B. All colors of lighthave varying speeds in vacuum.
C. Violet light has the highest speed while red light has the lowest speed.
D. Red light has the highest speed while violet light has the lowest speed.
______ 48. Which of the following is a proof that light travels in a straight line?
A. formation of shadows B. formation of clouds C. formation of rainbows D. foramation of colors
______ 49. Why does the Sun have the greater apparent magnitude?
A. Its color is yellow C. It is farther from the Earth
B. It is closest to the Earth D. It has highest surface temperature
______ 50. It is about the region in the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye.
A. Steradian B. Visible Spectrum C. Light Intensity D. Candela
Science 7 Third Quarterly Examination Answer Keys

1. B 26. B
2. A 27. A
3. B 28. D
4. A 29. C
5. D 30. A
6. C 31. C
7. A 32. B
8. B 33. A
9. B 34. C
10. A 35. B
11. C 36. A
12. A 37. D
13. B 38. D
14. C 39. D
15. C 40. A
16. A 41. B
17. D 42. C
18. B 43. A
19. A 44. B
20. C 45. D
21. C 46. C
22. B 47. B
23. D 48. A
24. C 49. B
25. D 50. B

Prepared by:
Jon Mitchel B. Galang, LPT
Science Teacher

Noted by:
Badria K. Talembo, PhD
School Principal

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