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1. Steel as a prefab housing material is id to be hot but as it is being

advertised by Jacinto Roofing Company ,it is said to be cool. Give the
material that makes the prefab housing cool atmosphere.

There are several ways that a prefab housing material can be designed
to be "cool" in terms of its thermal properties, which can help to reduce indoor
temperatures and improve energy efficiency.

One common approach is to use materials with high reflectivity and low
thermal emissivity, which can reflect solar radiation and reduce heat
absorption. For example, some roofing materials are coated with reflective
coatings to reduce heat absorption and improve energy efficiency.

Another approach is to use materials with high thermal mass, such as

concrete or stone, which can absorb and store heat during the day and
release it slowly at night, helping to regulate indoor temperatures.

Other techniques for creating a cool atmosphere in a prefab housing

structure include using proper insulation and ventilation systems, shading
devices to block direct sunlight, and cool roof designs that reflect more
sunlight and emit less heat than traditional roofs.

It's important to note that while steel is typically a good conductor of

heat and can become hot to the touch under direct sunlight, there are
coatings and design techniques that can be used to reduce its heat absorption
and improve its thermal properties. It's possible that the Jacinto Roofing
Company is using such techniques to promote their steel prefab housing
materials as "cool."

2. The prefab housing of Jacinto Roofing Company is said that it can

withstand 225km/hr. wind. Explain how the prefab housing itself is being
constructed for only one (1) week.

Prefabricated or prefab housing refers to a construction method in

which individual building components, such as walls, roofs, and floors, are
manufactured in a factory setting and then transported to the construction site
for assembly. This method of construction can significantly reduce
construction time and cost, and it can also result in a high-quality, durable
finished product.

The Jacinto Roofing Company's claim that their prefab housing can
withstand winds of up to 225km/hr suggests that they are using materials and
construction methods that are specifically designed to resist high winds and
other environmental factors. For example, they may be using steel or other
reinforced materials for the frame and structural elements of the building, as
well as impact-resistant windows and doors.
In terms of the construction timeline, the use of prefabricated
components can greatly speed up the construction process. Because the
components are manufactured in a controlled factory environment, they can
be produced quickly and with a high degree of accuracy, which can eliminate
many of the delays and errors that can occur in traditional on-site construction.

Once the components are delivered to the construction site, they can
be assembled quickly and efficiently using specialized equipment and
techniques. For example, walls and roof panels may be attached using cranes
and specialized connectors, while interior components such as plumbing and
electrical systems can be installed using pre-fabricated modular components.

Overall, the combination of specialized materials, construction

techniques, and prefabrication methods used by the Jacinto Roofing
Company may allow them to construct a durable, high-quality prefab housing
structure that can withstand extreme winds in a relatively short amount of time.

3. Another innovation of Jacinto Roof Corporattion is the Instaroof.

Explain how the instaroof innovation is being installed compared to the
ordinary installation of the roofing system.

The Instaroof system by Jacinto Roof Corporation is a prefabricated

metal roofing system that is designed to be installed quickly and easily, with
minimal on-site labor and without the need for specialized tools or equipment.

Unlike traditional roofing systems, which are typically installed on-site

using individual roofing components that are cut and fitted by hand, the
Instaroof system is manufactured off-site in a factory setting, using advanced
computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology.

The system consists of pre-fabricated metal roofing panels that are

custom-designed to fit the specific dimensions of the building, along with all
the necessary components, such as ridge caps, flashing, and fasteners. The
panels are pre-coated with a weather-resistant finish and can be produced in
a variety of colors and styles to match the aesthetic of the building.

Installation of the Instaroof system is typically done using a simple,

snap-together mechanism, which allows the panels to be easily connected
and secured to the building's structure. The system requires minimal cutting or
bending of the panels, which helps to reduce waste and minimize the amount
of on-site labor required.

Compared to traditional roofing systems, the Instaroof system can be

installed more quickly, with fewer labor hours required. This can help to
reduce overall construction time and cost, while also providing a high-quality,
durable roofing solution that can withstand extreme weather conditions.

Overall, the Instaroof system by Jacinto Roof Corporation is an

innovative and efficient solution for roofing installations, using advanced
technology and prefabrication techniques to simplify the installation process
and deliver high-quality results.

4. What is the panelized roofing system of Jacinto Roofing Corporation?

The panelized roofing system by Jacinto Roofing Corporation is a

prefabricated roofing system that is designed to be installed quickly and
efficiently, with minimal on-site labor and without the need for specialized
tools or equipment.

The system consists of pre-fabricated metal roofing panels that are

custom-designed to fit the specific dimensions of the building, along with all
the necessary components, such as ridge caps, flashing, and fasteners. The
panels are pre-coated with a weather-resistant finish and can be produced in
a variety of colors and styles to match the aesthetic of the building.

Installation of the panelized roofing system is typically done using a

simple, snap-together mechanism, which allows the panels to be easily
connected and secured to the building's structure. The system requires
minimal cutting or bending of the panels, which helps to reduce waste and
minimize the amount of on-site labor required.

The panelized roofing system offers several advantages over

traditional roofing systems. First, it can be installed more quickly and with
fewer labor hours required, which can help to reduce overall construction time
and cost. Second, the pre-fabricated panels are manufactured to strict quality
standards, which helps to ensure a high-quality, durable finished product.
Finally, the system can be customized to meet the specific needs and
requirements of each individual building, allowing for greater flexibility and
adaptability in the design process.

Overall, the panelized roofing system by Jacinto Roofing Corporation is

an innovative and efficient solution for roofing installations, using advanced
technology and prefabrication techniques to simplify the installation process
and deliver high-quality results.

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