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(for ava) — I'll be waiting for you at dawn, and maybe, you'll be waiting for me at sunset, where our

souls meet; because for ash, eiji is light.

1. Ash's pov: canvas of souls — the first time that Ash saw Eiji contrasting with the sky palette, when he
discovered that Okumura could fly and longed to join him, he knew that it was dangerous, still he wasn't
asking for forever, he just wanted to be by his side, even if just for now. Eiji meant forever.

2. Both: into relapse — doubts, insecurities and fear. Both of them knew each other, more than any
words could ever describe or define. But still, all the wounds are bleeding, keeping them close and apart
at the same time. Like parallels lines, maybe meeting someday, at infinity.

3. Eiji's pov: deepest cut — it's hard to pretend it's not there, because it is.

saves, comments and story reshares are highly appreciated ❥

sdt: ava and I ♡

dt: tagged ♡

cc: mine

sc: rqeizecomps

Ib 3d strip + polaroid: kira x (yt)

song: you open my mind, into the black, I sunk in all the memories — vancouver sleeping clinic

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