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Objective – spelling using visual and phonics skills.

all as in ball 1
Name ……………………………………………....Date………………………….
How many all words can you make? Go through the alphabet.
_ all _all _all _ all _ all _all _ all
Add all to make more words.
sm _ _ _ st_ _ _ c _ _ _ ed
Fill in the missing all words from these sentences.
1. He was not very _ _ _ _. He was sm _ _ _.
2. What do you _ _ _ _ your dog?
3. If you _ _ _ _ you can cut yourself.
4. A cat sat on the _ _ _ _.
5. He lost his _ _ _ _ in the park.
6. We have a disco in the _ _ _ _ when it rains.
7. They sell sweets in a _ _ _ _ _ shop _ _ _ _ _ _ Tanya’s Sweets.
8. There is a fish _ _ _ _ _ on the market. It smells bad.
9. Can I give you a _ _ _ _ on my phone?
10. The boy jumped over the _ _ _ _ and ran off.
Ring the all words in the grid.


Extension work – write some sentences of your own with all words

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