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Working Title

A study on the influence of UI/UX design, in terms of food business and its effect on the
marketing and communication growth.

Aim of the study

The study aims to focus on highlighting the impact, various UI/UX design has on the
marketing and communication of any food business and its growth, ranging from a cloud
kitchen to restaurants.

Rationale and background for the study

Over the period of time, not a lot has changed, food is still one of the most important aspects
of one’s life. The main idea behind a ui/ux interface in the culinary language is to provide a
simple, user-friendly layout based on colour schemes, animations etc, just like a wholesome
plate of home cooed meal, variety of colours easy to use, attractive etc, a good ux brings in
good press, visual support that is high-definition food photography enhances the feels and
makes it look attractive and approachable. While designing and interface, one should talk and
present food how the users do. The way with words is the heart of any good interface,
especially in industry. Poor choice words can badly affect the rapport of the establishment.
Meanwhile, familiar interface, options etc, creates a sense of brand familiarity, trust and
consistency because it has always been the same. A good interface (ui) is like the good
quality ingredients list which plays a crucial role in the final dish and uplifts it and make it
more attractive and flavour just like a good experience (ux). One of the most important
pressure points of this research is the importance of affect food hearty soul fool food pictures
on the ui and how does it affect the overall ux, customer experience. UX has a directly
relation to ROI, as it brings attraction to the interface which increases the sales with directly
means higher sales. The balance of a good ui/ux has a clear impact on revenues, customer
retention, satisfaction and loyalty.
Outlines of the theory underpinning your research:

SOSTAC, one of the most popular digital marketing model or frameworks. It begins with,
situational analysis, which talks about the first stage highlighting the current position and
answers the “where are you now?” question in terms of progress and standing. Second, plan
the objectives, aligned with the research, different stages of the cycle might have different
objectives. The key to the finest objective, they need to be SMART: specific, measurable,
actionable, relevant and time-bound. Then only any objective can be attained for any set

Strategy, this is the third most important step of the framework, as it is in line with the first
two steps. Strategy focuses on the information that was gathered during the first step that is
‘situational analysis’ in order to attain the set goals and objectives. During this stage one
needs consider a set of questions that might affect the over all situation.

Tactics, furthermore this stage emphasises on the small details, or the nitty-gritty of the
digitals apparatus that are appropriate for the set objective and it ‘know how’ to achieve and
use them. This stage highly depends on a strong standing implementation of the first stages,
else it can turn into a waste or time and energy. Jumping into tactics should be based on
research and tangible strategy. In order to implement the ‘tactics’ stage, Action stage is
required to schedule and implement, this stage answers questions like (what needs to be done,
who and when will it be done), Lastly, Control this is one of the most important stages at
focuses on if the set strategy objectives are met, and if not then how to control and measure
the situation.  

Statement of Objectives:

1. To assess the difference between a good & a bad UI/UX and their role in the food
2. To critically examine the relationship between UI/UX design and its impact on the
food business in terms of customer preferences.
3. To review the intricate changes and embellishments that can uplift the interface of the
business and enhances consumer experience which help the overall business to grow.
Research Question

How has UI/UX design influenced marketing and communication for growth in food


The methods or approaches appropriate for this kind of research and will help in supporting
the discussion is Case Studies and Content Analysis.

Content Analysis

In the first phase of the research, this method highlights patterns in the pre-existing recorded this the researcher collects data systematically from anywhere, mainly
secondary data and texts. By creating a semantic relationship of concepts and code words
like, in this case, (food business, UI/UX, digital marketing, growth, consumer behaviour) etc.
The main idea behind opting for this approach is that it doesn’t collect the data from the
people or the source but from prevailing data like, articles, blogs, social media e-books,
documents etc. It will help us create a strong impressive front and further will analyse the
working trends and patterns that have been highlighted by several authors in line with the
objective of the study. When analysing a bigger social group or gathering this method comes
in handy to recognise the biasness. For a deeper understanding of the true intentions, patterns
and correlation of how the communications has been passed on. This method can have
multiple, unlimited sources, in any shape or form like questionnaires, interviews, case
studies, books etc

Case Studies

In the second and in-depth complex phase, this kind of qualitative research allows multi-
faceted investigations into deeply rooted complex real-life setting. This particular method
tends to be time consuming, but at the same time it is very popular method to intensively
gage into a particular unit and locate the common behaviour patterns that are integrated. It
focuses on the full analysis of the conditions or events and highlight their interrelations. It
mainly plays on several cases and then concludes on the appropriate one to take the research
forward, it helps establish a solid basis or foundation of any research. It is the building block
which is formulated from an idea in its real-life context. While opting this particular
methodology it is understood there are several key steps included, in order to attain the
deeper and naturalistic insight. In this particular research, it is aimed to collect and skim
through the pre-existing data and case studies, in terms of the existing business and then
come up with common link or connection between all the businesses.

Potential Ethical Issues:

The researcher focuses on completing this study while obeying all the academic regulations.
All the work and help seeked out from the outside has been mentioned and given due credit.
During collecting neither bias nor preferential treatment was given and supported.

Relevance to Final Year Work and Pathway Title:

The research will help in understanding the workings and impact of user experience and user
interface on the growth of any food business in terms of marketing and communication.

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