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Blouberg Ridge Primary School

Social Sciences: History Marker and date: A.Marantidis

Name: Marking guideline Grade 5 B / E / S/ M / ST
Date: 28 June 2021 Time allocation: 1 hour
Examiner: A. Marantidis Moderator: L.Arbuckle
Task 4: Controlled test Total: 40

1. Read through the paper before you start writing down the answers.
2. All questions must be answered.
3. Read each question carefully and answer what is asked.


Question 1: Underline the correct answer below (LO)
1. The SAN believed that religion was: (1)
a. A set of beliefs about the spirit world.
b. Not important.
c. Worshiping a cow.
2. A shaman was:
a. A sheep.
b. A man or woman who entered a trance.
c. A young boy who sang.
3. The Kaggen will turn into a: (1)
a. A Springbok
b. A goat
c. A Eland 
4. A ‘Trans dance’ can be described as: (1)
a. A special state of awareness of the animals.
b. A special state of awareness of the spirit world 
c. A special state of awareness of the crops.
5. The Shaman was given power to: (1)
a. Bring back the dead.
b. To protect and heal everyone.
c. To protect and heal the animals.

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Question 2: Identify the following objects on the Coat Of Arms by labeling them correctly (MO)

1 The Sun 
4. The secretary bird

2 Elephant tusks
5. Two SAN figures

3. Ears of wheat
Question 3: Fill in the paragraph below by choosing the correct answer. Use the word box to help
you. (LO) (5)

herders farmers pastoralists shaman grazing permanent herd different

kaggen woman rocks crops grass big small

The Khoikhoi were herders  because they kept herds of animals like sheep, goats and
cattle. Like the San they were nomadic  . They did not have permanent  homes
as summer changed to winter, they looked for the best grazing  for their livestock,
we say that the Khoikhoi were pastoralists

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QUESTION 1: Match the definitions in column B with the correct word in column A (LO) (5)
Column A: Column B: Answer:

1. crops A. where a wife and

her children lived in a 1. B
2. domestic B. plants that farmers
grow for food.
3. homestead C. a group of
households. 3. C

D. farming with crops 4. A

4. household or animals.
5. agriculture E. meeting place 5. D
F. animals that are
tame enough to be
kept as pets.

Question 2: Study the image below and answer the following questions:

2.1. Explain why the African farmers settled and were not nomadic (MO) (2)
They were not nomadic because they lived in villages, which were their permanent home. 
They also kept live stock and grew crops which took a long time to grow.
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2.2. Identify the TWO most important crops that they planted. (MO) (2)
1. Sorghum
2. Millet

2.3. Why did the African farmers need to move in the land was ‘overgrazed’? (MO) (1)
This is because when the land is overgrazed there soil was no longer fertile to feed their
animals or grow crops. 

2.4. Identify 3 jobs that the woman were in charge of in a village. (MO) (3)
Accept any of these three:
Cooked, brewed beer, fetched water and wood, looked after children and worked in the fields

Question 3: Study the images below and answer the questions that follow.
3.1. Underline the statement which is most true about Iron tools. (MO) (4)

3.1.1. a) Farmers needed strong, sharp tools made of gold to chop down crops.
b) Farmers needed strong, sharp tools to chop down crops. 

3.1.2. a) African farmers melted iron ore.

b) African farmers smelted iron ore. 

3.1.3. a) A tool smith hammered tools into shape

b) A metal smith hammered tools into shape. 
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3.1.4. a) Men collected ore found near the surface of the ground. 
b) Men collected ore found near the surface of the rock.

Question 4: Study the Image below and answer the questions that follow: (3)
4.1.1. Identify the different sections of the cattle kraal by circling the following: (MO)
1. The Cattle track in RED
2. The individual households in BLUE
3. The cattle kraals in GREEN

(Anywhere on a house) 
Question 5: Write a paragraph explaining what ‘the Lydenburg heads’ were used for. Use the
writing frame below to help you. (5)
(This will not be marked, but your final paragraph will)
5.1. Which ceremony were the Lydenburg heads used for?

5.2. Who was called to accept the boys as members into the community?
The ancestors.
5.3. What were the heads used for in the ceremony?

Used to help contact the ancestors.

5.4. What did they do with the heads after a ceremony and why?
The heads were broken and buried because they were believed to be dangerous
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5.2.1 Use the information above to now write a paragraph. (This will be marked)
The Lydenburg heads were special statues that were used for initiationwhen boys
would become men. They used to call the ancestors to help accept the boys as
members of the community. In order to do this they used the Lydenburg heads to
help in the calling of the ancestors.After the ceremony the heads were broken
and buried because they were believed to be dangerous. 


5B: 5S: 5E: 5T:

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