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This is probably the dream job for almost all people.

A one
hotel in Finland hired a professional sleeper to test the
comfort of their beds. He individually sleeps in a different bed
each night and writes a review about everyone of them. And
he also gets a quite good salary for that. It makes
250€ (2 hundred a fifty euros) per hour.

His job is to taste the new dog food products, what includes
bones, canned meat and biscuits. They do this to test the
taste and also the texture and then they compare it to
competitive dog food brands. I’m sure that you‘re saying:
That‘s disgusting! However, this professional taster earns
from twelve to fifteen dollars per hour.

In Southeast Asia, there is a traditional funeral turnover,

where everyone laments and cries as loud as possible
because they believe that it can help the dead on their way to
the afterlife. That‘s why they hire people, which cries and
laments professionally. And they just cry and cry.

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