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Steve knew that tomorrow’s journey was going to be difficult.

He set his
alarm at 4 am and checked his bags one last time. Everything was ready. His
stomach hurt, he thought it only because he is little bit nervous. He wasn’t
sure, because he had eaten some strange food in the street food vendor. He
took some pills and went to sleep.
He woke up and went to lavatory. Then he got dressed, took his bags and
went to place, where bus take passengers. After 2 hours journey he started feel
like something in his stomach moving. The something, what his felt was like big
worm. He went to the lavatory on the bus and undress his T-shirt. When he
looked on his stomach he saw something. His stomach was bigger as before
and he saw how was moving. He started to be very scared. Then he remember
he had taken little knife to one of his bag. He walked for it, when he was on the
way to back on lavatory he saw how old lady had got ahead to toilet. He knew
he must wait. While he was waiting he started feel like the thing, which he had
in stomach wanted to go out through his mouth. Then the lady came out. He
ran to lavatory. In the last second he got to toilet he threw out the thing. It
wasn’t one big worm not even two worm. He threw out four big worms and he
felt how another worms wanted to went outside. He tried to swallowed them.
The four worms, which he threw out started eat lavatory. He saw when they
ate something not organic they split up. From one they was two. Then they
crawled in all bus and started eat people. He saw when they eat some human
or something organic they split into four. He just looked and saw how in the
bus were only him and the worms. When one of the worm went way to him he
said stop and the worm stopped. Then he tried to say something else. He
realized the worm did everything he commanded to him. That meant he was
the lord of the worms. He tried if they ate on order and they did. He realized if
the worms ate on order and he was lord of the worms he could be king of the
word. He started with his plan. At the first he became the king of Asia, then
king of Asia, Europa and Africa and then he became the king of the word.
After the worm ate everything they were still hungry and they just start
went for Steve. Steve tried to run but he couldn’t, because there were very
many worm. Then he had no energy and he fell on the ground. The worms just
ate him and then they began to eat each other.

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