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PHYSICAL REVIEW D 107, 085008 (2023)

Quantum scale invariance in gauge theories and applications

to muon production
M. Weißwange ,1,* D. M. Ghilencea,2,† and D. Stöckinger1,‡
Institut für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Technische Universität Dresden, 01069 Dresden, Germany
Department of Theoretical Physics, National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH),
Bucharest 077125, Romania

(Received 16 November 2022; accepted 14 March 2023; published 7 April 2023)

We discuss quantum scale invariance in (scale invariant) gauge theories with both ultraviolet (UV) and
infrared (IR) divergences. First, their Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin invariance is checked in two apparently
unrelated approaches using a scale invariant regularization (SIR). These approaches are then shown to be
equivalent. Second, for the Abelian case we discuss both UV and IR quantum corrections present in such
theories. We present the Feynman rules in a form suitable for off-shell Green’s function calculations,
together with their one-loop renormalization. This information is then used for the muon production cross
section at one-loop in a quantum scale invariant theory. Such a theory contains not only new UV poles but
also IR poles. While the UV poles bring new quantum corrections (in the form of counterterms), finite or
divergent, that we compute, it is shown that the IR poles do not bring new physics. The IR quantum
corrections, both finite and divergent, cancel out similarly to the way the IR poles themselves cancel in
the traditional approach to IR divergences (in the cross section, after summing over virtual and real
corrections). Hence, the evanescent interactions induced by the scale-invariant analytical continuation of
the SIR scheme do not affect IR physics, as illustrated at one-loop for the muon production (eþ e− → μþ μ− )
cross section.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.107.085008

I. INTRODUCTION This explicit (anomalous) breaking of scale invari-

In this work we study quantum scale invariance and its ance can be avoided by a manifestly scale invariant regu-
implications for scale invariant gauge theories. An example larization (SIR), see Refs. [2–13], leading to a quantum scale
is the Standard Model (SM) with a vanishing Higgs invariant theory. One motivation to study such a symmetry is
mass [1]. Consider such a theory in four dimensions; its that it can naturally preserve a classical hierarchy of scales
quantum corrections are usually divergent in the ultraviolet generated by field vacuum expectation values (VEVs) [3]
(UV) and possibly in the infrared (IR) as well. To make the (for an example see Ref. [6]). More generally, in gauge
theory well defined, a regularization is needed and this theories of scale invariance that include Einstein gravity [14]
introduces a dimensionful parameter, i.e., a mass scale, quantum scale symmetry becomes necessary.
regardless of the regularization [dimensional regularization In the SIR scheme an additional scalar field σ is
(DR), cutoff scheme, etc.]. Then the original theory in introduced by the analytical continuation1 to enforce the
d ¼ 4 that was classically scale invariant has this symmetry classical scale symmetry in d ¼ 4 − 2ϵ dimensions. Here σ
broken explicitly by the regularization, e.g., by the ana- is the Goldstone of (global) scale symmetry and will
lytical continuation to d dimensions in the DR scheme, generate the subtraction scale: the “usual” DR subtraction
because the DR subtraction scale μ breaks the classical scale is replaced by a dilaton dependent function μ ∼ zσ (z
is a dimensionless parameter) that enforces manifest scale
scale symmetry.
invariance in d dimensions at the classical and the quantum
level. When σ acquires a nonvanishing VEV hσi, the usual
* subtraction scale μ0 ∼ hσi is generated via spontaneous
† breaking of scale symmetry. Because of this there is no anomalous scale symmetry breaking anymore [2,4,6,7].2

Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of

the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. An exception is the case where σ is already present in the

Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to classical theory in d ¼ 4 as a flat direction in the scalar sector.
the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, Nevertheless, the couplings still run with momentum [15],
and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3. information captured by dimensionless z.

2470-0010=2023=107(8)=085008(13) 085008-1 Published by the American Physical Society


While the analytical continuation to d dimensions preserves quantum corrections, be they finite or divergent, cancel out,
scale invariance, note that the spectrum may then differ similar to the way the IR poles themselves cancel in the
from that of the initial d ¼ 4 theory by the additional traditional approach to IR divergences (at the level of cross
(dynamical) field σ. sections after summing over virtual and real corrections).
The above procedure has strong implications at the Thus, evanescent interactions from the SIR do not impact
quantum level. After quantum corrections are computed in IR physics. This cancellation is a strong consistency check
d dimensions, scale invariant counterterms are identified and for quantum scale invariant gauge theories. We illustrate
renormalization is performed. After doing so, the limit d → 4 this in detail with a one-loop calculation of the cross section
is taken. Some quantum corrections depend on the dilaton of muon production, e− eþ → μ− μþ ; this is evaluated and
and these are solely due to quantum scale invariance. analyzed in the framework of quantum electrodynamics
Eventually, the theory can now be expanded about the (large) extended by the dilaton which enforces quantum scale
VEV of the dilaton hσi which represents the scale of “new invariance.
physics” (above which scale invariance is restored). For a The plan of the paper is as follows: Section II discusses
large dilaton VEV, these corrections are actually expected to the BRST invariance in SIR schemes for general gauge
vanish. In this way, one has a quantum scale invariant theory theories. Since gauge theories also have IR poles, we study
that also recovers the usual quantum corrected theory these in an Abelian gauge theory, derive Feynman rules
(regularized by “standard” DR) in the decoupling limit of (Appendix A) and its renormalization (Appendix B). This
the dilaton i.e., at large hσi. The two theories have, however, information is then used in Sec. III that presents the muon
different UV spectrum, UV symmetry and UV behavior. production cross section and the effect of UV and IR
Since the Lagrangian in d ¼ 4 − 2ϵ dimensions now corrections, with technical details in Appendixes C and D.
depends on μϵ ðσÞ, where μðσÞ is a mass dimension-one Our conclusions are presented in the last section.
function of σ, by expanding in powers of ϵ one obtains new
“evanescent” polynomial interactions proportional to powers II. QUANTUM SCALE INVARIANCE IN GAUGE
of ϵ. Then there are new, scale invariant quantum corrections THEORIES
that emerge from evanescent interactions ∝ ϵn hitting a pole
We check the BRST invariance in general gauge theories
1=ϵm arising from loop integrals, in the cases when n ≤ m.
in two apparently unrelated approaches in SIR schemes and
If n ¼ m, new finite quantum corrections (which hence
show the equivalence of their results. Further, gauge theories
have the form of finite counterterms) are generated, whereas
have not only UV poles, but also IR ones, the study of which
if n < m, new poles are generated leading to new scale
is restricted to the Abelian case, in the SIR scheme. We
invariant counterterms and quantum corrections, suppressed thus consider an Abelian case (quantum electrodynamics
by powers of σ. Such calculations were already performed at extended by the dilaton), for which we give the Feynman
the one-loop [3–8], the two-loop [9,10], and even the three- diagrams and one-loop renormalization in a manifestly scale
loop level [11,12] (for a review see Ref. [13]). invariant form suitable for computer implementation.
Quantum scale invariance was studied in the past
especially in the scalar sector, whereas gauge theories were A. Non-Abelian theories and BRST
less studied except in [4,6,8] and this motivated this work.
In particular, one aspect that was overlooked is the Becchi- Consider the Lagrangian of a scale invariant SUðNÞ
Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) invariance of these theories gauge theory in d ¼ 4 given by
following their analytical continuation to d ¼ 4 − 2ϵ in a
L ¼ Lcl þ LGF þ LGhost ð1Þ
manifestly scale invariant way. Second, the scale invariant
analytical continuation for gauge theories can be performed 1
in two different ways, apparently unrelated, which are not Lcl ¼ − Faμν Fa;μν þ iψ̄ i ðδij =
∂ − ig=
Ga T aij Þψ j ð2Þ
known to be equivalent. We show that both approaches lead
to the same d dimensional, BRST invariant Lagrangian and ξ
are thus equivalent. LGF ¼ −Ba ∂μ Gaμ þ Ba Ba ð3Þ
The third and strongest motivation of this study is related
to the fact that (scale invariant) gauge theories have not LGhost ¼ ∂μ c̄a Dac c
μ c ; ð4Þ
only UV but also IR divergences which were not yet
discussed in the context of quantum scale invariance. The where Ba , ca and c̄a are Nakanishi-Lautrup fields, ghosts
SIR scheme based on the DR scheme can actually handle and antighosts, respectively.
the IR divergences as well. A question is whether quantum Apparently, there are two different ways to implement a
scale invariance leads to new physical effects related to IR scale invariant regularization:
divergences. We show that, while the UV poles bring new (a) Analytical continuation to d ¼ 4 − 2ϵ by rescaling
quantum corrections due to quantum scale invariance, the the gauge fields.—First, rescale the gauge fields in
IR poles do not bring any new physics. The new infrared d ¼ 4 by a factor of the gauge coupling,


Gaμ → Ĝaμ ¼ gGaμ : ð5Þ 3

½Ĝaμ  ¼ 1; ½ψ ¼ − ϵ; ½σ ¼ 1 − ϵ; ½g ¼ 0;
Since the gauge parameter βa also needs to be ½ĉa  ¼ 0; ½c̄ˆ a  ¼ 2 − 2ϵ; ½Ba  ¼ 2 − ϵ; ½ξ ¼ 0
rescaled, the ghost ca is analogously rescaled, as
βa ðxÞ ¼ θca ðxÞ, for some Grassmann number θ.
Further, it is convenient to rescale the antighost c̄a
as well in order to obtain a ghost term similar to (4). and ½β̂a  ¼ 0, ½θ ¼ 0. Further, integrating out Ba in
Thus, (11), then

1 −2ϵ ˆ ψ þ 1 ð∂μ σÞð∂μ σÞ

1 LðdÞ ¼ − μ ðσÞF̂aμν F̂a;μν þ iψ̄ =
ca → ĉa ¼ gca ; c̄a → c̄ˆ a ¼ c̄a : ð6Þ 4g2 2
1 −2ϵ
− μ ðσÞð∂μ Ĝaμ Þ2 þ ∂μ c̄ˆ a D̂ac c
μ ĉ : ð13Þ
This leads to 2ξg2

1 a a;μν ˆ ψ − 1 Ba ∂μ Ĝaμ
L¼− F̂μν F̂ þ iψ̄ = D In general, the BRST transformations are given by
4g2 g
þ Ba Ba þ ∂μ c̄ˆ a D̂ac c
μ ĉ ; ð7Þ ψ i ↦ ψ i þ δψ i ; Gaμ ↦ Gaμ þ δGaμ ; ca ↦ ca þ δca ;
ψ̄ i ↦ ψ̄ i þ δψ̄ i ; Ba ↦ Ba þ δBa ; c̄a ↦ c̄a þ δc̄a ;
where the rescaled field strength tensor and covar- σ ↦ σ; ð14Þ
iant derivative do not explicitly depend on the gauge
where σ transforms trivially under BRST symmetry.
One finds the following d dimensional BRST trans-
F̂aμν ¼ ∂μ Ĝaν − ∂ν Ĝaμ þ f abc Ĝbμ Ĝcν ð8Þ formations:

δψ i ¼ θQψ i ¼ iθĉa T aij ψ j ;

D̂μ ψ i ¼ ðδij ∂μ − iĜaμ T aij Þψ j ð9Þ
δψ̄ i ¼ θQψ̄ i ¼ −iθĉa ψ̄ j T aji
δĜaμ ¼ θQĜaμ ¼ θD̂ac
μ ĉ ¼ θ∂μ ĉ þ θf
c a abc b c
Ĝμ ĉ
μ ĉ ¼ ðδ ∂μ þ f Ĝμ Þĉ : ð10Þ
abc b c
D̂ac c ac

δĉa ¼ θQĉa ¼ − θf abc ĉb ĉc
Lagrangian (7) can now be analytically continued θ θ
to d ¼ 4 − 2ϵ in a scale invariant way. This is δc̄ˆ a ¼ θQc̄ˆ a ¼ − μ−ϵ ðσÞBa ¼ − 2 μ−2ϵ ðσÞ∂μ Ĝaμ
g ξg
achieved by the addition of a dynamical scalar field
σ to the spectrum of the initial classical theory in δBa ¼ θQBa ¼ 0; ð15Þ
d ¼ 4, playing the role of a dilaton. When σ acquires
a VEV, the subtraction scale is generated dynami- where the first three transformations are given by the
cally. Hence, the analytical continuation to d infinitesimal gauge transformations, as usual, using
dimensions modifies the spectrum of the initial β̂a ðxÞ ¼ θĉa ðxÞ.
classical theory in d ¼ 4 by an extra degree of It is straightforward to show that the BRST
freedom, but scale invariance is maintained in d operator Q that generates the BRST transformations
dimensions (and at the quantum level). This is the in (15) is nilpotent as it should be, i.e., Q2 ¼ 0.
“cost” of implementing quantum scale invariance. Furthermore, the d dimensional Lagrangian (11) is
The Lagrangian becomes indeed BRST invariant, i.e., invariant under trans-
formations (15), which can be shown by direct
1 −2ϵ ˆψ
LðdÞ ¼ − μ ðσÞF̂aμν F̂a;μν þ iψ̄ =
D Although a detailed all-orders investigation is
beyond the scope of the present work, let us briefly
1 1
þ ð∂μ σÞð∂μ σÞ − μ−ϵ ðσÞBa ∂μ Ĝaμ comment on the role of the BRST invariance in the
2 g case of renormalization of the considered gauge
ξ a a theories, which are nonrenormalizable due to quan-
þ B B þ ∂μ c̄ˆ a D̂ac c
μ ĉ : ð11Þ
2 tum scale invariance. We expect BRST invariance to
be crucial for the consistency of the quantized
The mass dimensions of the fields and couplings are theory, just as in ordinary gauge theories, which


are strictly renormalizable and thus involve only a of gauge theories that is somewhat “geometrical.”
finite number of operators in the Lagrangian. First, by analytical continuation to d dimensions, the
At higher orders, we expect that BRST invariance covariant derivative changes:
will control the structure of possible UV divergen-
ces, and required counterterms are expected to be Dμ → D̃μ ¼ ∂μ − igμϵ ðσÞGaμ T a : ð16Þ
BRST invariant as well, even if there will be
infinitely many of these. To understand this, note
that the situation is similar to the general analysis in
The field strength, regarded as the curvature
the review [16], although our particular case with a
tensor of the internal coordinates, is then
quantum scale symmetry is not covered in this
reference. However, note that in our theory the
dilaton transforms trivially under BRST transforma- F̃μν ¼ F̃aμν T a ¼ ½D̃ ; D̃ : ð17Þ
tions, i.e., behaves like a BRST singlet; quantum gμ ðσÞ μ ν

scale invariance imposes additional constrains on the

theory and on the structure of its UV-counterterms. Evaluating the commutator leads to
In the broken phase of quantum scale symmetry and
the decoupling limit of the dilaton i.e., hσi → ∞, the F̃aμν ¼ ∂μ Gaν − ∂ν Gaμ þ gμϵ ðσÞf abc Gbμ Gcν
higher dimensional operators vanish (since they are
suppressed by the VEV of the dilaton) and one þ ϵμ−1 ðσÞ ð∂ σGa − ∂ν σGaμ Þ; ð18Þ
recovers a renormalizable theory where traditional ∂σ μ ν
results and BRST constraints of gauge theories
apply. These constraints extend however to the so F̃ has received an evanescent correction (∝ ϵ).
symmetric phase of the theory since the quantum The Lagrangian Lcl in d ¼ 4 − 2ϵ is then
scale symmetry is broken only spontaneously. Ulti-
ðdÞ 1
mately, we expect an all-orders Slavnov-Taylor ∂ − igμϵ ðσÞ=
Lcl ¼ − F̃aμν F̃a;μν þ iψ̄ i ðδij = Ga T aij Þψ j
identity to hold, establishing physical properties 4
such as unitarity and gauge-parameter independence 1
þ ð∂μ σÞð∂μ σÞ: ð19Þ
of the physical S matrix, cf. [17,18]. The unitarity of 2
the physical S matrix was also verified [19] in more
general theories where scale symmetry is gauged
(e.g., [14]) and quantum scale invariance is thus Similarly, the combination μϵ ðσÞGaμ is the one
automatic. which determines the gauge fixing and ghost La-
(b) A different approach to d ¼ 4 − 2ϵ.—There is a grangian as well as the BRST transformations.3 The
second approach to a scale invariant regularization gauge fixing and ghost Lagrangian is

ðdÞ ðdÞ a ξ a μ a −1 ∂μ μ a
LGF þ LGhost ¼ Q −c̄ B − ∂ Gμ − ϵμ ðσÞ ∂ σGμ
2 ∂σ
ξ a a ∂μ μ
¼ B B − Ba ∂μ Gaμ þ ∂μ c̄a D̃ac c −1
μ c − ϵμ ðσÞ ∂ σ½Ba Gaμ þ c̄a D̃ac
μ c − ∂μ c̄ c 
c a a
2 ∂σ
2 −2 ∂μ
− ϵ μ ðσÞ ∂μ σ∂μ σ c̄a ca ; ð20Þ

where (∝ ϵ), analogously to the kinetic term of the gauge

field, Eq. (18). Consequently, the d dimensional
ϵ Lagrangian of the considered SUðNÞ gauge theory is
μ ¼ δ ∂μ þ gμ ðσÞf
D̃ac ð21Þ
ac abc b
Gμ :
given by

ðdÞ ðdÞ ðdÞ

It can be seen that the gauge fixing and the ghost LðdÞ ¼ Lcl þ LGF þ LGhost : ð22Þ
Lagrangian also acquire purely evanescent corrections

The BRST transformations also involve the combination The d dimensional BRST transformations in this ap-
μϵ ðσÞca in an essential way; see later, Eq. (23). proach are found to be


δψ i ¼ θQψ i ¼ iθgμϵ ðσÞca T aij ψ j fixing and ghost Lagrangians, Eqs. (18) and (20),
δψ̄ i ¼ θQψ̄ i ¼ −iθgμϵ ðσÞca ψ̄ j T aji Further, in approach (a), after the theory was
−1 ∂μ analytically continued to d ¼ 4 − 2ϵ a second field
δGaμ ¼ θQGaμ ¼ θD̃ac
μ c þ ϵθμ ðσÞ
c ∂ σca
∂σ μ redefinition can be applied where the dimensionless
∂μ gauge coupling g is “extracted” from the gauge field by
¼ θ∂μ ca þ θgμϵ ðσÞf abc Gbμ cc þ ϵθμ−1 ðσÞ ∂ σca replacing4
∂σ μ
δca ¼ θQca ¼ − θgμϵ ðσÞf abc cb cc Ĝaμ ¼ gμϵ ðσÞ Gaμ ¼ gḠaμ : ð25Þ
δc̄ ¼ θQc̄ ¼ −θBa
a a
The mass dimension of the gauge field remains ½Ḡaμ  ¼ 1.
δB ¼ θQB ¼ 0;
a a
ð23Þ However, the d dimensional Lagrangian in case (a) then
looks more similar to (1) with respect to the gauge
where the first three BRST transformations in (23) are couplings, which is useful in the presence of mixing
again given by the gauge transformation, as usual, using between the gauge fields as in the SM.
βa ðxÞ ¼ θca ðxÞ. The new, evanescent correction to the
gauge field BRST transformation δGaμ has its origin in the C. Abelian theories: QED + dilaton
dilaton dependent function μðσÞ. In particular, this correc-
In (scale invariant) gauge theories, one encounters not
tion originates from ∂μ U, with U ¼ expðigμϵ ðσÞβa T a Þ, in
only UV but also IR poles which remains true in our SIR
the derivation of δGaμ . Again, the BRST operator Q,
scheme. We consider here the simpler case of Abelian
generating the BRST transformations in (23), is nilpotent,
gauge theories5 to illustrate how both UV and IR poles are
Q2 ¼ 0. Moreover, while the gauge fixing and ghost
Lagrangian may be written as a Q-exact term, as in handled in this scheme in applications (Sec. III). Consider
(20), the BRST invariance of Lcl in (19) can again be then quantum electrodynamics in d ¼ 4 − 2ϵ dimensions,
shown by explicit calculation. Thus, LðdÞ in (22) is BRST analytically continued in a scale invariant way. This means
invariant under (23). the action is “upgraded” to include the additional dilaton
The mass dimensions of the fields and parameters in (22) field, as already discussed. In this Abelian case, the
are Faddeev-Popov ghosts completely decouple and are not
shown. Using approach (a) discussed earlier, the
Lagrangian becomes6
½Gaμ  ¼ 1 − ϵ; ½ψ ¼ − ϵ; ½σ ¼ 1 − ϵ; ½g ¼ 0;
2 1
½ca  ¼ −ϵ; ½c̄a  ¼ 2 − ϵ; ½Ba  ¼ 2 − ϵ; ½ξ ¼ 0 LðdÞ ¼ − μ−2ϵ ðσÞFμν Fμν þ iψ̄ f ð=
∂ − ieQf =AÞψ f
ð24Þ 1
þ ð∂μ σÞð∂μ σÞ − yf μϵ ðσÞσ ψ̄ f ψ f
and ½βa  ¼ −ϵ, ½θ ¼ 0. Compared to the previous ap- 1
− μ−2ϵ ðσÞð∂μ Aμ Þ2 : ð26Þ
proach, Eq. (12), notice the different dimensions of 2ξ
ghost/antighost, gauge field and β̂a .
The Lagrangian is scale invariant in d dimensions. Since
scale invariance is broken spontaneously, this does not
B. Equivalence of the two approaches affect the ultraviolet behavior of the theory. In principle,
The two approaches of (a) and (b) and their correspond- one can work either in the symmetric phase or in the
ing Lagrangians, Eqs. (11) and (22), must be equivalent. spontaneously broken phase obtained by an expansion
To see this, start with (11), then the gauge coupling about the VEV of the dilaton but keeping all terms in such
g and the subtraction function μϵ ðσÞ can be factored out an expansion. Then the counterterms and thus the quantum
from the fields Ĝaμ , ĉa and c̄ˆ a leading to Lagrangian (22). corrections are not affected.
Conversely, starting from Eq. (22), g and μϵ ðσÞ can be
absorbed into Gaμ , ca and c̄a . Then, additional terms coming 4
In the next section we use approach (a) in terms of Ḡaμ but the
from commuting derivatives and the subtraction function “overbar” is not displayed, for simplicity.
must be taken into account by subtracting them, leading to The case of IR divergences in the non-Abelian case is
Eq. (11). Moreover, the same equivalence holds true for the significantly more difficult.
BRST transformations in (15) and (23). Note that we include an additional tree-level dilaton Yukawa
interaction term. This term is gauge and scale invariant, but it was
For practical calculations, Lagrangian (11) takes a more not considered in the discussion above in Sec. II A. Furthermore,
convenient form than (22) as it avoids the evanescent one can in principle also have a λσ 4 coupling, which is, however,
corrections to the gauge kinetic term and to the gauge not considered here.


For practical purposes and for Feynman diagrams derivation, LðdÞ is expanded first in powers of ϵ with every order in ϵ
(and loop order) being manifestly scale invariant. Subsequently, one can express the dilaton in terms of its fluctuations about
its nonzero VEV hσi ≡ w, σ ¼ w þ D and expand in powers of η ¼ D=w [11]; scale invariance is maintained by including
all terms of this second expansion. Accordingly, for the function μðσÞ ¼ zσ 1−ϵ in LðdÞ , one has

1 2 1 3 1 4 5 2 1 − k 2 2 − 3k 3 6 − 11k 4 5 3
μ ðσÞ ¼

0 1 þ ϵk η − η þ η − η þ Oðη Þ þ ϵ k η − η þ η − η þ Oðη Þ þ Oðϵ Þ ;
2 3 4 2 6 24

for integer k. With this, the Lagrangian becomes7

1 1
LðdÞ ¼ − μ−2ϵ μν
0 Fμν F þ iψ̄ f ð= AÞψ f þ ð∂μ DÞð∂μ DÞ − μϵ0 yf wψ̄ f ψ f − μϵ0 ½1 þ ϵ þ ϵ2 þ Oðϵ3 Þyf Dψ̄ f ψ f
∂ − ieQf =
4 2
1 −2ϵ μ 2 yf yf
− μ0 ð∂ Aμ Þ − μϵ0 ½ϵð1 þ 2ϵÞ þ Oðϵ3 Þ D2 ψ̄ f ψ f þ μϵ0 ½ϵð1 þ ϵÞ þ Oðϵ3 Þ 2 D3 ψ̄ f ψ f
2ξ 2w 6w
−2ϵ 3 D 1 μν 1 μ 2
þ μ0 ½ϵð1 þ ϵÞ þ Oðϵ Þ F F þ ð∂ Aμ Þ þ    : ð28Þ
w 2 μν ξ

While every loop order (encoded in powers of ϵ) keeps energy, i.e., the fermions are essentially massless.9 This
manifest scale invariance, any truncation of the subsequent approximation displays a more interesting IR-divergence
expansion in powers of η breaks this symmetry. structure than the massive case as it contains not only a
Nevertheless, the Lagrangian as shown in (28) is useful simple pole but also a second order pole in ϵIR . Hence, this
for deriving the Feynman rules that formally keep all terms leads to both new finite and also new divergent quantum
in the expansion about w. These are presented in corrections induced by evanescent interactions; the latter
Appendix A and used in Sec. III. emerge when a term ∼ϵ “meets” a second order pole in ϵIR .
For completeness, the renormalization of (26) at one- For simplicity, only the one-loop muon vertex correc-
loop using (28) is shown in Appendix B. Notice that, unlike tions contributing to the above scattering process are
in previous literature, σ undergoes a wave function considered, and thus only final state real emission needs
renormalization already at one-loop, due to Yukawa to be taken into account in order to cancel the IR
interactions. divergences at the level of cross sections. Despite this
simplification, the result admits nonetheless the same
III. APPLICATION: MUON PRODUCTION AT general structure as the full one-loop result, meaning that
ONE-LOOP it contains a simple and a second order pole in ϵIR as well as
new finite and divergent quantum corrections; see below.
In this section we use the formalism of the previous
Consequently, for the present conceptual study, it is
section for the Abelian case and discuss the effect of both
sufficient to restrict oneself to one-loop muon vertex
UV and IR poles in the SIR scheme. We illustrate this for
corrections. All necessary Feynman diagrams, contributing
the muon production at the one-loop level based on
to virtual and real muon corrections up to the one-loop
Lagrangian (26), for three fermion flavors, i.e.,
level, are found in Appendix C.
f ∈ fe− ; μ− ; τ− g, N f ¼ 3 and Qf ¼ −1.8

A. General considerations B. The cross section at one-loop

The scattering process e− eþ → μ− μþ is computed in the The scattering amplitude and the cross section were
MS scheme and Feynman gauge ξ ¼ 1. We work in the calculated in the above setup by using standard methods
approximation m2f ≪ s, where s is the center-of-mass and Mathematica [20]. In particular, all Feynman diagrams
have been generated using FeynArts [21], with FeynArts model
files generated by FeynRules [22,23]. The generated
Note that the counterterm Lagrangian (see Appendix B) must
be expanded accordingly.
In principle, the corrections that we find can be used to set Practically, this scenario is realized by setting mf ¼ 0 in

bounds on the scale of new physics represented by hσi, provided the free Lagrangian, i.e., in (A1), but keeping yf and w nonzero
one considered a full scale invariant SM (see Refs. [6,10] for the in the interaction Lagrangian, i.e., in (A2) and (A3), despite
Lagrangian and V eff ). mf ¼ μϵ0 yf w.


Feynman diagrams and their amplitudes have been com- with s being the center-of-mass energy. Thus, the consid-
puted using FeynCalc [24–26] and Package-X [27], connected ered one-loop contribution to cross section (31), that
to FeynCalc using FeynHelpers [28]. contains virtual and real corrections, is UV and IR finite,
The results for the considered one-loop contributions to as expected. Therefore, the IR poles do cancel in the SIR
the cross section as well as for the 2 → 3 cross sections scheme. We can summarize the main results of this section
have the general structure as follows:
(i) The one-loop contribution (31) contains the regular
σk ¼ σk þ σ 1=ϵ
þ ΔIR σ 1=ϵ
þ σ fin
contribution (32) that would also be obtained in the
usual massless QED with an additional scalar field
þ ΔUV σ fin
k þ ΔIR σ k þ OðϵÞ;
ð29Þ coupling to the fermions, and an additional con-
tribution (33) which is a new quantum correction
where ΔUV and ΔIR denote new quantum corrections (from the UV sector) due to evanescent inter-
arising from evanescent interactions canceling UV and actions.
IR divergences,10 respectively. (ii) The one-loop contribution (31) to the cross section
The tree-level cross section (in four dimensions) is of e− eþ → μ− μþ scattering is IR finite after sum-
ming over the contributing final state real emis-
e4 y2e y2μ sions. Thus, all IR divergences, even the new ones,
σ tree ðee → μμÞ ¼ þ : ð30Þ
12πs 16πs cf. (D4), emerging as a result of evanescent
interactions (due to quantum scale invariance),
The one-loop contribution to the cross section, containing cancel after summing over the virtual and real
only muon vertex corrections, is given in (D2)–(D7) in the corrections to the cross section. This is an impor-
MS scheme and having used decomposition (29). tant consistency check of theories with quantum
The tree-level cross sections of muon production with scale invariance.
real photon and real dilaton emission, i.e., for e− eþ → (iii) All new, finite quantum corrections to the cross
μ− μþ γ and e− eþ → μ− μþ D, respectively, arranged as in section, arising from evanescent interactions (∝ ϵn )
(29), are provided in Appendix D as well. that cancel IR poles, see Eq. (D7), cancel as well.
The total cross section, considering virtual and real Therefore, quantum corrections due to the UV
corrections only to the muon vertex, has a form given in poles given in Eq. (D6), are the only new finite
(D20). The corresponding one-loop contribution to this contributions to the cross section that remain, as
total cross section in the MS scheme may be written as shown in (33). The essential reason for this can-
cellation is that the standard IR poles cancel
σ total;1Lμ ðee → μμÞ ¼ σ old
total;1Lμ ðee → μμÞ between real and virtual diagrams of the same
þ ΔUV σ total;1Lμ ðee → μμÞ ð31Þ orders in all coupling constants. The new IR
quantum corrections then arise from the same
with the standard11 one-loop contribution evanescent interactions ∝ ϵn in both real and virtual
contributions hitting 1=ϵm IR poles; hence they
total;1Lμ ðee → μμÞ
σ old cancel simultaneously with the IR poles.
Results (ii) and (iii) are the main results of this
¼ ð8e6 − 4e4 y2μ þ 34e2 y2e y2μ − 17y2e y4μ Þ section.
512π 3 s
  (iv) The remaining new, finite quantum correction to the
1 2 2 2 2 4 s cross section ΔUV σ total;1Lμ , given in (33), is an effect
− 3
½6e ye yμ − 3ye yμ  log 2 ð32Þ
256π s μ0 from the Yukawa sector. Hence, the gauge sector
does not give rise to new quantum corrections at
and the new, finite quantum correction that emerged from one-loop, but these are expected at the two-
UV divergences, loop level.
(v) Note that the new quantum correction (33) is sup-
1 pressed by Yukawa couplings to power 6, i.e., it is
ΔUV σ total;1Lμ ðee → μμÞ ¼ − y2e y2μ ðy2e þ 4y2μ þ y2τ Þ;
128π 3 s suppressed by w6, where w is the dilaton VEV
ð33Þ (using yf ¼ mf =w).
(vi) Since μ0 ¼ μðhσiÞ ≡ μðwÞ ¼ zw1−ϵ and supposing
that the VEV p offfiffiffi the dilaton hσi ≡ w scales in the
The IR divergences are regularized dimensionally, not with a same way as s, it can be seen that the tree-level
small mass as IR regulator.
This is the usual result found without imposing scale cross section (30) and the one-loop contribution (31)
invariance at quantum level (QED with dilaton Yukawa couplings scale as ∼1=s, as expected on dimensional argu-
but employing DR instead of SIR). ments for the cross section.


IV. CONCLUSIONS illustrated for the muon production cross section e− eþ →

μ− μþ for the aforementioned Abelian theory. This result is
We studied scale invariance at the quantum level in (scale
a strong consistency check of quantum scale invariance in
invariant) gauge theories that have both UV and IR
gauge theories.
divergences. The interest in quantum (global) scale invari-
ant theories is that they can naturally preserve an initial,
classical hierarchy of scales generated by field VEVs; this ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
hierarchy could be arranged e.g., by one initial classical The work of D. Ghilencea was supported by a Grant of
fine-tuning of dimensionless coupling constants. More the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research CNCS-
generally, quantum scale symmetry becomes necessary UEFISCDI Project No. PN-III-P4-ID-PCE-2020-2255.
in gauge theories of scale invariance that include
Einstein gravity. Quantum scale invariance is achieved
by implementing a scale invariant regularization and APPENDIX A: FEYNMAN RULES
renormalization, in which the traditional subtraction scale The Feynman rules for Lagrangian (28) are shown
is generated (dynamically) by the VEV of the dilaton, the below, for the propagators:
Goldstone of the (global) scale symmetry. The VEV of this
field can be regarded, in a sense, as the scale of new
physics. In the limit of a large dilaton VEV, when this field
decouples, the quantum scale invariant theory recovers the
traditional quantum theory obtained without respecting
scale invariance at the quantum level (anomalous breaking).
Above this scale, however, the two quantum theories can
differ in their UV completion, UV spectrum and quantum
We first checked the BRST invariance of quantum scale
invariant theories. This can be done in two apparently
different formulations of scale invariant regularizations ðA1Þ
(SIR); we showed that the two approaches are equivalent
and that the BRST symmetry is maintained. vertices:
Further, gauge theories have not only UV poles but also
IR ones and one should check their fate in quantum scale
invariant theories using the SIR scheme. We illustrated their
analysis in an Abelian gauge theory (quantum electrody-
namics extended by a dilaton field). While the UV poles do
bring new quantum corrections (counterterms), finite or
divergent, beyond those of the traditional approach, and
which we computed, it was shown that the IR poles do not
bring any new physics. The infrared quantum corrections,
both finite and divergent, cancel out similar to the way the
IR poles themselves cancel in the traditional approach. The
cancellation is at the cross section level, after summing over
the virtual and real corrections. Therefore, the evanescent ðA2Þ
interactions due to analytical continuation to d dimensions
(SIR approach) do not affect the IR physics. This was and evanescent vertices:




The quantum scale invariant Abelian case (QED þ dilaton) of (26) is renormalized as follows:
ðdÞ ðdÞ ðdÞ
L → L0 ¼ Lren þ Lct
A → A0 ¼ Z A A
ψ f → ψ f;0 ¼ Zψ f ψ f
σ → σ 0 ¼ Zσ σ
e → e0 ¼ μϵ ð Zσ σÞZe e
yf → yf;0 ¼ μϵ ð Zσ σÞZyf yf
λ → λ0 ¼ μ2ϵ ð Zσ σÞZλ λ
ξ → ξ0 ¼ Zξ ξ; ðB1Þ
where Zξ ¼ ZA due to the Ward identity. Despite setting λ ≡ 0 at tree level, as done in Eq. (26), the associated counterterm
δλ must be taken into account for the complete one-loop renormalization of the considered model.12
The one-loop counterterms13 of (26) in the MS scheme are generated by the poles below:
1 2
yf 1 1 3 2 X 2 2 1
δZψ f ¼ − e þ ; δZ ¼ y þ y − 3e ;
16π 2 16π 2 2 f
2 ϵ l
1 4N f e2 1 1 1 2N f e2 1
δZA ¼ − ; δZe ¼ − δZA ¼ ;
16π 2 3 ϵ 2 16π 2 3 ϵ
1 X 21 1 X 1
δZσ ¼ − 2 y ; δλ ¼ − 24 y4l ; ðB2Þ
16π 2 l l ϵ 16π 2

where f; l ∈ fe− ; μ− ; τ− g.

Note that δλ does not contribute to the one-loop muon production considered in Sec. III.
These counterterms are scale invariant.


Note the nonvanishing wave function renormalization

δZσ . In contrast to the two-scalar model, discussed in
[5,7,9,10,13,29], where the scalar field wave function
renormalization vanishes at the one-loop level, here the
renormalization of σ in μðσÞ needs to be taken into account
as it can give rise to new finite quantum corrections of the
form ϵδZσ .14 Indeed, such a correction contributes to the
new finite quantum correction of the one-loop cross section
given in (33). In particular,

ΔUV σ total;1Lμ ðee → μμÞ

¼− y2e y4μ þ σ Yuk
tree ðee → μμÞϵδZσ
128π 3 s
3 y2 y2
2 y4 þ e μ ϵδZ
¼− y μ σ
128π 3 s
1 ðC3Þ
¼− y2e y2μ ðy2e þ 4y2μ þ y2τ Þ; ðB3Þ
128π 3 s
2 2
tree ðee → μμÞ ¼ ye yμ =ð16πsÞ being the tree-level
with σ Yuk For the scattering process e− eþ → μ− μþ γ there are six
contribution of the Yukawa sector. tree-level Feynman diagrams of which three are photon
mediated as in (C4):
In the theory considered in (28), there are two Feynman
diagrams contributing to the scattering process e− eþ →
μ− μþ at tree level:

At the one-loop level, there are ten Feynman diagrams
containing a one-loop muon vertex correction, four of them
and the remaining three are dilaton mediated, as illus-
with a photon mediator as illustrated in (C2),
trated in (C5):

and the other six with a dilaton mediator as shown below
in (C3):
Additionally, for the scattering process e− eþ → μ− μþ D
This is seen after expanding the Lagrangian with respect to ϵ, there are six tree-level Feynman diagrams. Three of them
w and ℏ for a given loop order. are photon mediated as shown in (C6),



In the following, explicit results for the cross section of
muon production are provided at the one-loop level
including virtual and real corrections to the muon ver-
tex only.
(i) Tree level.—The tree-level cross section, in four
dimensions, is provided by

e4 y2e y2μ
σ tree ðee → μμÞ ¼ þ : ðD1Þ
whereas the remaining three of them are dilaton mediated, 12πs 16πs
shown below in (C7):

(ii) One-loop.—Using (29), the one-loop cross section

for e− eþ → μ− μþ, containing only one-loop muon
vertex corrections, in the MS scheme, is the sum of
the following contributions:

1=ϵ2 μ2ϵ
0 1
σ 1L;μIR ðee → μμÞ ¼ − ð4e6 þ 3e2 y2e y2μ Þ 2
192π 3 s ϵIR

μ2ϵ s 1
σ 1=ϵ
1L;μ ðee → μμÞ ¼ −
IR 0
− 12e4 2
yμ þ 126e 2 2 2
y y
e μ − 9y2 4
e μ − 24ð4e 6
þ 3e 2 2 2
y y
e μ Þ log ðD3Þ
2304π 3 s μ20 ϵIR

μ2ϵ 1
ΔIR σ 1=ϵ
1L;μ ðee → μμÞ ¼ −
IR 0
e2 y2e y2μ ðD4Þ
16π s ϵIR

σ fin
1L;μ ðee → μμÞ ¼ ½ð60π 2 − 464Þe6 þ 30e4 y2μ þ 9ð5π 2 − 48Þe2 y2e y2μ − 27y2e y4μ 
3456π 3 s
0 6 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 s μ2ϵ
0 6 2 2 2 2 s
þ ½208e − 24e y μ þ 198e y y
e μ þ 9y y
e μ  log − ½4e þ 3e y y
e μ  log ðD5Þ
2304π 3 s μ20 96π 3 s μ20

ΔUV σ fin
1L;μ ðee → μμÞ ¼ − y2e y2μ ðy2e þ 4y2μ þ y2τ Þ ðD6Þ
128π 3 s

0 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 μ2ϵ
0 2 2 2 s 5μ2ϵ
ΔIR σ fin
1L;μ ðee → μμÞ ¼ ½4e yμ − 84e y y μ þ 9y y μ  þ e y y μ log − e2 y2e y2μ : ðD7Þ
384π 3 s 8π 3 s μ20 32π 3 s
e e e

(iii) Real photon emission.—The contributions to the tree-level cross section for e− eþ → μ− μþ γ, arranged as in (29), are
1=ϵ2 μ2ϵ
0 1
σ treeIR ðee → μμγÞ ¼ 3
ð4e6 þ 3e2 y2e y2μ Þ 2 ðD8Þ
192π s ϵIR
μ2ϵ s 1
σ 1=ϵ
tree ðee
→ μμγÞ ¼ 0
6 2 2 2 6 2 2 2
52e þ 63e ye yμ − 12ð4e þ 3e ye yμ Þ log 2 ðD9Þ
1152π s μ0 ϵ IR


μ2ϵ 1
ΔIR σ 1=ϵ
tree ðee → μμγÞ ¼
IR 0
e2 y2e y2μ ðD10Þ
16π s ϵIR

tree ðee → μμγÞ ¼ −
σ fin ½4ð30π 2 − 259Þe6 þ 9ð10π 2 − 147Þe2 y2e y2μ 
6912π 3 s
0 6 2 2 2 s μ2ϵ
0 6 2 2 2 2 s
− ½52e þ 63e ye yμ  log 2 þ ½4e þ 3e ye yμ log ðD11Þ
576π 3 s μ0 96π 3 s μ20

ΔUV σ fin
tree ðee → μμγÞ ¼ 0 ðD12Þ ΔIR σ 1=ϵ
tree ðee → μμDÞ ¼ 0
0 2 2 2 μ2ϵ
0 2 2 2 s tree ðee → μμDÞ
σ fin
ΔIR σ fin
tree ðee → μμγÞ ¼ 3
e ye yμ − 3 e ye yμ log 2
32π s 8π s μ0 μ2ϵ
¼− ð76e4 y2μ þ 117y2e y4μ Þ
0 4608π 3 s
þ 3
e2 y2e y2μ : ðD13Þ  
32π s μ2ϵ
0 4 2 2 4 s
þ 3
½4e yμ þ 3ye yμ  log 2 ðD17Þ
(iv) Real dilaton emission.—Similarly, the tree-level 384π s μ0
cross section for e− eþ → μ− μþ D is the sum of
the following terms: ΔUV σ fin
tree ðee → μμDÞ ¼ 0 ðD18Þ

σ treeIR ðee → μμDÞ ¼ 0 ðD14Þ μ2ϵ
ΔIR σ fin
tree ðee → μμDÞ ¼ − ð4e4 y2μ þ 9y2e y4μ Þ
384π 3 s
μ2ϵ 1 ðD19Þ
σ 1=ϵ
tree ðee → μμDÞ ¼ −
IR 0
ð4e4 y2μ þ 3y2e y4μ Þ
768π 3 s ϵIR
ðD15Þ (v) Total cross section.—Finally, the total cross section,
considering only virtual and real corrections to the
muon vertex, is given by

σ total;μ ðee → μμÞ ¼ σ tree ðee → μμÞ þ σ 1L;μ ðee → μμÞ þ σ tree ðee → μμγÞ þ σ tree ðee → μμDÞ þ Oðα4i Þ
¼ σ tree ðee → μμÞ þ σ total;1Lμ ðee → μμÞ þ Oðα4i Þ; ðD20Þ

where αi are the fine structure constants for e and yi . The full tree-level cross section is to be found in (D1), whereas the
considered one-loop contribution in the MS-scheme and in four dimensions is given by

σ total;1Lμ ðee → μμÞ ¼ σ old

total;1Lμ ðee → μμÞ þ ΔUV σ total;1Lμ ðee → μμÞ ðD21Þ

with the standard one-loop contribution

1 6 4 2 2 2 2 2 4 1 2 2 2 2 4 s
σ old
total;1Lμ ðee → μμÞ ¼ ð8e − 4e y μ þ 34e y y
e μ − 17y y
e μ Þ − ½6e y y
e μ − 3y y
e μ  log ðD22Þ
512π 3 s 256π 3 s μ20

and the new finite quantum correction that emerged from UV divergences, quoted in Eq. (33):

ΔUV σ total;1Lμ ðee → μμÞ ¼ − y2e y2μ ðy2e þ 4y2μ þ y2τ Þ: ðD23Þ
128π 3 s


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