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As an AI chatbot, I don't have personal preferences, likes, or dislikes, as I don't have emotions or

personal experiences. However, I can tell you that some students tend to enjoy certain strands more
than others based on their interests and skills.

In senior high school, there are different strands to choose from, depending on the student's inclination
and career goals. The strands include:

1. Academic Track - This track includes the following strands: Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM); Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM); Humanities and Social Sciences
(HUMSS); and General Academic Strand (GAS).

2. Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) Track - This track includes the following strands: Agri-Fishery
Arts; Home Economics; Industrial Arts; and Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

Some students might find the STEM strand interesting as it focuses on science, technology, engineering,
and mathematics-related fields. It might suit students who enjoy subjects like mathematics, physics, and

Others might prefer the ABM strand, which focuses on business and management-related fields,
including accounting, business, and economics. This strand might suit students who have an interest in
the business world.

The HUMSS strand might be suitable for students who enjoy subjects like history, philosophy, literature,
and social sciences. This strand focuses on developing critical thinking and communication skills.

The GAS strand is a flexible strand that allows students to take a variety of subjects from different
academic tracks. It might be suitable for students who are still undecided about their career path or
want to explore different fields.

On the other hand, students who prefer hands-on learning might find the TVL track more interesting. It
offers practical skills training in areas like agriculture, home economics, and information technology.
Ultimately, the choice of strand depends on the student's interests and career goals. It's essential to
choose a strand that aligns with your interests and passions to enjoy your senior high school experience

Students may choose to take the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) strand for several reasons.
Here are some of the reasons why students may choose this strand:

1. Interest in Humanities and Social Sciences subjects - HUMSS is a strand that focuses on developing
critical thinking, communication, and research skills in various humanities and social science subjects.
Students who have a passion for subjects like history, literature, philosophy, and social sciences may find
this strand interesting.

2. Preparation for College courses - HUMSS provides a strong foundation for students who plan to take
college courses in humanities and social sciences fields like law, education, psychology, sociology, and
political science. The strand provides students with a broad understanding of these subjects and
enhances their research and writing skills.

3. Opportunities for Career paths - HUMSS also offers several career paths for students after high school.
Students who take this strand can pursue careers in journalism, writing, research, public relations, and
other fields that require strong communication and critical thinking skills.

4. Personal Development - HUMSS strand also helps students develop their personal and social skills. It
encourages students to think critically, be open-minded, and appreciate diverse perspectives, which are
essential qualities for success in any field.

In summary, students may choose the HUMSS strand because of their interest in humanities and social
sciences subjects, preparation for college courses, opportunities for career paths, or personal
development. It is essential to choose a strand that aligns with your interests and career goals to
maximize your senior high school experience.

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