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M: Hi Jhoana, how are you?

J: Hi Mayra, I´m fine and you?
M: I'm fine too, I want to invite you to my house this week. My family will cook Qapchi and
J: I would love to, besides I am curious about Qapchi, I have never tasted it, it must be a
culture of your family.
M: Yes it’s a typical dish from the place where my grandparents were born, it’s their favorite.
J: Where are they from?
M: They’re from ayacucho
J: Interesting, I heard that in that province there are many traditions and customs and they
always highlight it
M: Yes, it is a province famous for its traditions. I think the most famous is how they
celebrate Holy Week. Even people from other countries go to celebrate there.
J: I also heard about that, they say they believe and praise God
M: It’s true, my grandparents are very believers, especially my grandmother, she always
talked to me about the importance of praying and taught me many things about the Catholic
J: My family also taught me about it but my family is evangelical.
M: You should go to Ayacucho, it has beautiful churches, that’s why it’s known as "the city of
J:Sounds good
M: And what about your family, are they from Lima or another province?
J: On my father's side they are from Ayacucho and on my mother's side they are from
Huancayo but my sister is from Lima and I am from Ayacucho.
M: They are also from Ayacucho so you should also know many customs, do you have a
J:I like it when my whole family gets together to celebrate mother's day together and then we
go for a walk together.
M: Does your family have some type of custom, maybe celebrating a patron saint festival or
preparing food?
J: Yes, my whole family loves Pachamanca, for example for Mother's Day or for a birthday,
they also prepare Chakta for Christmas.
M: Cool… And what about Huancayo? I don't know much about that place
J: I don't know much about Huancayo since I don't visit my grandparents much and they
don't like to come to Lima.
M: Too bad, you should convince him Lima is a beautiful city, But would you like to go back
to Huancayo?
J:Yes, I would like to visit it again because it has beautiful landscapes but what I would like
most is to go to Ayacucho.
M: I understand, I would also love to go to Ayacucho, I hope that if you go you have fun and
enjoy the dishes
J: I also hope to go soon, but what about your other grandparents? you only mentioned one
M: Well one of my grandparents is from Ancash, and the place where he lived was known to
have witches, they even said that my grandfather's sisters were also witches, that's why
when they came to visit my mom didn't let me or my cousin out.
J: That's weird, and what about your grandmother?
M: She is from the north of Lima, from Supe-Barranca, a place famous for its gastronomy.
Maybe one day I will invite you to a dish from there, they are delicious
J: That would be great, but now I have to go. I have to help my mom with something.
M: oh well, see you soon I hope you can go to that dinner I invited you, bye!
J: I'll be there, bye

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