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A: Hello my name is: Johan.

B: Hello, my name is Marcela.

C: And my name is Joseph.

A: I hope everyone is well. Today we are going to talk about unusual events and experiences
that we have had.

B: Sounds good to me.

C: Yes, okay.

A: Have you ever bought something unusual online?

B: I remember there was a page online where they were selling ripped, worn purple pants for a
thousand dollars.

C: Yes, I bought a sportswear, but the product was not delivered on time and I had to ask for a
refund, then 1 week passed and the product was delivered.

A: Have you ever eaten anything unusual?

B: When I was fifteen years old, I was traveling to the jungle with my family, and they made me
taste a worm called Suri. It was weird for me, because it was alive and they ate it.

C: When I was 10 years old, I went on a trip to Chincha to visit my grandfather and there was
an area where people ate cat meat and it seemed very strange to me, so I only bought chicken.

A: In my case, I have not had the experience of eating strange foods, but I remember my
mother telling me that in the jungle they ate different exotic animals such as wild boar, suri,
muca, etc.

B: I would like to live the experience again.

C: At some point I will live that experience.

A: And have you ever been to a public party?

B: Yes, I have. When I was about 18 years old I went to a party at a University campus.
Different groups appeared.

C: In my case, together with my co-workers, we went to the concert. For example: Salsa group
and others. It was a nice experience.

A: Nice to meet you and talk about this pleasant experience.

B: Thanks to you, see you.

C: Goodbye.

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