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good evening teacher today my partner and I

are going to do our activity for week 8 Task:

Assignment - Have you ever?
A: hi my name is Luis Fernando Ruiz Farfán My DNI is 70855123

B: Hi my name is Arian My DNI is71629603

A: Hi ¡ friend How are you?
B: Hello friend ¡ I am Good, And you?
A: I am happy my friend.
B: Tell me , you participated in activities and unusual events or
A: Some activities and events of what you walk line out.
B: And have you ever go a public party.
A: Yes I have. When I was about 16 years old I went to a party in avenue
Universitaria for the San Martin University. And present some groups!! For
example Yaipen Brothers , a group of rock, group of salsa and others!! It
was a beautiful experience because It was my first party far from my
house. Please tell me Have you ever bought a product online?
B: Yes I have before the pandemic I bought some watches online from
China! The price was very cheap. But it took like 2-3 months to arrive. And
on the other hand, have you ever won a sports competition?
A: Yes, I got it. When she was 17 years old, she participated in a swimming
championship in Colán, Piura which placed 3rd. It was fun! Finally, tell me
what is the strangest experience of your life?
B: The most unique experience was when I underwent a treatment on my
leg due to an accident that I had 2 years ago and almost immediately
afterwards I started listening to music in my head. This is not tinnitus but
MUSIC that plays 24 hours a day and I have been told there is no known
cure. I can't choose the music, but usually, it's something I already know, it
can be classical or any other kind of music.
A: It's a shame that it happened. I hope that what you had happened to
you. Well, bye Arian. Take care of yourself.
B: Bye Luis, a pleasure talking to you. Take care of yourself.

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