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Development of literary criticism

Writers, poets and authors of English literature relied on several sources, one being the

Holy Bible, another being Greek civilization and the third being Roman civilization. English

literature benefited from the first century BC. of Roman civilization to the first century AD, as

Roman civilization was at its peak of glory and progress during this period. Greek civilization

followed in the 5th century BC. and in the third century BC. The merging of Greek civilization

with Roman culture with its legends, myths, events and images led to the birth of many English

writers. English literature also benefited from the Bible, with its religious stories, morals,

sermons, and symbols that had a direct impact on English society, especially writers and authors.

The development of English literature can be divided into four eras:

First: The middle Ages:

1. The stage of ancient English literature

2. The stage of Middle English literature

Second Renaissance Era:

The Renaissance era of English literature took place in the period between 1500 and

1660. In that era, the moral plays depicted the characters of good and evil after being mere

scenes presented by the priests in the squares of churches. Historians divided this era into many

periods of time, most of which symbolized the names of kings such as:

1. Tudor period

2. Elizabethan period
3. Jacobean period

Third Restoration Era (The return of Monarchy)

This era extended from 1660 to 1798 when the Puritan rule ended and the return of the

English Parliament in King Charles II period. The highest noble classes have practiced all kinds

of immoral and unethical practices, which was reflected on what writers and poets have

presented during this period in literary works that call for freedom and moral deviation. The

theaters were re-opened during the reign of King Charles II in 1660. The theater was dominated

by two kinds of plays: the heroic comedy and the moral comedy.

1. Augustan period

2. Romantic Period

Fourth The Modern Era

This era extends from 1798 until now and the modern era can be divided into several

time periods including

1. The creative Period

2. The Victorian Period

3. The Edwardian Period

4. The modern Period

5. The Modern period

The development of literary criticism can be traced back to ancient Greece, where

philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato discussed the nature of literature and its role in society.

Aristotle's "Poetics" is considered a seminal work in literary criticism, as it addresses the

elements of drama such as plot, character, and spectacle. During the Renaissance period, literary

criticism shifted to focus on the individual writer, with writers such as Ben Jonson and William

Shakespeare being analyzed. The Romantic movement of the late 18th and early 19th century

brought about a new focus on emotion and individualism in literature, with critics like Samuel

Taylor Coleridge and William Hazlitt leading the charge. In the 20th century, literary criticism

diversified into a variety of schools of thought, such as Formalism, New Criticism,

Structuralism, Post-structuralism, Feminism, Marxism, and Deconstructionism. These

movements emphasized different aspects of literary analysis, from an attention to form and

language to a focus on societal power structures or cultural contexts.

Today, literary criticism continues to evolve and respond to changes in the literary

landscape. With the advent of digital media and new forms of communication, literary criticism

has expanded to include the analysis of visual and multimedia art forms. Additionally, the

development of critical race theory and postcolonial studies has brought increased attention to

previously marginalized voices in literature

dari penjelasan di atas perkembangan kritik sastra dapat ditelusuri kembali ke Yunani kuno, di

mana para filsuf seperti Aristoteles dan Plato mendiskusikan sifat sastra dan perannya dalam

Selama periode Renaisans, kritik sastra bergeser untuk fokus pada penulis individu, dengan

penulis seperti Ben Jonson dan William Shakespeare dianalisis.

Gerakan Romantis pada akhir abad ke-18 dan awal abad ke-19 membawa fokus baru pada emosi

dan individualisme dalam sastra, dengan kritikus seperti Samuel Taylor Coleridge dan William

Hazlitt yang memimpin.

Gerakan-gerakan ini menekankan aspek-aspek yang berbeda dalam analisis sastra, mulai dari

perhatian pada bentuk dan bahasa hingga fokus pada struktur kekuasaan masyarakat atau konteks


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