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Volleyball is a popular team sport that was invented in the late 19th century in the United States. The
game was created as a result of combining elements from various existing sports. The origin of volleyball
can be traced back to 1895 when William G. Morgan, a physical education director at the YMCA (Young
Men's Christian Association) in Holyoke, Massachusetts, wanted to invent a new indoor game that would
be less physically demanding than basketball. He aimed to create a game that required less running and
jumping but still provided a competitive and engaging experience. Morgan drew inspiration from sports
such as basketball, tennis, handball, and baseball to develop his new game. He used a tennis net as a
starting point and combined elements of basketball's scoring system, tennis's volleying technique, and
the concept of "fives" (a handball game) where teams would hit a ball back and forth. Initially, the game
was referred to as "Mintonette." Morgan demonstrated the game to his colleagues at the YMCA, and it
gained popularity among the members. The first known exhibition match was played in July 1896, and
the game soon spread to other YMCA centers across the United States. The name "volleyball" emerged
in 1896 when a participant in one of the demonstration matches suggested the name due to the
volleying nature of the game. The name quickly caught on, and the sport became known as volleyball. In
1900, the first official rules for volleyball were published, and the game continued to gain popularity and
evolve. The sport expanded internationally, and the Federation Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB) was
founded in 1947 as the international governing body for the sport.

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