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Science 1

3rd QUARTER Expected date of Delivery: Duration:

Name: _____________________________________________________________
Lesson 13: Taking Care of your Different Body Parts

OBJECTIVES: After completing the ISU, you are expected to:

 assimilate proper hygiene of your body;
 educate on how to take good care of our different body parts;
 value the importance of our body.


tooth decay shampoo fingernails vegetables irritation
fresh conditioner germs perspiration nutritious
infection diet


If you won’t take good care of yourself you become a children like in the picture. They are thin and dirty, and
they look as if they smell bad. Germs will surely enter their bodies and not for long, these children will have
skin irritations and infections. They will become sick and feel weak. They will become unhealthy.

Children like you should know the intelligent use of water at an early age. Water is needed for your growth.
Drink water one hour before or after meals. For your health, you must develop the habit of drinking plenty of
fresh, pure, clean water and fruit juice between meals, whether you are thirsty or not. Also, avoid using
rainwater for drinking purposes since it gathered plenty of dirt in the atmosphere before being collected on the
surface of the earth.

It is very important to take care of your body since you only have one body. Yu must keep it strong and
healthy for you to be able to do a lot of things.
There are many ways to take care of the different parts of the body.

1. You will feel fresh and clean by taking a bath

Note: day with
The writers, cleanandwater
researchers, authorsand
of thisamodule
waived their rights to Kiddieville Learning Center, Inc. Any reproduction, sale or extraction of the
content of the pages by means of graphic, electronic or mechanical without the written permission from the aforesaid entity is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
2. To keep your hair and scalp clean and healthy,
shampoo it every other day. Use a hair conditioner after
every shampoo to make your hair shiny and easy to
brush or comb.

Question: How do you clean your body, hair and scalp?

Answer: ___________________________________________________________________________

3. Make it a habit to brush your teeth after every meal.

Clean your tongue and gum, too. This habit will help
you avoid tooth decay and other tongue and gums
problems. It will also give you clean and fresh breath.

4. After being out or playing out for quite sometime,

wash your face, hands, and feet with clean water and a
mild soap. This will keep germs, dust, and dirt away.

Question: How will you keep yourself from tongue and gum problems? How about keeping yourself
away from germs, dust and dirt after playing?

Answer: ___________________________________________________________________________


5. Always keep your fingernails clean and short to give

you a tidy and clean appearance.

6. Use a soft, clean cloth or cotton swab to clean your

nose and ears. Never use pointed objects for you may
hurt or damage them.

Note: The writers, researchers, and authors of this module have waived their rights to Kiddieville Learning Center, Inc. Any reproduction, sale or extraction of the
content of the pages by means of graphic, electronic or mechanical without the written permission from the aforesaid entity is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
Question: How will you clean your nails and ears?
Answer: ___________________________________________________________________________

It is very important to take care of your body since you only have one body. Yu must keep it strong and
healthy for you to be able to do a lot of things.

7. The eyes are the most frequently used sense organ. It is very
important to take good care of your eyes. Use clean water to wash
your eyes. Never rub them for this may cause irritation and

8. Children like you must make it a habit to drink milk and

plenty of water every day. Milk is good for the teeth. Water
cleanses your body.

Question: What is the purpose of water in ways #7 and #8?

Answer: ___________________________________________________________________________

9. Always eats a balanced diet. Make sure you eat plenty of

vegetables and fruits to make you healthy and strong. Eat
nutritious food in the right amount.
10. To give you a clean and fresh look, always wear clean
comfortable clothes. When you perspire or sweat, change
Question: Why should you change your clothes so you will avoid caching colds and cough. You
your clothes when you perspire or sweat? would smell fresh, too.


11. Make it a habit to clean your hidden body parts.

They are often wet with perspiration or sweat. To avoid
smelling bad or catching germs and infections, clean
your hidden body parts always.

sk your parents to bring you to the doctor and

Note: The writers, researchers, and authors of this module have waived their rights to Kiddieville Learning Center, Inc. Any reproduction, sale or extraction of the
st for check-up. This
content of the pageswill keep
by means you healthy
of graphic, electronic and
or mechanical without the written permission from the aforesaid entity is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
Question: Why should you always clean your hidden body parts?

Answer: ___________________________________________________________________________

Directions: Shade the circle of the picture that shows how to take care of your body parts.

Directions: Tell me the specific term for the following doctors.
Note: The writers, researchers, and authors of this module have waived their rights to Kiddieville Learning Center, Inc. Any reproduction, sale or extraction of the
content of the pages by means of graphic, electronic or mechanical without the written permission from the aforesaid entity is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
1. eye doctor–
2. ears, nose and throat doctor –
3. skin doctor –
4. teeth doctor –
5. diet doctor –
Directions: Answer the following questions. Write the answers in the blanks.
1. Why do you need to take a bath every day?
2. Why are brushing the teeth and cleaning the gums important?
3. Why is it important to wash your face, hands, and feet after playing?
4. Why should you keep your fingernails clean and short?
5. What should you not use in cleaning your nose and ears?

Directions: Draw the cleaning materials to clean the specific body part. Draw them inside the

1. body – 2. hair and scalp –

Note: The writers, researchers, and authors of this module have waived their rights to Kiddieville Learning Center, Inc. Any reproduction, sale or extraction of the
content of the pages by means of graphic, electronic or mechanical without the written permission from the aforesaid entity is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.
3. teeth –

4. nails –

5. ears -

Note: The writers, researchers, and authors of this module have waived their rights to Kiddieville Learning Center, Inc. Any reproduction, sale or extraction of the
content of the pages by means of graphic, electronic or mechanical without the written permission from the aforesaid entity is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.

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