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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, DCU (Comics)
Character: Loki (Marvel), Deadpool
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2021-05-15 Words: 590 Chapters: 1/?

by MarvelGirl4242564


Six years ago, Alex and Jess to have an older sister, that's until Jessica trapped her limbo.
With unique and powerful gifts, with no idea how to use them, they end up causing more
harm then good.
They thought escaping they're mother who used them for fortune and fame would solve
they're problems. But they realized they should have stayed.

A Marvel and DC Story. I only own Alex and Jess



“-a giant hole has appeared in the sky-“

“Woah,” Jess mumbles in shock as a glitchy news report comes in from New York.

“Alex! Come take a look at this!” Jess calls to her brother. Who is in the kitchen behind her making
himself a sandwich even thought it was only a little past 10Am.

“That happening here? Should we like do something?! Sometimes I’m glad to be homeschooled,”
Alex stares in disbelief.

“No you idiot! It’s New York!” Jess replies sassily.

The tv then flicks off.

“Your first client is here,” Freida, their mother calls out to them from behind the couch, remote in
Jess groans and Alex frowns angrily.
Friday’s were normally slow and with everything going on, it was even slower. But someone Jess
and Alex felt even more exhausted.
In the evening the siblings scrounge the internet on the events that happened earlier that day.

“You need to click here,” Alex frowns in frustration as he reaches for the mouse.

“No this news article is more reliable,” she pushes him back.

“What are you talking about!” He tries to get the mouse.

A figure watches in silence as the siblings continue to fight over the mouse.
The figure continues to watch the children the following day. Especially as people came in and out
of the home. A old women around the age of 90 enters the home with an infant and the women
who leaves couldn’t have been more then 15, holding the hand of a man around 70.

Later in the evening Jess takes out the garbage. When she hears footsteps.

“Um hello?” Jess calls out. She sets the bag in the garbage can and slowly approaches the sound.
She sees a figure hiding in the shadows ahead. With only the light illuminating the back door she
could barely see ahead.

“We don’t have any money!” She yells out as she feels a sudden spike in energy radiate through her
She reaches for the rake beside the back door.
With the rake gripped tightly in both hands she approaches the shadow.
When the figure suddenly jumps up in front of her.

“Please don’t hurt me!” He begs softly. He towers over her. Jess notes his thin pale appearance.
His long black hair covers his face as he goes on his knees.

“Who are you?” Jess asks as she puts down the rake.
He slowly raises his head and his green eyes almost seem to glow as he looks at her.

“Someone like you,” His voice seems to change from fear to confidant. But Jess doesn’t notice as
he puts out his hand toward the rain barrel. She hears a sound she can’t quite describe. She drops
the rake. She places a bucket upside down and climbs on top and looks inside the rain barrel. She
reaches inside and pulls back her hand quickly as the ice almost burns her hand.

“Did you do that?” She asks her eyes widening.

“Yes,” The man answers as he stands. “That’s not all,” He reaches out his hand toward the rake.
He squints his eyes pretending to concentrate. After a few moments the rake flies to his hand.

“Woah! You are just like us,” Jess stares in amazement.

“How would you like to get out of here and start using your powers for your own good. Instead of
others?” He asks.
The ten year old steps off the bucket. With a large smile she nods.

“Go grab your brother then,”

With that Jess runs inside.

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