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These are some mistakes found in people’s writing tasks (Task 2 essays).

Read through these, highlight the

mistake(s) and then correct the sentences. There may be more than one mistake (and more than one way to
correct). 😊
Task 2
1. It is true that the vast majority of the companies are being managed by the experienced people.

2. Due to the globalization, many young people tend to be interested in international news even if/though this
information is unnecessary for them.

3. If teenagers take read too much information about things such as the civil war in Libya, developing nuclear
weapon in North Korea, war in Ukraine and increasing number of member countries in NATO, teenagers will
overthink and worry about the World War III.

4. On the one hand, there are people who argue that highe r education secure a good job for everyone, because
first of all, employers look at people’s degree and I agree.

5. The university teaches not only an understanding of specialisation, but also communication and group work
skills, responsibility and competition, which is very important.

6. Consequently, its have a huge bad effect on people's health.

7. Nowadays, the news becomes a crucial part for a huge number of people all over the world, they prefer to still
updated everyday.

8. For example, many individuals are addicted to watch the news on TV or listening to the radio while walking,
being at home or sleeping, it’s really a daily habit that cannot be stopped to do, especially with technology
devices, the news becomes easier to be followed.

9. Other people thinks that finding a job with their acquired experience is better.

10. Studying in universities is a kind of getting an experienced not only just learning because there you will be
thought the basic of their future career and some universities tests their students in an applied way which
makes it hundred percent easier in obtaining an experience.

11. To conclude, people should accumulate the time wasted in working without getting developed in universities
and start learning to get a degree in their future major or career and will be much helpful and easier.
tio 12. Jong generation have much more ways to earn money for a living, and not always they need higher education
n for it.
fica 13. Summing up universities are nice and the only one way to get specific knowledge, especially for risky
tio profession.
14. In one hand, graduating from a university and having a degree is a good idea that most of the people do to
take place in an organisation or company.

15. In one hand, graduating from a university and having a degree is a good idea that most of the people do to
take place in an organisation or company.

16. On one hand, living in a city have an unlimited amount advantage, one of the main advantages is having a
high opportunity of having a job which makes it easier to live by earning a high salary.

17. As a result, countryside is a good example for people whose looking for a calm place to live in.

18. As a result, living in a city is comfortable especially for people who is working or studying.

19. Secondly, balanced diet has been considered as a solution to people facing problems in losing weight, such as
older people that cannot exercise daily because of their body performance and people who has a lack of
nutrients cannot work effectively.

20. As consequence of a high number of people living in cities, many job opportunities can be found in these big


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