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Getting to know your Pathways Reading, Writing and Critical Thinking coursebook

*To get the most out of your coursebook, it’s important that you know what kind of information you
can find in it and where it is.
With a partner, use your coursebook to answer these questions.

1. How many units are there in your coursebook?

2. Where can you find the Vocabulary Extension?

3. Where can you find the Index of Exam Skills and Tasks?

4. What are the sections in each Unit (e.g.: Reading, etc.)?

5. What is the theme of Unit 3?

6. What are the Reading subskills in Unit 2?

7. What is the Vocabulary Extension of Unit 5?

8. What critical thinking subskills are covered in Unit 7?

9. What clothing can you see in the picture for “Fashion Facts” Unit 4?

10. Turn to the Independent Student Handbook (back of your book). What is the first tip it offers?

11. What is the first tip for learning vocabulary?

12. What are 3 of the categories for Signal Words and Phrases (in independent student handbook)?

13. What are the three categories for Writing Citations (in independent student handbook)?

14. What are the three sections in the Tips for Editing?

15. Which draft of writing is the editing checklist for?

16. What is the second criterion of the editing checklist?

17. What is the focus of the Writing Reference for Unit 5?

18. What can you find on the last page of the book?

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