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Article for March’s Recollection

With the beginning of the Lenten Season, the Major Seminary conducted its monthly recollection
emphasizing the significance of dialogue in a synodal church. Held on March 3-4, 2023, at the Holy
Rosary Major Seminary, it was first started by a solemn vesper. Fr. Nunilon Bancaso and Fr. Baltazar
Imperial were the activity’s in-charge facilitators.

On its first night, Fr. Nunilon (known as Fr. Nunz) highlighted the importance of dialogue in general. He
asked, have you ever imagined a world without dialogue? Dialogue according to Fr. Nunz is a key to
effective communication which is a way to a better understanding. He added, even in our daily life one
cannot accomplish a goal without a dialogue. For it is through dialogue that enables us to attain
understanding and harmony which leads us to the fulfillment of our plans and mission in life. Thus,
dialogue plays an important role in the world most especially in the church in fulfilling its mission as a
synodal community. However, for Fr. Nunz, a dialogue cannot be successful without its three
characteristics: openness, prudence and truth.

Contrary to an autonomous idea, a dialogue must have first an openness. Being open leads us to
establish dynamic ideas since the more we are open, the more also we receive. But we cannot achieve
openness without listening and speaking. Dialogue therefore must have its listening, at the same time
speaking role. Otherwise, without these two aspects, one cannot be truly called a dialogue. Second, a
dialogue must have prudence since it only needs to speak about what is right and necessary in
addressing such issues and problems. Lastly, dialogue must find its origin in truth. For Fr. Nunz this is the
most important characteristic a dialogue must have, for truth allows us to bring people closer to Jesus.
Lies, on the other hand, lead them to condemnation.

On its second day, Fr. Baltazar Imperial, also known as Fr. Toots, highlighted the fruit of dialogue,
ecumenism. After citing some documents of the church regarding dialogue, Fr. Toots invited everyone to
have a renewal and greater openness through dialogue. To be made possible for the church to share the
Gospel to others.

As a challenge in this ongoing synodality, we are invited therefore to participate through solidarity in the
dialogue of the church, to listen and raise our voice for the betterment of the church. To contribute and
do something for the common good. Like Mary who is the model for all dialogue, may we also effectively
participate in the dialogue of the church, especially by way of solidarity.

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