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LEVA – Artistic Experience Experimental Laboratory


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The laboratory consists in the proposal for establishing experimental art workshops in
which one explores the possibilities for creativity using various materials and media.
The intention is that in each meeting participants have a meaningful and playful
aesthetic experience that is shared between adults and children. Developed in several
different cultural spaces and schools, these proposals aim to value experience and
creation through the coming together of contemporary art making practices.


Gina Dinucci is and artist and art educator. She did her masters at the UNESP Art
Institute, and graduated as Art Educator at Guarulhos University. She is a visual artist,
art educator, and researcher, and she lives in Japan for five years. In her production as
artist she makes use of multiple media to approach imagetic memory, fragmentation, and
accumulation as reflections on social, cultural, and historic aspects. As educator she
acted in several cultural spaces, such as Fábricas de Cultura, Instituto Reciclar, Itaú
Cultural, Comunidade Educativa – CEDAC, CCBB, Museu da Cidade de São Paulo and

Marcio Marianno is a painter and art educator. He begun his career working with
illustration and character creation. He worked with creating visual art for multimedia
campaigns, animation, post-production, TV spots, institutional and artistic video
editing, and fine art printing. In his artistic work he developed oil paintings using his
research in traditional techniques and contemporary languages, having taken part in
colective shows and workshops in cultural spaces.

Invitation to draw prosthesis that, docked into the body, have the function of
drawing. The Gadgets to Draw are objects freely developed by the public using
daily life materials, sometimes recycled material, added to material specific to
some artistic languages. The proposal aim to incite the participant to use his or
her body in a more active manner towards the artistic practice, taking it closer to
the languages of performance and expanded drawing.

To develop a monster costume using many different materials and a discussion
about our own fears. Creating the costume is an interactive process and
collaborative production between the participants and their caretakers. The
monsters are freely developed, in an exercise of the creative potential in choosing
the materials and applying them to the clothing.

The making of masks from a variety of papers, inspired by the Bolivian festivity
called Diablada. It is a popular dance originated in the city of Oruro, in Bolivia.
In it, people put on “devil” masks, which in the original Andine mythology
represented Supay, the mineral god. In the colonization period this dance
came to symbolize the rebellion of the coal mine workers agains the imposition
of the catholic faith and the forced labor implemented by the Spanish crown.
To satirize thei colonizers, Bolivian indigenous people created rituals that
represented the struggle agains opression and the desire for freedom.


The proposal aims at the construction of a giant mask, supported by a wooden

stick and decorated with colored paper and stripes. The participants draw
inspiration from fantastic and hybrid beings to create the masks, and
incorporate pieces of colored and decorated paper to other materials until one
forms a giant and three-dimensional object.

Have you ever imagined yourself as a super hero with awesome powers?
The SUPERS proposal aims at the construction of a big proportioned
articulated paper doll. This doll will be as a kind of avatar with superpowers to
the participants, who will become a totally invented superhero. The process of
producing the SUPERS will involve reflections about the childhood choices,
wishes, and fantasies, and will be a collective construction between parents
and children.

We were invited by YOYO zine to teach how to make a mask for the 2017 carnival. See
the whole article at

Gadgets to Draw is a video that documents the creation of machines that allow one to
draw with unusual body parts. The activity was conducted be educator Gina Dinucci
at the Visual Arts Atelier at Fábrica de Cultura Jaçanã.

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