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INFECTIOUS DISEASE: A clinically mutest disease of mammals result

CONTAGIOUS DISEASE: A disease that is transmitted through contact

COMMUNICABLE DISEASE: An illness due to specific mlechts agent or its to sc, capable of being directly
or indirectly transmitted from individual to matinal sironment to humans, or animals

FREQUENCY: No of occurrences of health related events. It is a relationship betwech

raber health related events and size of population.

DISTRIBUTION: Description of disease with reference to who (person), when (time) and where (place).

& DETERMINANTS: These are the factors which are mainly responsible for the

occurence of disease. There are two types of determinants.

1 Primary determinants

11. Secondary determinants

1 Primary Determinants: Main etiological agents are primary determinants. There are Avided into 3
Biological: Vinuses, bacteria, fangi, rickettsia. Physical: Heal, cold, humidity, pressure, radiation.

• Chemical: Drugs, acid, alkali, poisons, dust allergy, fumes allergy.

11. Secondary Determinants: Help in the progression of disease.

Host factors

Environmental factors.

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