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Redação Athus

Kaique Welzel – A2


The benefits of living abroad

When thinking about doing an exchange or even living in another country, for many people,
it can seem daunting at first. Having to leave your friends, your life, your family, your culture,
your customs and so many other things that you are already used to, is really causing some
apprehension, when considering trying a new lifestyle in another country.

Although, in addition to the fear of the unknown, which can be seen as an abyss, consider
that there are incredible opportunities on other countries and one of them is, being able to live
abroad and acquire a experience that can change your perspective on life, open your horizons
and, above all, bring you knowledge and content.

Otherwise, living abroad helps increase your self awareness; Coming into contact with
different cultures and values encourages reflection on oneself, putting into perspective the
values and habits with which the person grew up in their country of origin. These reflections
lead to discoveries about core personal values.

In addition, working abroad brings many benefits as well; The opportunity to earn much
more money, knowledge of the foreign country's work culture, professional development, as a
whole it is very attractive.

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