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Organization: Greenpeace.
Thesis Statement: Greenpeace is an independent campaigning network that uses non-violence, and
creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems and to force solutions that are essential
for a green and peaceful future.
Notes for Introduction: the goal of the association is to ensure the ability of the earth to nurture life in
all its diversity.
Body Paragraph 1: Topic sentence: Protect biodiversity in all its forms.
Details: All the campaigns around the world promote that everyone how to keep the biodiversity and
everyone needs to know all the meaning of biodiversity and how works with the earth.
Body Paragraph 2: Topic sentence: Prevent pollution and abuse of the earth’s ocean, land, air and
Details: When you understand the impact of the companies and the use of the resource of the earth you
start to think how we can continue with this kind of life if we don’t switch our idea of the good life.
Body Paragraph 3: Topic sentence: Promote peace, global disarmament and non-violence.
Details: We don’t need to have an army or something to defend to other people, we only need to know
respect and primary values to coexist with another person without any violence.

Notes for Conclusion: We need to imagine a planet where it is understood and accepted that the fates
of humanity and the natural world are inextricably linked.

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