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a) Abrasive Cleaner – Used to carefully scour dirt or grease

that has baked or burned onto pots and pans.

b) Dishwashing Detergent – Removes food and grease designed to use in a dish
c) Sanitizer- Designed for sanitizing hand washed items such as knives, chemical
sanitizer kill micro-organism.


d.) Chlorine- Sanitizing agent that can be used on most items (except metal which it
corrodes. Because Chlorine is an irritant, contact with skin should be avoided.

Note: Corrodes- destroy or damage (metal, stone, or other materials) slowly by

chemical reaction.
e.) Quaternary Ammonium Compounds – Referred to as quats, this sanitizer kills micro-
organism and it is designed to sanitize food contact surface such as food preparation

f.) Cleaning Solution - Designed to remove dirt and soil to clean food contact surfaces
like the food preparation table.

g.) Detergent- Penetrates quickly and soften soil so that soil can be scrubbed and
rinsed away.
Note: Detergent is not use on Kitchen Utensils.

h.) Degreaser- Special type of detergent that contains a grease-dissolving agent. Also
known as solvent cleaners, degreaser is used on food contact surfaces like the griller.

i,) Acid Cleaner – Used to remove mineral build up in coffee makers, steam tables, and
dishwashing machines.
Note: Not to use on Aluminum.

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