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Cross-spread Geometry187 SeisSpace® Tools Reference

Cross-spread Geometry

Cross-spread Geometry evaluates the headers of cross-

spread gather traces and assigns appropriate header values
for each cross-spread. Optionally, it allows an generation of a
5D JavaSeis framework for the output data. Cross-spread
Geometry produces no changes in the order of the traces, or
to the sample values. This tool prints a variety of attributes to
the job log so the user can assess the cross-spread gathers’
If you have a full geometry database, it is recommended that
you use the module Cross-spread Database Creation to
define your cross-spread gathers before running Cross-
spread Geometry.
Cross-spread Database Creation is not required for doing
cross-spread processing. However this module is strongly
recommended because it allows extensive QC and evaluation
of your cross-spread definitions.
Cross-spread Geometry module is required for cross-spread
You can use Trace Header Math to calculate a cross-spread
identifier XSD_INDX, then sort on that attribute for input to
Cross-spread Geometry. This approach provides relatively
little QC compared to use of Cross-spread Database Creation.
We recommend reviewing the documentation for both
modules before proceeding.

A cross-spread is defined as the set of the traces in a survey
that have a common source line and common receiver line.
Cross-spread Geometry updates trace headers for a cross-
spread gather so the gather can be addressed properly for
cross-spread processing.
Cross-spreads are created by a 3D shooting geometry of
orthogonal source and receiver lines. A line of shots recorded
into an orthogonal line of receivers is the same as one shot
recorded into a grid of receivers (except that the source-
receiver azimuths are different). As such, cross-spreads are

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3D shot records that produce single fold subsurface


Figure 1. A typical cross-spread shooting geometry with three source lines and
four receiver lines.

Figure 2. On the left an orthogonal line of three shots (yellow asterisks) and three
receivers (white plus symbols) produces exactly the same midpoints (green) as
one shot and nine receivers on the right.

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Not all 3D shooting geometries produce good cross-spread

gathers. A well-formed cross-spread is produced from shots
that are co-linear -- that is, the shots are in a straight line
that crosses a straight line of receivers. The greater the
deviation of shots or receivers from being in straight lines, the
poorer the cross-spread gather will be and the more
compromised the geophysical result.
Keep in mind that your cross-spreads are constrained by the
shooting geometry. You cannot derive good cross-spread
gathers from poorly designed or irregularly shot projects.

Noise attenuation

The cross-spread gather should be regularly sampled in both

spatial dimensions. Cross-spreads lend themselves to
application of 3D noise attenuation methods, with FKK
filtering and FXY deconvolution being the most commonly
used. FKK filtering is used to attenuate ground-roll or other
coherent source-generated noise, while FXY decon is used to
attenuate random noise.

The image above is taken from the 3D Viewer and shows a

synthetic cross-spread gather with strong ground roll and
several reflection events. Coherent source-generated noise
can be seen as a “cone” of energy spreading out spatially from
zero offset as it moves down the record in time. Use of 3D
algorithms can provide much more robust noise attenuation
than application of 2D filtering in individual frames of the

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cross-spread. See the documentation for 3D FKK Filter for

more information.
Various noise attenuation processes may be combined to
optimize the processed result. As with any method of
processing, you should thoroughly test your parameter
selections and evaluate their impact on the interpretability of
the data.

Data organization and distributed arrays

A cross-spread is a 3D data object. As JavaSeis data, we

expect cross-spreads to be handled as volumes composed of
multiple frames. Cross-spreads should not be treated as a
single ensemble or frame. Some projects may have cross-
spreads that are hundreds of thousands of traces in size.
JavaSeis data is read on a frame-at-a-time basis, and a frame
must fit in the memory of a single node. For massive cross-
spreads, there may not be enough memory to hold the entire
cross-spread if it is treated as a single frame.
As an example, consider a cross-spread that is comprised of
200 shots by 240 receivers and 8 seconds at 2 msec sample
rate. This is 48,000 traces (200 x 240), with each trace being
3000 samples of 4-bytes per sample. One cross-spread needs
around 800 megabytes (48,000 traces times 12,000 bytes)
before you start to do anything with the data. Transforms
processes will need considerably more memory, and may
require multiple nodes (a distributed array) in order to
perform the desired processing.
The Cross-spread Geometry module is a special case in that
the input cross-spread data must be read on a “volume”
basis, where each cross-spread is a “volume” comprised of
frames. The entire cross-spread volume must fit in memory a
single node because all trace headers need to be evaluated
together to properly calculate the required header attributes
for that cross-spread. No other processing is done to the trace
data in this module, so little additional memory is required.
The modules that apply geophysical processes to cross-
spreads are “distributed array” tools. These tools need
enough memory for the input cross-spread as well as various
domain transforms.
A distributed array can exist on a single node as long as that
node has enough memory. There is no requirement that the
processing work actually be distributed across multiple

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Cross-spread Geometry191 SeisSpace® Tools Reference

nodes. The distributed array is simply a mechanism to

accommodate computation with large memory requirements.
Data is read into the array on a frame-by-frame basis until
the cross-spread is loaded, then the selected algorithm is
It is convenient if an entire cross-spread volume can fit in
memory on a single node. Processing speed may improve if
this is the case, because no data needs to be exchanged
between the nodes in the array. In this case, you may choose
to read the input data by “volume” and get faster throughput.
However, if you exceed the memory limit of a node, you will
get error messages saying something like this:
!0: java.lang.Out.OfMemoryError: Java heap space
!0: at org.javaseis.ArrayStorage.allocate(

You have two choices to resolve this memory allocation issue.

The simple option is to increase the number of nodes used for
job execution and be sure to read the cross-spread dataset by
“frame” rather than by “volume”. Alternatively, if you have
administrative privilege, you may increase the memory
allocation by choosing Edit > Preferences from the Navigator
and select the Exec tab. In this panel you choose Custom for
both the primary and other execs, and increase the value of -
Xmx to a value within your nodes’ available memory.


Cross-spread Geometry requires that all traces for a cross-

spread must fit in memory on a single node. The module
accumulates traces in memory until it detects that it has
reached the end of a cross-spread. It is assumed the input
data is sorted by cross-spread and that the attribute
XSD_INDX reflects the cross-spread value. The boundary
between cross-spreads is detected by a change in XSD_INDX
header values.
All source coordinates (SOU_XD, SOU_YD) and all receiver
coordinates (REC_XD, REC_YD) in a cross-spread are used to
compute a best-fit source line and receiver line, respectively.
The best-fit criterion minimizes the square of the
perpendicular distance of each coordinate pair to the best-fit
The intersection of the two best-fit lines defines the
coordinates of the cross-spread origin (XSD_XORG,

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XSD_YORG). The cross-spread angle (XSD_ANGL) is the

angle measured from the best-fit source line to the best-fit
receiver line in a clockwise direction.
Before computing distances to the origin, each source and
receiver coordinate pair is checked for uniqueness. A unique
source or unique receiver location is defined one of two ways:
(1) by a header word whose value is unique for a particular
source/receiver location within the cross-spread, or (2) by the
distance of a source/receiver coordinate being greater than a
user-input “tolerance” distance from all other
source/receiver coordinates in the cross-spread. If a
source/receiver location is determined to not be unique, then
it is temporarily assigned the same coordinates as the first
one that was encountered. Ultimately, this results in it being
assigned the same XSD_SDST and XSD_RDST value.
XSD_SDST values are computed by first projecting each pair
of input source coordinates (along a perpendicular line) onto
the best-fit source line, and then calculating the signed
distances between these points and the cross-spread’s origin.
The same procedure is used to compute the XSD_RDST
values from the receiver coordinate pairs and the best-fit
receiver line. The signs of XSD_SDST and XSD_RDST are
determined by the user-specified nominal source and
receiver line azimuths, respectively.
Cross-spread Geometry issues warnings for potentially
troublesome circumstances such as co-located sources or
receivers, sources or receivers with varying fold, receivers
that did not record all sources (possibly needing infill to fully
populate the cross-spread), or sources that were not recorded
by all receivers (possibly needing infill).
The ability to automatically output a well-formed 5D
JavaSeis framework is one of the primary benefits of Cross-
spread Geometry. The 5D framework is a convenience for
the user, not a requirement for the workflow. The trace axis of
the 5D framework is XSD_RLOC, the frame axis of the
framework is XSD_SLOC, the volume axis of the framework is
Receiver line header (R_LINE or equivalent), and the
hypercube axis is Source line header (S_LINE or equivalent).
A simple way to visualize the 5D framework is as a 2D grid of
the cross-spread volumes. The hypercube and volume values
are the shot line and receiver line location of each cross-
spread. With these values, the user knows the position of

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each cross-spread in the project. This allows systematic

organization of the cross-spread jobs in large projects. The
5D framework is not a requirement for processing the cross-
spread gathers.

Workflow options
There are two main workflows for generating cross-spread
gathers, and both workflows allow the same subsequent
geophysical processing. The fundamental difference is
whether or not you want to use the geometry database. We
recommend use of the geometry database as described in
Workflow 1 below because it provides extensive quality
control options and potentially more compact JavaSeis
dataset framework specification.

Summary of Workflow 1 - with Geometry Database

The key steps in this workflow are:

• Create a full 3D geometry database (via geometry
• Run Cross-spread Database Creation* and QC the
• Load geometry to trace headers and transfer the
XSD_INDX attribute from the database to trace headers
and write a JavaSeis dataset
• Create a sort-map for the dataset, using XSD_INDX as
the volume attribute
• Read dataset using “by volume” decomposition method
so that all traces of each cross-spread are together, and
include the Cross-spread Geometry module

Summary of Workflow 2 - No Database

The second method does not require a full pre-stack

geometry database. You have far fewer quality control options
without a database, and the attributes available for defining
JavaSeis frameworks may cause sparse frameworks that are
not efficient. The advantage of this approach is that you are
not subject to the 2.1 billion trace limit of the geometry
The essential steps without a geometry database are:

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• Read your trace data and create a cross-spread header

attribute that is a function of shot line and receiver line
of each trace, and write a JavaSeis dataset (we assume
you have inline/crossline/cdp header attributes by some
• Create a sort-map for the JavaSeis dataset, using the
cross-spread attribute as the volume (fourth dimension)
• Run Cross-spread Geometry, reading the input dataset
“by volume” so that all traces of each cross-spread are

Details of Workflow 1 - with Full Geometry Database

This section describes the main considerations for this

workflow and the implications of certain key parameter
choices. Please refer to the individual parameter descriptions
for specific details.
For projects smaller than 2.1 billion traces, we recommend
using the full geometry database, which allows
comprehensive quality control and easier description of
compact JavaSeis frameworks. We presume users are
familiar with creating the database as well as the use of
DBTools and XYGraph for QC purposes.
When you are satisfied with the geometry database, you run
a flow using the stand-alone module Cross-spread Database
Creation*. This module generates an attribute in the TRC
order that is the cross-spread value for each trace and the
look-up tables to allow extensive QC with DBTools. The
module also adds or updates the XSD (cross-spread index)
order in the database and saves a variety of attributes that
allow you to QC the cross-spreads.
Refer to the Cross-spread Database Creation*
documentation for further details on parameterization and
You can use Inline Geom Header Load followed by
Database/Header Transfer to copy TRC GEOMETRY

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XSD_INDX from the database to the trace header and write

your preliminary dataset:

Now that XSD_INDX is in the headers, you need to run

JavaSeis Sortmap Create* using XSD_INDX as the fourth
dimension (volume) header. The third dimension will typically
be a shot attribute, most likely SOU_SLOC which ordinarily
is the shot station along the shotline. You may need to use
some other shot attribute to ensure uniqueness, and in the
worst case, the SIN value could be used, although this may
require use of a large sparse framework. The Trace axis can
use SEQNO as its attribute. Here is an example of the menu

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This sortmap (XSD_INDX-SOU_SLOC-SEQNO) is used with

the input dataset in a flow with Cross-spread Geometry to
populate the headers with the full complement of cross-
spread attributes. The key is to read the input data using
decomposition “by volume” so that all traces in the cross-
spread are together in memory. Cross-spread Geometry
cannot be used in the same flow with any 3D processing tools
that require decomposition by frame.
Cross-spread processing assumes regularity of the shooting
geometry. If a shot location is repeated, there will be
redundant traces for a cross-spread associated with that
location. Cross-spread Geometry identifies the relative
position of each trace in the cross-spread by creating header
attributes XSD_SLOC and XSD_RLOC. The value of these
attributes may be from 1 to N, where N is the maximum
number of shot locations or receiver locations declared for
the cross-spread. This pair of attribute values will be unique
for each trace in the output cross-spread.
Redundant traces in the cross-spread gather are identified by
assigning a negative value to the XSD_SLOC attribute of each
redundant trace. When you choose the 5D framework option,
these traces will be excluded from the output dataset.
In some instances, you may choose to capture those traces
that are excluded from the output cross-spread gathers. It is
left to the user whether to drop the redundant traces from his
workflow, or capture them for QC purposes only, or do some
other processing to them and ultimately merge them back
with the proper cross-spread data. If you merge them back
into your workflow, consider carefully the data quality and
possible compromise in applying different processing
methods to various parts of the data.

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Here is a flow showing how to capture the redundant traces

that are excluded for the cross-spread:

The first JavaSeis Data Output captures the useful cross-

spread gather traces. The “If” module selects the negative
XSD_SLOC values and sends them into Trace Header Math.
We take the absolute value of the XSD_SLOC attribute
because JavaSeis frameworks cannot have negative values,
and we want to use the XSD_SLOC in the output framework:

In order ensure that every redundant trace is captured, the

Data Context Editor must define the same context as the
input dataset. Do not use the 5D or other framework, or you
may lose traces where the same shot location is used three or
more times.
When the job completes, you may review the redundant data
by using the JavaSeis foldmap for the dataset and view the

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data in the trace viewers. This should give you a clear idea of
how much data is excluded from the cross-spread gathers
and where it is located in the project space.
At this point, you can begin the serious geophysical work of
processing your cross-spread data.

Details of Workflow 2 - No Database

This section describes the main considerations for this

workflow and the implications of certain key parameter
choices. Please refer to the individual parameter descriptions
for specific details.
This workflow assumes you have inline/crossline/cdp and
the related coordinate attribute information already loaded in
the trace header. You may have used 3D Poststack
Geometry to do this.
You need to generate a header attribute that defines a cross-
spread value for each trace. The simplest way to do this is
with Trace Header Math using a function of S_LINE and
R_LINE, the source line and receiver line attributes. Choose a
function that ensures a unique value. As an example, if the
range of source line values is less than 1000, you could use a
function like this:


When the increment between shot line numbers or receiver

line numbers is greater than 1, you may want to use a more
advanced formula to approximate the effect of using corridors
as is done with the module Corridor Assignment*. This may
produce better populated cross-spreads when shots have
been moved off the intended shot line.
For convenience, you may choose to create several header
attributes. You might create XSD_SLIN to represent your
effective shot line number, XSD_RLIN to represent your
effective receiver line number. Say the increment between
shots lines is 6 and between receiver lines is 10, you might
use the following equations to regularize shots into corridors
and make your cross-spread attribute range smaller:

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Cross-spread Geometry199 SeisSpace® Tools Reference

XSD_SLIN = NINT (( S_LINE + 3 ) / 6 )

XSD_RLIN = NINT (( R_LINE + 5 ) / 10 )



NOTE: The function call “NINT” says to return the nearest

integer value. The values 3 and 5 are arbitrarily chosen in
this example. The values you might use depend on the lowest
shot line or receiver line numbers that allow grouping of shot
lines or receiver line number in a sensible manner.
It is useful to maintain the individual attributes in the header
in case you wish to reference them at a later time. By creating
a small range of XSD_INDX values you will have a smaller
expected memory requirement for producing the sortmap.
NOTE: From this point forward, Workflow 2 is the same as
Workflow 1 after the transferring the XSD_INDX attribute
from the database to the trace headers. The next several
pages are repeated from above.
Now that XSD_INDX is in the headers, you need to run
JavaSeis Sortmap Create* using XSD_INDX as the fourth
dimension (volume) header. The third dimension will typically
be a shot attribute, most likely SOU_SLOC which ordinarily
is the shot station along the shotline. You may need to use
some other shot attribute to ensure uniqueness, and in the
worst case, the SIN value could be used, although this may
require use of a large sparse framework. The Trace axis can

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use SEQNO as its attribute. Here is an example of the menu


This sortmap (XSD_INDX-SOU_SLOC-SEQNO) is used with

the input dataset in a flow with Cross-spread Geometry to
populate the headers with the full complement of cross-
spread attributes. The key is to read the input data using
decomposition “by volume” so that all traces in the cross-
spread are together in memory. Cross-spread Geometry
cannot be used in the same flow with any 3D processing tools
that require decomposition by frame.
Cross-spread processing assumes regularity of the shooting
geometry. If a shot location is repeated, there will be
redundant traces for a cross-spread associated with that
location. Cross-spread Geometry identifies the relative
position of each trace in the cross-spread by creating header
attributes XSD_SLOC and XSD_RLOC. The value of these
attributes may be from 1 to N, where N is the maximum
number of shot locations or receiver locations declared for
the cross-spread. This pair of attribute values will be unique
for each trace in the output cross-spread.
Redundant traces in the cross-spread gather are identified by
assigning a negative value to the XSD_SLOC attribute of each
redundant trace. When you choose the 5D framework option,
these traces will be excluded from the output dataset.

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Cross-spread Geometry201 SeisSpace® Tools Reference

In some instances, you may choose to capture those traces

that are excluded from the output cross-spread gathers. It is
left to the user whether to drop the redundant traces from his
workflow, or capture them for QC purposes only, or do some
other processing to them and ultimately merge them back
with the proper cross-spread data. If you merge them back
into your workflow, consider carefully the data quality and
possible compromise in applying different processing
methods to various parts of the data.
Here is a flow showing how to capture the redundant traces
that are excluded for the cross-spread:

The first JavaSeis Data Output captures the useful cross-

spread gather traces. The “If” module selects the negative
XSD_SLOC values and sends them into Trace Header Math.
We take the absolute value of the XSD_SLOC attribute

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because JavaSeis frameworks cannot have negative values,

and we want to use the XSD_SLOC in the output framework:

In order ensure that every redundant trace is captured, the

Data Context Editor must define the same context as the
input dataset. Do not use the 5D or other framework, or you
may lose traces where the same shot location is used three or
more times.
When the job completes, you may review the redundant data
by using the JavaSeis foldmap for the dataset and view the
data in the trace viewers. This should give you a clear idea of
how much data is excluded from the cross-spread gathers
and where it is located in the project space.
At this point, you can begin the serious geophysical work of
processing your cross-spread data.


Input Headers

Cross-spread Geometry uses the following trace header

entries in the input data:
• XSD_INDX (“Cross-spread index number”)
• Source line header
• Receiver line header
• SOU_XD (“Source X coordinate”)
• SOU_YD (“Source Y coordinate”)

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• REC_XD (“Receiver X coordinate”)

• REC_YD (“Receiver Y coordinate”)
• Unique source header if Header value to Unique
source determination method
• Unique receiver header if Header value to Unique
receiver determination method
XSD_INDX is used to detect the boundary between cross-
Source line header and Receiver line header values are
expected to be the same for every trace within a cross-spread
- in fact that is the definition of a cross-spread. A severe
warning is printed if they are not.
SOU_XD, SOU_YD, REC_XD, and REC_YD are used to
compute the best-fit source and receiver lines.

Output Headers

XSD_INDX values are renumbered sequentially from 1 to N in

the order that they are processed if Yes to Renumber the
Cross-spread Geometry creates the following trace header
entries in the output data:
• XSD_ANGL (“Cross-spread sou/rec lines angle”)
• XSD_FOLD (“Cross-spread total trace count”)
• XSD_ILN (“Inline at cross-spread center”)
• XSD_RDST (“Cross-spread receiver distance”)
• XSD_RLOC (“Receiver index in cross-spread”)
• XSD_SDST (“Cross-spread source distance”)
• XSD_SLOC (“Source index in cross-spread”)
• XSD_XLN (“Crossline at cross-spread center”)
• XSD_XORG (“Cross-spread center X coordinate”)
• XSD_YORG (“Cross-spread center Y coordinate”)

XSD_FOLD is the number of traces in the cross-spread.

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Calculation of other output headers starts with the

calculation of the best-fit lines through the X,Y coordinates of
all unique sources and unique receivers in the cross-spread.
XSD_ANGL is the angle in degrees clockwise from the best-fit
source line to the best-fit receiver line.
XSD_XORG and XSD_YORG are the coordinates of the origin
of the cross-spread, which is defined as the intersection of
the best-fit source and receiver lines.
XSD_ILN and XSD_XLN are the ILINE_NO and XLINE_NO of
the CDP bin that contains the cross-spread origin. If the
origin is outside the limits of the CDP grid, then XSD_ILN and
XSD_XLN are NULL. These attributes are used for reference
only, so NULL values will not affect your processing.
The next step is to project all unique sources onto the best-fit
source line and all unique receivers onto the best-fit receiver
XSD_SDST is the distance from the cross-spread origin to the
projection of the source onto the best-fit source line.
XSD_RDST is the distance from the cross-spread origin to the
projection of the receiver onto the best-fit receiver line.

The final step is to bin the source XSD_SDST values using

Nominal source spacing and the receiver XSD_RDST values
using Nominal receiver spacing.

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NOTE: This is the step where we enforce “regularity” of

spatial sampling and identify redundant data that may be
dropped from processing.
XSD_SLOC is the relative bin index within each cross-spread
for shots. The shot with the minimum XSD_SDST value will
be assigned XSD_SLOC of 1.
If two or more unique source values exist in the same bin, the
source that is closest to the bin center keeps its XSD_SLOC
value. The XSD_SLOC value for the other sources in the bin
is negated (for example, 3 is set to -3) and a warning about
duplicate XSD_SLOC indices is printed.
Gaps in the sampling of sources result in “missing”
XSD_SLOC indexes. Gaps may cause the maximum
XSD_SLOC index to be greater than the number of unique
sources. A warning is printed if the assigned XSD_SLOC
index is greater than Maximum number of sources per
XSD_RLOC is the relative bin index within each cross-spread
for receivers. The receiver with the minimum XSD_RDST
value will be assigned XSD_RLOC of 1.
If two or more unique receiver values exist in the same bin,
the receiver that is closest to the bin center keeps its
XSD_RLOC value. The XSD_RLOC value for the other
receivers in the bin is negated (for example, 3 is set to -3) and
a warning about duplicate XSD_RLOC indices is printed.
Gaps in the sampling of receivers result in “missing”
XSD_RLOC indexes. Gaps may cause the maximum
XSD_RLOC index to be greater than the number of unique
receivers. A warning is printed if the assigned XSD_RLOC
index is greater than Maximum number of receivers per
NOTE: XSD_SLOC and XSD_RLOC represent the “regularity”
of sampling within the cross-spread. These are key attributes
for sorting and properly addressing cross-spread gather data.
If 5D Cross-spread for Output JavaSeis framework, then
XSD_RLOC is the trace axis and XSD_SLOC is the frame axis
of the output 5D JavaSeis framework. JavaSeis Data Output
will discard any traces with negative XSD_SLOC values or
any XSD_SLOC or XSD_RLOC values greater than Maximum

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number of sources per cross-spread or Maximum number

of receivers per cross-spread.
Refer to the Details of Workflow 1 or 2 earlier in this
document for details on handling negative XSD_SLOC values.


Input Options

Maximum number of sources per cross-spread

Enter the largest number of sources within a single source

line that is recorded into a single receiver line.

Maximum number of receivers per cross-spread

Enter the largest number of receivers within a single receiver

line that records the shots from a single source line.

Nominal source spacing

Enter the nominal spacing between sources in a source line

in feet or meters. The value is used to bin the sources in a
source line and calculate XSD_SLOC.

Nominal receiver spacing

Enter the nominal spacing between receivers in a receiver

line in feet or meters. The value is used to bin the receivers in
a receiver line and calculate XSD_RLOC.

Source line header

Select the header entry that represents the source lines. This
header is normally S_LINE, unless corridors are being used,
in which case it may be something such as SIN_CORR. Every
trace in a cross-spread is expected to have the same value (by
definition of a cross-spread).

Receiver line header

Select the header entry that represents the receiver lines.

This header is normally R_LINE, unless corridors are being
used, in which case it may be something such as SRF_CORR.

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Every trace in a cross-spread is expected to have the same

value (by definition of a cross-spread).

Unique source determination method

Select the method of determining unique source locations.

Choices are:
• Header value to use a single header value.
• X, Y, and tolerance to use source x,y coordinates and a

Source location tolerance

This appears if X, Y, and tolerance to Unique source

determination method. Enter the location tolerance in feet
or meters. Sources with x,y locations more than tolerance
apart are considered to be unique.

Unique source header

This appears if Header value to Unique source

determination method. Select the header entry that defines
unique sources.

Unique receiver determination method

Select the method of determining unique receiver locations.

Choices are:
• Header value to use a single header value.
• X, Y, and tolerance to use receiver x,y coordinates and a

Receiver location tolerance

This appears if X, Y, and tolerance to Unique receiver

determination method. Enter the location tolerance in feet
or meters. Receivers with x,y locations more than tolerance
apart are considered to be unique.

Unique receiver header

This appears if Header value to Unique receiver

determination method. Select the header entry that defines
unique receivers.

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Nominal source line azimuth (degrees)

Enter the nominal source line azimuth in degrees clockwise

from north, e.g. 0 for North, 90 for East, and 225 for
Southwest. This value is used to sanity check the best-fit line
that is computed using the source X,Y coordinates.

Max deviation from nominal source line azimuth

Enter the maximum allowable deviation in degrees from the

nominal source line azimuth. Cross-spread Database
Creation computes the azimuth of the best-fit line through
the X,Y coordinates of all sources in the cross-spread. If the
difference between the computed azimuth and the Nominal
source line azimuth is greater than the maximum allowable
deviation, a warning is printed and the computed azimuth is
replaced by the Nominal source line azimuth.

Nominal receiver line azimuth (degrees)

Enter the nominal receiver line azimuth in degrees clockwise

from north, e.g. 0 for North, 90 for East, and 225 for
Southwest. This value is used to sanity check the best-fit line
that is computed using the receiver X,Y coordinates.

Max deviation from nominal source line azimuth

Enter the maximum allowable deviation in degrees from the

nominal source line azimuth. Cross-spread Database
Creation computes the azimuth of the best-fit line through
the X,Y coordinates of all sources in the cross-spread. If the
difference between the computed azimuth and the Nominal
source line azimuth is greater than the maximum allowable
deviation, a warning is printed and the computed azimuth is
replaced by the Nominal source line azimuth.

Output Options

Renumber the cross-spreads?

Select Yes to renumber XSD_INDX values sequentially from 1

to N in the order that the cross-spreads are processed. Select
No to retain the existing values. If Cross-spread Database
Creation was used, then there is no need to renumber
XSD_INDX header values.

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Output JavaSeis framework

This parameter provides the choice of outputting a well-

formed 5D JavaSeis framework, or passing the existing
JavaSeis framework unmodified. The ability to output a well-
formed 5D JavaSeis framework is one of the primary benefits
of Cross-spread Geometry.

Minimum source line (S_LINE)

This appears if 5D Cross-spread for Output JavaSeis

framework. Enter the smallest source line number in the
input dataset used to create the output cross-spreads. It is
the minimum HyperCube or 5th dimension in the output
JavaSeis dataset.

Maximum source line (S_LINE)

This appears if 5D Cross-spread for Output JavaSeis

framework. Enter the largest source line number in the
input dataset used to create the output cross-spreads. It is
the maximum HyperCube or 5th dimension in the output
JavaSeis dataset.

Source line (S_LINE) increment

This appears if 5D Cross-spread for Output JavaSeis

framework. Enter the increment between source lines used
to create the hypercubes.
Minimum receiver line (R_LINE)

This appears if 5D Cross-spread for Output JavaSeis

framework. Enter the smallest receiver line number in the
input dataset used to create the output cross-spreads. It is
the minimum value for the Volume or 4th dimension in the
output JavaSeis dataset.

Maximum receiver line (R_LINE)

This appears if 5D Cross-spread for Output JavaSeis

framework. Enter the largest receiver line number in the
input dataset used to create the output cross-spreads. It is
the maximum value for the Volume or 4th dimension in the
output JavaSeis dataset.

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Cross-spread Geometry210 SeisSpace® Tools Reference

Receiver line (R_LINE) increment

This appears if 5D Cross-spread for Output JavaSeis

framework. Enter the increment between receiver lines used
to create the hypercubes.

See Also
Cross-spread Database Creation is used to define which
traces belong to individual cross-spreads prior to Cross-
spread Geometry.
Cross-Spread Synthetic Generation is a useful learning tool
for experimenting with and understanding cross-spread

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