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Where are the companies that most contaminate the

enviroment whit the elaboración of clothing?
Changing Market visita 10 companies in China, India, and
Indonesia founding se eral ambiental damage like air
pollution and lakes, riveras and ocean pollute becaus the
water that they use has chemicals that end in this places
also with the growing of the fast fashion they have been
cuting down forest to constructor factories to produce
more clothes some of this companies are H&M, Inditex the
owner of Zara, Marks & Spencer and Tesc are the
companies that cause this but some companies like H&M
whan to change this helping the enviroment insted of
polluting it.

How many pices of clothes go to the trash every day?

This is an interesting question but it is difficult to answers
but if we get de tails of the Page Tate of Master 2,880,000
pices of clothes go to the landfils every day but this clothe
amount Will increas if we don't stop buying clothe but whit
the grownig of the fast fashion each Ane of us trows 30
kilograms of clothe every year but in most of the time this
clothe end in riveras and ocean contaminate g it and
damagin the ocean ecosistemas in some places were they
have to live with the animals of the ocean eat this
contaminate animals becaus we don't know if this fishes
have eaten something that the companies of clothes threw
to the ocean like microplastic
Clothing that is thrown away usually ends up in
landfills, the most common method of waste
treatment. According to The Waste Management
Hierarchy – a scale that ranks waste management
options by their environmental impact – landfill is
the most harmful to our planet.

While decomposing, clothes emit greenhouse

gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and Methane
gas (CH4), a substance that is is 28 times higher
than CO2 in terms of emissions. This is a major
global warming problem. Clothes do not
biodegrade while in a landfill.
An article of clothing could remain there for more
than 200 years before decomposing as it is
surrounded by (and sometimes made) of plastic.
Materials made by petrol such as acrylic are
similar to any other plastic and will not
decompose. Chemicals used in clothes, such as
the one used to create waterproof material and
color dyes, can leach to the ground and cause
environmental damage

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